Page 425 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 425

FER ET ACIER-IRON AND 87'EEL                      405
           lB-Principales statistiqueR de l'industrie des produits primaires du fer et de
                               l'acier, Canad , par provinces, 1951.
          lB-Principal statistics of the primary iron and steel industry, Canada, by
                                        provinces, 1951.
                                  ttnblis.         Snlnirea    Mnti~re.  Valeur hTOt,e
                                  SQlIlonts  EUlploy<!'  t gn~  prcmièr08  de )0. production
                                   Plaote  Emlï;;ye s  Slllari  Cost of  Gross value
                                                  nnd \\'n~09  lJIutcrial$  of produotion
                                    no.    no.       S           S          S
          N.·f:cOll"o•......... Nova Scotin ...  5  4,837  ]3,2:;·1,893  20,:111,735  3n,512,061
          Québec ....... , ..................  13  4,IOn  1"~,  :13,031  17 ,RI 1,8 LI  48, 7,~8,840
          Ontario... ....................  ~l  22,670  77 ,427, 70  178.221,367  35n ,400, 708
          Mnnitobo......             4     1,000   2,792,4/iO  2,e7Z,  7    ,732,057
          Alberta........ : .......... , ......  2
          Colorol,ie Rnt...... Drit,. Col.. .... ,  0  1187  2, 2113. Mn  3,OG3,07J;  8,174,730
                CANi\OA ............... .  67  33,393  108,561,802  223,OU,llU  464,587,486
           Source: I/cc""••m.nt rk l' [ ..du.''''':•. Ottawu.  Source: Co".u. o[ f"dustry, OttIW".
            L'indu t,l'il'! dos produits plimair s du fer llt  'l'ho primary il'on and st..ool  ilJdll~try is
          de 1'l1(Jier compte habituollemcnt parmi los  usunlJy comI ris d in \lte l'ol'ty leu.ding indust,l'ies
          quarante plincipales de la Provinc.  La valeur  01' tho Provine.  The gl'o. s v<tluo of produc-
          hrut de hL pn>ùllction on 19.5l s'pst tJl€>v(lo il,  tinn in 1051 UJl1ountf>c! to $48,758,  0 .. salari s
             ,758,840; 1 s salair  pny s so S()ll~ chifft·os  and  W~e8 paid l'eached ,12,82a,ml.  'l'he
          à ,l2,823 rO:31.  La production d c ttf' indus-  industry's production i6 equivalont to about
          trie représente il, peu pl S un jJour cent ùe la  One pel' cent of th aggreglLte ma.D.ufnct,uring
          production roanufMtt!l'i  totale do ht Pro-  production in the Province; novert.h la s, it
          vince; toutefoL, il st p mlis de pl' voir quo  cao 00 fol' seon that this percentage ,~iIl he
          ce pourcentage augmentera ·n iblement daos  eoosidel'ably increA od w:Hhin the next few
          quelqu  aon                 
          19-Principales statistiques de l'industrie d,,~ produits primaires du fer et de
                             l'acier, provinco de Qué.bec, 1925-51.
          19-Principal statistics of the primary iron and steel industry, Province of Quebec,
                           Établi&-            Slllaires    Mnti<lr08   Vnlêllr brul.e
                Année      80ments  Employila  et gnges     premières  do 11\ production
                Yeur       Eoto.b·  Employees  Salllti...    Coot of    Gross vnlue
                          lishmenlAl           IInd w"l!Ol!  Mnterillis  of productiou
                            no.      no.         •            •            S
          102G    , .....•....  l)   1.180     1,442,000    1,01l.7119   4,507,840
          102()..............•...  10  1,670   2,089.0211   2.360,853    O,040,llS3
          1027  , .....•.......  10  1,600     2,143.270    1,:l02,3ll(l  6,433,538
          1928         , ..  JO      1,7.17    2.433,:1:14  1.662,038    7.a50,li81
          1020           .   13      2,62'1    3,0611,143   2,670.0711  10.344,845
          1030           .   13      2, J70    2,099,077    2, 288 ,O~14  8,100,360
          HJ31      .        11      1,770     2,205.216    1,770,846    ,~,1l18,/i00
          1032       ,  ,.   14      1,22(\    1.084 ,304    816,018     2, ,,00.70;;
          1033           .   14      1,104     1.003.807     722.'181    2, rt5:1.091
          1113'1 .•.................  13  l,~5G  1,223,141  1,188,618    3,3'13,G86
          10=3(;  ,  .       13      1,701     1.673,754    1 .5.j2. 773  4,1115.782
          19:3n      , ..•...  1·1   2,015     2,012,951    1,0 9,062    5,074,845
          1037      .        14      2.866     3,090,722    4,IOI,8ll3  10,1 Ill. 386
          103       .        14      2,425     2,043.864    3,1 l, 20    8,418,180
          1930     .         14      2,'173    3,088,867    3,401,268    9.410,400
          11140          .  14       2,073     4,114,286    4,072.518   1=3.563,170
          1941           .  16      1.1107     7,596,337    0,4 ",45:1  22.538,137
          11142      .      16      6.079     12,101,633   15,1124,076  34,076,121
          19·1:1........•..........  16  6,482  12.290.4711  12.634 ,'128  32,341,736
          1914           .   17     6,137     11,050.859   JO. 422,778  32,950,012
          1945...........•.......  16  n,745  11.348.835   10,301. 08   32.797,360
          1016       .       14     3,691      6,078,934    ll.2J7,082  III,Oll7.2011
          1947           .  13      3,         B,105,163    7,877,(i7::;  24,713.1128
          1948  , ........•....  12  4,212    10.223.119   12,481,89·1  34,176.303
          194.11  ..        12      4,017     10,434,87    18,111,37(1  30,556,230
          1950           .  12      3.482      9,543,763   Il,222.417   32.208,247
          1951           .  13      4,199     12.823,031   17, 8H. 8-50  18.75l:i,840
           SaUTee: Rocell ment dG l'ind"$lri., Ott-aWQ.  Source: Censu. o[]),  Ottnw~,
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