Page 426 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 426

406                              MENES

        Il n'y a aucune production de fer en gueuse  No pig iron is producOO in the P!'(winue of
      dans la province de QlIébœ; on remarque, l'nI'  QU(;1Jcc; on the oUwr bSJl.d, thora is a SJll~l.ll
      1Li1leurs, une légère production de lingots d'acier  producl.ion of steel ingots and castings.
      et de fonte.
      20-Production canadienne, i mportationa et exportationa de fer en gueuse.
               20-Canadian production, Importa and Exporta of Pig Iron.

                                      ImportAUo,,-Importa    Exportatioll8-Exporta
                         Production  Qu..oli~    Valeur    QUlIolill!  Valonl'
                                     QUüntity    Value     Qunntity    Value
                                                  •                     S
                        Tonllc  Tana  Tonc08-Tons        Tonnce-Ton•
      Moy.-Av 6.
       1925-29...          930,869    37,520     652.223    4,lGO      79.626
      1930.........•.........  836.830  15,289   270,157      M·l      12,r,r,3
      1031...................  470,442  8,861    H8,Oûl     8, 1~1     lili.Jlol:i
      1932...................  101,426  6,323    78.845     2,272      38.li10
      IlI3S ...................  25,1.505  2.75-1  -13.298  13,3:11   214.19:i
      1034 ...................  453.604  7,180   108,300    10,327     In,OU3
      1935., ..•..............  671,860  9.POO   H3,726     16,410    287.:i!IO
      1936...................  750,619  4,435    74.589     lfi,572   ;WI.(i!'\2
      1937...................  1,006,718  7,135  1'1'1,364  43.138    H'ol.701
      1938...................  790,078  2,377    62,494     Il .811    2~·1. 261
      1039................  846,418     fm7      16,176     12.015    2~1,787
      1940.........•.....• , ..  1,300,000  20.703  672,489  4, lI3    101, l26
      1041 ...................  [,528,063  4,729  131.112     380      10,090
      1942.........•.........  1.975,014  1.536  42.718       427      12,175
      W43 ..•... .•.•..•......  1,768,2(;0  7.118  17:l.Ji98  438      11.163
      1044...................  l ,862,6~8  8, iiHI  Za5,ü66  5.608     1~:l,081
      104~. '" .......•.......  1.777,(149  1.!iS9  231,002  21,854   49a, 1,,0
      1046...................  l,406,2n2  12.1~5  aH.!l29     039      ~:I.(jn
      1947.....•......•......  1,062.848  S.Hfl3  25~,O54   1,47G      lir,.(HO
      1048.........       2.125,739   7,378      233,223      602      ~\J#22G
      1940.. ... " ............  2,154,481>  29.531  936,311  12.506   fl't7,!IB3
      1050.. ..... , ...........  2.317,121  29 ,~28  1.1111.381  10'1,528  S,a!i7 ,045
      1951. ..................  2,652,1<03  ~2.126  1,000,91[,  223,635  12.::0:1,670
           21-Production de lingota d'acier et de fonte, Canada, par provinces.
           21-Production of Steel Ingota and Steel Caatinga, Canada, by Provincea.
         Annéea            N.-Écosso                                   Col. Brit.
          -       CANADA     -      Qudbeo   On~~rio  M!,"ilob..  Alborta  -
         Yen",            Nova Sco~ill                                 Brit. Col.
                   tonnes   tonnes   tonnes  tonnee   torllletl  tonDCS  tonne.
                    -        -        -        -       -        -        -
                    tuna     ~Ollll  tons     tons     tons     tons     ~OD'
        11)25-29. ....  J, 131,977  351,\)03  20.8il3  718,263  27.084  309  098
      19aO......... " . 1,1.10.n7  332,138  50,502  715,823  21,410  9.382  1.376
      l!J31. ...........  7[j2,7(i2  lil3,232  49,134  496,209  15,702  7.487  907
      Hl32............  3XO.Ofl7  76.866  21,201  272,213  7.181  2.106    41L
      ltI33............  -t.-IH,1711  139.020  21.187  288,520  9,530  23\  070
      1034.. ........  8·IH,7Ili  292,124  31,073  512,31l8  11,101  4301  1.580
      10:15............ 1.0,;4,500  334.621  30,285  069,30G  18.200\  414  1.680
      11130............  1,240,672  424,500  1-1,567  75B.1l93  21,n03  a05  1..894
      1037............  1,571,227  478,356  08. !l3  994,45G  27,480  402  2.421
      IO~8............ 1,293,812  ;179.096  54,591  8aO,585  20,250  419  2. !l65
      I03U.........  1.551,OM  '151,314  56.702  1,014,003  25,043  445  3.547
      1940............ 2 .253. 7~9  623.021  13,631  1.512,495  39,789  381  4,452
      1!141 ............ 2.712.151  633,203  1:18.721  1.872.3-15  54,189  7.400  5,903
      1012............ 3.10\l.8I>1  637,903  180,637  2.207.20  55,967  22,21\4  6.682
      1043............ 3.004,12'1  676.678  157.602  2,182,802  605,565  ~2.217  9,310
      10-14 ..... , ...... 3,016,162  578,846  117.6.18  2.253 ,083  42,140  18.085  6.259
      104.,;.......... .. 2,877,027  500,36fJ  108.770  2.IHl.OM  44,284  13,1:;/1  Il,277
      1\116............ 2,327 ,2~j  425,863  Oa,7o:l  1,781,70l  52,064  1aiJ  :i ,1r,·j
      19·17...... " .... 2,945.052  563,377  1l7.510  2.253,854  55.367  GI5  5.1!19
      l048............ 3,200,489  020.60'1  78.6 1  2,436.000  6Q .084  :m7  4,folH
      1()40............ 3,loO,a77  072,807  73.002  2,30lï,201  00,079  373  18.82"
      1950............ 3,383,576  685,'180  71,li31  2,520.770  69,4117  723  2n,004
      1951. ........... 3 ,5G8, 720  700 ,451  120.310  2,019,072  78,lilJG  1.037  '10.184
       Source, L Inà",u,.. d•• prodUIt. llrtma"., du {lM' .t d.  Source: Th. /'rtlllar1/ Iron and Stee/. /nàu.tl1l. OttuW(lo..
      /·0....,.. O~t"W(l.
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