Page 89 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 89
In the tables on the foL1owing, the population of Canada, of
10 years and over, is classified according ta degree of education. It
will be noted that 12.11% of the population of foreign birth, but ]"esiding
in this Country, at the time the census was taken, were unable ta rea,d
or write. The proportion of illiterates for tbe remainder was distributed
as follows: of British birth, .76%; of Canadian büth , 5.10%, in 1921.
The figures for Quebec show that 6.20% of the population of 10
years of age and over \",ere unable ta read or write. The foreign element
established in the Province represented a proportion of 8.34% of
Tbe tables 56 and 57 show the degree of education amongst males
and females. In the Province of Quebec, the number of males unable
ta read or write exceeded that of females by 28,712, the proportion for
males being 7.85% and that of females 4.54%.
56-Degree of Education of Males in Canada, of 10 )'ears and over, by Provinces, in 1921.
Populatiun l>roportion
PROVINCES Population ---- ------- _._---
of 10 yenr. Able 10 Able 10 Vna!>le A!>le 1-0 Able ~o Un ..le
and (Jver reftlrl and rend io T/;;:ld or read I\.nd read ta relt.d or
writu 91dy w"rite w1ite ooly wri:L(1
_._-- ---
PrineeEdward Island. .15.031 3.,1,418 362 1,251 95 ~O 1 03 3.57
Nova Seoli" .... ~05.5"28 H~"076 1,919 11.533 93.46 .93 5 (II
New BrUJlliwick. 148,~59 13>\,133 1,058 1:l,U;s 90.05 .7l 9 24.
Quebec. 8Gll,377 79_,985 7,203 ~l:~;g 91.32 ,83 7.85 ... : ..... 1,173,349 1,1;N,9M n,415 95 87 .55 3.58
lhnitoba....... 240,602 2z3,370 1,040 1;"Ml2 92.84 .68 6.48
8)L"Ikutchewol1. 3U2,423 2.':\,354 1,930 15,139 94 30 tl4 5.00
Alberl".. 245,906 ~,222 1,327 1l,347 94 84 .54. 4 62
Elit ;.h Col~';'bi~.: . 241,063 Z:J.lI,181 1,429 H)14:~:l 92 58 .50 6.83
Yukon. 2,502 2,046 5 ,-ltl 79.80 19 19.95
N. 'ft. Ter~it~~i~..· 3,illl 523 2,9 S 14.90 ;, 10
---- ----- -----------
C..\NADA. . 3.467,796 3.,245,756 23,298 198.742 93.60 .67 573
57-Degree of Education of Females in Canada, of 10 years and over, by Provinces, in 1921.
POpuJaL i"n--- }JolJulat.lcn ProportioH
PROVIJ\CES of 1,0 rnn.l's Able lo 1 Able [0 DnHble Able 1.0 Able (·0 1 Vnaulo
:llIn ovor read t1ifld l'eH.d ta r "n.d or re<.vl "nd read la refl.d OT
wdlte nnl:f wrl po wfil only
------- .--- -- ,- --- I-~
Pri net ]~rl \l"tHd Island. 34.,lU2 :32.73"7 j.'2 sn 95.76 1 70 2 155
Nova ~'~uti.n.... 19S,(WI !lio, fi 2,10(; Û,G!J3 !)4 3 1.06 4 59
New Brunswick .. 1-1 ,n..! 13:J.-4~1 l,loI h,449 IJ~ ~"" 81 1 3.90
Quebec.. B<111,IHB ,,:t,2r~1 1\2t5 39.477 !j-l 7.. .72 -1. :....1
Ont.:IJ"io ..... 1,1~1,115 1, 1l1l.2;~1l 4,908 20,9(j8 U7 23 .43 2.34 2 [,503 Bd,755 1,2sr. 16,463 91. 61 .61 7 78
Sa::!ka l.:.hc\\uJl 2;;;>,462 2J7,416 J.3i-j~ 16,678 92 3<l .58 7 08
Al!>erl'" . 15.9.160 6, ,Pl 877 11,140 93 III .4ï ;'.92
Britibh Coi~wbi~·.· 17U.4'<8 169,~Rt! 550 9,619 94.~2 31 5 37
Yukon. l,05L ;;.111 2 438 .36.2:1 . [9 ·13 58
N. W. Te'rrit'c~ic's 3,227 H14 4 3,029 6.01 .12 113 87
CA;..'"ADA... 3,214,276 3,052,948 19,051 14~,177 94 98 .59 1- 4.43