Page 422 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 422

402                              M [AL'8
      pal  tatistiques do l'industri  des produits  production in Canada; th following oue gives
      primair s du fer et de l'ucior.  Ce sont des  the prin ipal tiglU"flS 1 rtaining to the primary
      données auxquelles on  fltlra fr6qu ·mmont  iron. and steel inclustry, The d11ta will take on
      r oUr!'! d'ici quelques années.      addocl impOrtI1ne within th noxt fow year·s.
        En examinant la prod~lction canadienne de  On exan.1.Ïning iron ore producti fi in Canada
      minerai Ile f  d puis 1900 on distinguo nette-  from ]900, two distinct periods may he noted:
                                           fr ln 1900 to 1924, produotion varies from
      ment deux période; cie ]900 li. 1024, la pro-
                                           200,000 to 30 ,000 tons; aH  about fûteen
      duction oscille habitn lIament entre 200,000  yeara or inactivity, production is r umed n.nd,
      tonD  et 300.000; !tpr sune quin2,ain d'années  from 1940 Lo 1944, it reachos between 400,000
      d'inactivité, la production recommenc , SE' .fixe  and 600,000 tons to climb to ovor a mlllion
      entre 400,000 et 600,000 Lonnes cl 1940 à ]94  ton. in l!ll5 and romain at tllat level.  FinaIly,
      et clépMsc un million cie tonn s il. partir de  in 1949, the inclusion of tlle produotion of
      1945. Enfin, n 1949, la production de Ten'(~·  Nowfoundland, the new C,madian province,
      Neuve, nouv Ile provin cc canac!icn.u , viffit  consiùerably iDcr Il s the tota,l production
      grossir oon~idérnb!oment la production totale.  figure.
           15-Production de miner i de fer au Canada, par provinces. 1900-52.
               15--Production of Iron Ore in Canada, by Provinces, 1900-52.

         AIIIl6ca            N.·'t.oo!lSO                             Col. Brit.
                   CANADA             N,·Drunswlok  Québeo   Onturio
             Nov..Seotia                              Drit. Col.
                    tonnes     tonnes    tonnes    toon       noe9     tonn
                     tollit    tons      tonll      tOB       to08      tuns
      1900" ,.' , ......  122.000  18,940  ..............  19.000  272,538  7.01l0
      1901.  ..      313,616          ..............                    10,OI!1
      1002       .   404.003    16,172              18.521   360,288
      1903.".".···, .  21\4,294  40,385  ..............  J2.035  200,034  ..............
      11104,. , ..... ' , , .  219,046  61,293  . .......... ,.  10,152  141, 001
      1905.. , .. ,,·'" ,  291.007  81,052  ..............  12.681  103,41\4  . .........
                                                              JolI, U78
      1900", ...... ,· ,  248,&11  97.820  ..............  12.718  Z07 , 7GO  "" "'2:600'
      1907, ....•.... · ,  312,856  811.830  ..............  10.103  216.177  . .............
      1110ij" ..... ·····  238.082  .............    4,150   26:I,S03  . .............
      lom.. '        268,043
      1!l10.. , ... ,.··· •  259.<118  18,134  31,120  1,lI03  231,446 ..............
      .l~11 .....• ·.· _.,  210,314  22   71. 520    1,186    112,321
      Enz... , .. '  .  215,883  30.857   86.110     5,102    191i.680  ., ........... ,
                                                                    ., ...........
      191:!.., ... ·  .  307,634  20.136                      240,U79  . ............
      1914.. , .. , .. ·,· •  244,8.H  ............  4:775
      1915,.,.,.,· '  308,112  ..............  3,083  "IUii,  894.429  . .............
                                                              271, 967
      1916, ... , .. , .. , .  275.171l  ..............  17,1 9  198.113
      1917",,,  , .  215,302  " .. ,.", i:io"  ..............  8.150  20!, 1!9  2.200
      101~"   " ..   211.608  ............. ..............  321  195,649  1,ZUU
      1910  '        197.170
      W20   , ,.".,  129,072                          OIlO    126.900    1,212
      1021.." "" ....  50,500                   '.... ",. 626"  JO. 100  l,255
      1922, .. ", '   J7,701                                  30,447       243
      1923... " .. , '  aO,lloo                                  44        28
      1924.. '  " ."    72
                            .                            .
       (1)    " ..
      1939.. , ,  '  '  123.50S                              4!4,60a
      1940... ,  ,  .  413.G03                                616,037
      1941", .. '    1;]6.037                                 M6.UO
      1912.. ' ,  ' " ,  5<15,306  : . :: : :: : ::: ::: ." .. j.j:ÙV2 ..  408.232
      19·13.. ,  " ,  641. 294                                563,262
      1011.. ,       563.252
      1946.. "" .... ,.  1,136,114
      1946.. ,      J, 549,523                              1.5'19,523  .     .
      1947.. ",., .. ,..  1.910,366  ...........  .      .  1,910.300      670
      1948.... , .. " .. ,  1,337,244                       2,U11.736    5,472
      1949 ., . , .. , ...'1 2 ) 3,67 ,091l                 2.135,716
      1960:  '.' " , "  2) 3 .605 .26!                      2,8'11,984  " ... ii:i:ti35"
      1951..    ' 2) 4 ,680.510                             2.716,038   853.920
      1952.. ,.,  ""  .) 5,205.058
                                             (1) Figures prior to 1923 inuluùe SOolO ~itanifcrolls
       (1) Lell chiffre  IilltériOUI'8. à. 1923 comprcnn Il~ \lno
      oerlaine QUlln!iUl do mUler 1 ~ltanJfere.  oro.
        (2) Cumprenù  III  1rod\lclion  do  Tcrrc.Nnuve:  (2) IncludcB  N wfollndland  produotion:  1,067,888
      1,657,888 tolln"" en 19'19, ".1611,5'15  n 1050, 1.724,001  tons in 1949, !,169.54.5 in 11150, 1.724,991 io 1951 ~nd
      on 1951 et 1,634,500 00 1962.        1,634,600 in 1062.
        Boure : Produdio1l minitro du Canada, Ottawa.  8ollroo: Minera! Production of Canada, Otl-awa,
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