Page 94 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 94


                                The registers of civil status preserved since the origin of the colony
                           contain accurate information on the demographic movement of the
                           Province of Quebec, up to 1883. On their arrivai in this country, the
                           priests recorded regularly a11 births, marria.ges and deaths. The archives
                           of the French regime reveal, for instance, that for the year 1610, 16
                           deaths were registered. This custom firmly established by an ordinance
                           of Louis XIV eventually became law. Particulars concerning this will
                           he found in previous editions of the Year Book. The Civil Code of the
                           Province of Quebec, (ch. l, title II) contains the legislation concerning
                           these inscriptions.  These acts must be registered by clergymen or
                           authorized officiaIs.  The certificates are made out in duplicate and a
                           copy is deposited, within the time prescribed by law, in the office of
                           the Superior Court of the district and the other is consigned to the
                           parochial archives.
                                The statistics inserted in the present section are taken from the
                           annual report of the Hygiene Service of the Province. In order to enable
                           comparisons to be made with the other provinces of the Dominion, a new
                           system of collecting vital 5tatistics was inaugurated on the lst January,
                           1926, particulars of which will be found on page 70.       Comparative
                           estimates between the figures published for the year 1926 and those of
                           previous years must be avoided, as the mode of compilation is com-
                           pletely changed; for instance, the notable increase in the number of
                           deaths recorded in 1926 over that of 1925 does not necessarily indicate
                           a hig'her ratio of deaths amongst our population, but is rather an indica-
                           tion that al! deaths, without exception, were duly reported to the Service
                           of Hygiene, in conformity with the new sydem of registration. According
                           ta the following table, there were 17,827 marriages, 82,165 births and
                           37,251 deaths in the course of the year 1926.

                                  69-Marriages, BirUls aild Deaths registered in the Province of Quebec.
                                      YEARS           "'1:l>t'ri:L~  -----, Hm'" ri)    1  ,w," (1)
                                                      oolebr~~~d  C..eholic r Pro""'~!ant  Total
                             -----------li----j----·I                         . -----.----
                              Ig:ttJ el) ..  .- ••••••• 11  17,E\27  ......... °J::_"_' '  1__ 8 _ 2 ,_16_6__1-_ 0 _ 7 _,2_5_1
                              1~)25...............      17.-121  ;;O,IS9  7,3~g   S7,~Z1   ~,300
                             1\124   ,  ,..............  17,591  111,86,  7,oM    SU,  :12,356
                             192:1.............................  17.01;1  77';,30  6.049  83.579  :.15,H8
                              lUit. . . . . . .. . ..........•... ,.,.,  16,1109  S) ,6n  6,70:\  88,377  :13,4,,\)
                              1921 .... ,., .. , ... ,., .. ,.,.  l' .liB!!  SI ,Il\)4  6,7[,,-,  ~8,74\l  33,4:13
                              J920. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .  21,5S1  79, r,7  6,671  86,328  10,1\86
                              1919............................  2l,  74,°109  5,m2  SO,811  1  3",170
                              1918.. "   "., ...• ,  ,  1~,!17;:;  79,1f>7  5,;~'U  84,Eili9  (3) ~,g,!10Z
                              19l7.. .  ..          ,   lü.9:10  75,1:11  5,~"l}  80,:181  35,.;01
                              1911;." .. ".  . .. ".', ..• '  Hi,1l1:1  7-1,725  5,fiOJ  80.327  :38,206
                              191;" ..... " ... ".,.".....  J5,137  711.111>7  O,f,R7  83.274  :15,fl33
                              1914     "   '    , . .   IO.ln    7S,D"3   1~:8    80.3BI   :11;,OOZ
                              1913..   ..................•  17,:);>:3  73.J!)0  S:I7V  79.0S9  :l",ZOO
                              1912  , ,  , , .. , ,  , ., .•  10,0,;',  71,fiG7  4,9RO  76.647  32,080
                              19l1          ,..........  15,2:,4  liIl,t\:lO  4.1l4:i  74,475  :lf,,904
                              1910                      14.33:3  (j!l,,,:n  4,291  n W'4   :I.'i, 1~3
                              1909., .. ,.,  ....•.........  13..t117  f 1,1\:1'2  ~,I1il  7J;07ci  33,231
                              t~~:'..                   g:g~~    ~~:~~~   Uii     ~~:~~    ~J:~6~
                              111Oti.,  .. , ,._  :";__;'='_:';__;':".:.;'.~.....:L:.::2:.:.,,1~::1l~_...;":::;;"0.l::.:4:;:,00::.-:....-.:2::.;.•.;.:17..:.4.......:.._..::1;;:.:.,];:67:..:1:........:._....:~=.00II~
                                  (1) Still-born exduded.
                                  (2) Tho molhod of oompilinf,< dernographi 8l,,,li iOB in 1926 is .Hol!ielher difi'erenL from t,h"t of previo\l8
                              yenr!'1. Comp.urboH6 with tue fïgurc~ of p:rer.c1ins:  m.lle"·  .ther~ror be avoided. The ÎHCrt:l:Hg~ or tlf:tr.....u.oc
                              of fjgure6 fur L4)~() O\'f~r tllose of other do 1.111t ne  rU)' nllpn'sent a higber or )ower T;1(,;O but nre an inùica-
                              (.100 lhs.l marriagf';~. Lirths [lnd cleaULI!i are now UI_ore aœ  te). cOluplled.
                                  (3) Grippe epidemio.
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99