Page 423 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 423

MINR1~M DJ<: '<'ER-IRON ORE                    403
            La productioll oonadienne de  merai de Per,  Iron ore produced in Ct\D.ada from 1939 to
          de 1939 il. 1945 provient nU  lent do l'On-  ]948 came Bolely from Ontario, ,vith the excop-
          tario, il. J'exception d'nn  sou!  annoo: 1943;.  tion of a single year i.o. 1943. Sinee W23 the
          depuis 1923, la pro\rjnce de Québec n'aœuae  PI'O\cLnCe of Quebec is not shown to have
          aucune productioll de fcl'.  La Province a pro-  produced auy iron or.  Up to 1!J23 it produced
          duit lUlO 1{lR"~'re qUllD tité cl  minorai de fol'  El small quantity.  Howover, it must Dot bo
          jusqu'on 1923; tont,c(c,is, il ne faut pas ouLli l'  O\Terlooked that. for the years prior to 1923 the
          quo IDS chiffr .6 autérieUI"S ~ 1923 incluont Wle  figw-es comprise a small quantity of titanium
          petito proportiun de minerai titanifùre.  ore.

            16-lmportntions canadiennes  t exportations de minerai de fer, 1925-52.
                    16---Importa into Canada and Exports of Iron Ore, 1925-52.
                                lmportations-I mporte        E:tporta.tiona-E:tport.a
                             Quantité       Valeur        Qunnt.t<!      Vnleur
               Yea...                                       -
                             Quuntity        Vnlue        Qnnntity       V"luo
                            wnnes-tol18       S          tonn03-tons       $
          1025.....•...........  1,031.225  2,016,574        4,{OI        19,56'1
          1926..............•..  1,465.715  2,853,5<10        150          7,430
          1021.......• , .....•..  1,181,366  2,875,624      2,476        12,125
          1028    ,',  , ..  2,222,891     4,325,IGO         2.615        12,500
          1029.....•.....    2,447.807     5,026.26&         3.859        19,101
          103e          .    1,485,429     3.824,100          658          3,02&
          1031.         .     8Oil,'120    1.118,443         1.66&         5,192
          1932          ,      61,507        181 ,363         720          2,364
          1933  .             205,103        400,141         1,714         1,563
          1\134  .            911,341      1.821,308         3,311        12,383
          1936  , ........•...  1,500,033  2,000 ,201        2,740         0,826
          1936  .            1,311,033     2,63:),920        2,125         8,669
          1031         ..    2,12U)12      4.121.381        4,1'144       14,291
          1938          .    1.302,430     2.830,482          209           636
          1939..........•......  1.761,8<1<1  4.110,353     10,5<10       42,167
          1940..........•. , .•.•  2,118,237  il.fiI3.215  251,626       928,859
          1941. ..•.•.........•.  3,254, (156  1,1:14.165  282,068      1.040,155
          11142.             2,701,968     (;,230.107      205.000      1,055,801
          10·1:1   " ....•.  3,000,425     9,056,:lBll     314.611      2,450,085
          WH . ...........•....  3,120,610  7,393,026      308.424      1.153.106
          1040.........•..•....  . 3.139,861  8,595,100    111,405      2.552,601
          19·16.........•..•.•..  2,281,611  6,461.023    1,1-15,256    4,352,911
          19-17..•.•....•....•..  3,944,550  12.710,818   1,740,016     0,023,4018
          HH8           .    4.300,163     15.606,000     1,010,217     0,300,742
          19·10......•..•.   2,517,230     12,0»7,415     2.500,290    14, 1l7, 171
          1950.........•.......  3.070.551  16,801,721    2,221.475    13,309,782
          1951. ..           3.S:il ,'U8  22,611,265      3,225,767    18,006,131
          1052          .    1.267,658    20.5JO.451      3,840.008    22,333.472
           Source: Commerce du Canoda, Otta",a,  Source: Trad. of Can.ada. Ottnwa.
           Le Canada importe annuellement uno assoz  Canada imports a fairly large quantity of
          forto quantité de minorai cie f r; en 1952, ces  iron ore antlllally; in 1952, the amount im-
          iwporU1tions s'élev l'on  à 4·,267.658 tonnes
                                               p l'letl reuched 4,267,658 tons, valuec! aL
          d'une va] Ill' cl  $26, ]9,451.  La diminution
                                               $26,519,451.  The clcerense in 1049 is only
          de 194!) n'est qu'apparente; elle provient du
         fait que Terre-Neuve est entré daD6 la Conf6-  apparont and resull,s from NewfoundJand's
          dératioD.  l"n effet, UDe bonne part des im-  entry inta Confederation. Since a substantial
          pOl-tations canadiennes de minerai de fer pro-  part of Canaclian imports of iron ore came
 de 'l'emt-Neuve; ce qui coosLitllltit au-  l'rom  Newfonndland,  what wer:e  formerly
          trefois Ulle importation est dovenu une produc-  CI nsiclm cl as imports have now become a
          tiou canadienne; d'autre part, le minomi ex-  part of Canaclian production.  On tJJe other
          POtté par Torre-Neuvo outro aujourd'hui dans  JJ:1Dcl, ore xported by Newl'oundlo.nd ja now
          les exportations canadiennes.        includ d in Cuno.dian exports.
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