Page 430 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 430

410                         FOURRUREEr-FUR

           2-PRODUCTION DE FOURRURES                 2-FUR PRODUCTION
        La valeur de la production cl fourrures de  Tho value of fur production in tltu Province
       la province do Québec s'est tJlevée à $2,343,787  of Quebec amounted to . 2,343,787 in 1\),j L-52
       on 1951....'52 comparativom nt ~~ $3,370,829 en  compared to 53,370,829 in 1950-01.
             2-Valeur des peaux d'animaux à fourrure, au Canada, par provinces.
              2-Value of Pelta of Fur-Bearing AnimaIs in Canada, by Provinces.
          PROVINCES                     1947-48  11MB-49  1949·50  1950·51  lOS 1·,52
                        1035--30  1040-44
                          •       S       •       •       •       •        •

       T.·Neuve..... Nfld .....  ..... , ..... ... ...... .. ..  . ..  .....  151,[,21
       l.-P.-E ....... p.KI.. ...  .ï;is23;ilila.  813.101  M8,7l6  ·âo·  21'>8,440  .. 176; i5i!'  216.786
       N.-E......... N. S .....  ~76.021  667,460  622.617  612,032  300,872  611.970  511.063
       N.-U......... N. 13.....  1. 064. 943  888.722  453.159  3ll8,982  304,005  170.670  210,916
       8u/,beo................  2. ~31, 890  4.432,228  8.41'>8,928  2.388,065  2,81'1,841l  3.370,829  2,343.787
        ntario................  2,(;76,755  5.061,283  8.132,455  6,661.318  6,109,228  8,210.658  0,012.115
       M"nltoLn..............  1,411, 760  3,450,867  6.105.926  4.03tl,459  4,276.630  6,370.336  4 .4GI, 816
       a,,"katohewno ...... , ...  1, 178.936  2.561. 847  3.500,943  .2.218,441  2,31'>0,1101  2.805.072  2.139,560
       Albertn ................  l ,7'7'1,732  4,216,566  ".313,966  3,761,727  3,830,005  5,280.lI52  4.192,376
       C.-B ......... B. C.....  1.157.415  2.256.113  1,073,814  1,473,298  1.631,083  2.736,5'14  2,038,738
       T. N.-0....... N. W. '1'..  1,237,477  2,449,941  1.872,302  1,535.461  900.50'1  2,038,330  1,448,173
       Y~kon.................  205.276  4'10,194  230.117  1'13,810  109,086  301.g09  173.252
            CANADA....... 15,421,817  27,727,3&2  12,2J2,II92  22,198,182  23,114,0]3  :11,134.400  24,189,U1
        Lorsqu'il s'agit de production de fourrures,  Fur produotion i.e oomputed on a baeis or
       la. saison se termine le 30 juin de ohaque  twelva mont..hs ending on June 30th of' eacb
                                            yea:r.  In tho following ta.ble  the averll€6
       année.  DanB 10 tllhleau qui suit, nous avons
                                            value of pelta has bûlln omitted in order tü
       omil. la. valeur moyenna des peaux dans le but
                                            a.Uow for tho publication of stAtistios for two
       da publier la statistique de deux I1DJl(les.  years.
          3-Nombre et valeur des pelleteries, province de Québec, 1950-51 et 1951~52.
           3--Number and Value of Pelta, Province of Quebec, 1950-51 and 1951-52.

                                    A l'ètl1t ""uvnge  Elev/'e "" coptlvlt6  Vnleurtotalo de. peaw:
              VAllIJl:TJ1:fr-KINDS     Wild IIfe    &Doh rulaod  Tot...1 " ...Iuo of peltll
                                           1951-52  1050·61  1951-52  1950-51  1051·52
                                     No.    No.     No,    No.     S       S
       Vison (alo.odard) ..•..  Min], (lltlllUl..rd)  .  20,290  14.603  30,445  43,552  1.242,0{2  944,627
       Caotor ............•.  J-kaver  ,~  ,.  2ij.143  22,822  .......... ..........  7711.43:1  502.084
       Rat ml)"llu/'  .  ;Muokmt  , ..•..  1BO,648  172.417       424.623  3LO.~liH
       Renard 8nrontf,  .  !·'ox 1 Bi! ver  .  106  34  ."ii:ioa' "ïi:[,:io'  1·1f'. no  119.464
       Benroin" (bclett.a) ..•.  Enoioc (\\'0""01). , •.  47.673  aa,9n:!  1;3,428  '1".889
       RCfULfd, plnLinc .... , •  Fu", p)nt.i.nuna, ,., . ,  ... 'a>i2i' ..  ... ï:i05' ....Ùiz·  21,4;)0  H.!I~lI
       Lo·utre  .     Ottor... " ... , .....      .......... ..........  87.129  5G,UlJ:l
       Renard  D.llll'QuO  de
       tO~11:r.l~~i:::"::::::~::  ~1'oX! whitc·ma,rked .  ."gi:ôili' " '00;[,07' .. ".jjo:i· ... '[,;889'  16.6.10  16.a37
                      ~qlllrrel. ......•.. , .
       Viaon de mutatiao  ..  Nlink, mullLwlJo  .  l              91.887  Ua ,484
       P~kIUI.      .  ri:~llCr   .  ... ï ;'iiti·, ..... i:èl26' o:io  .[,;870'  40.977  23,508
       Vi~nn lJleu nrgcnt,6 ; ..  Mifllt, silv.r blue  .          108,a66  111.308
       Ronard roux., ,  , ,  }'ox, red  .  ·.. iO:~G2·,·· ..B:àÏli'  14  20,u31  12,5'12
       Martre       .  M,i.rten   .     9"  1  95       .          1,520  1,000
       Renll,rl blnno  .  ~'ux, wwt.a  .  12.;HI '  2,702  ..     220,338  37.828
       Lynx (loup corvier)  .  Lynx  .  !lll  765       .         11,354  6,365
       Renard pllltine pnrlè..  Fox. peurJ p]ati,ulIlTI.  2:l9  219  3.914  3.073
       R.atoo lavour  , ..  Raooooo.........•.  ·2:553' ....2:183'  39  ..  6.440  6,55{)
       Rennrd oroisé  , .  Fox, crossod  .  196  455  42    .      a,120  1,365
       Mouffette    .  Skunk     ..   1,7'la  1,2al            ..   872     OIB
       OUl'C, oon péei6/,  .  Ben" not .pooifiûù..  24.0  IH'  Ïu'  ".j6·  420  256
       Renar 1. non spécifié ..  VOl<. not opooi.6ed ..             1\13    131
       Ours Llà''':  .  Be:Lr, w~dtû  .  20    14  ..• ,  .         600     350
       Renn"d bll'u  .  l"ox, b]ufJ  ',.  181  1:l ,           .   2,034    836
       Chl,t 6ILUVn~c..•••.••  Wilrl u"t  .                         107     ~4
       Loup         .  Wulf...•.......••.  .......~~........~~}::::::~i: ::::::::::  176  81
       PutoÎll  .     Fitcb      .                                   29
              TOTAL .. ,          .  399,775  324,464 1  66,118  70,183  3,370,829  2,343,787
   425   426   427   428   429   430   431   432   433   434   435