Page 91 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 91
At the census of 1921, the nurnber of illlterates wa,s greater by
20,720 ln the rural than ln the urban population. This difference is
explained by the fact that individuals residing 111 cities and towns have
easier access ta schools than those scattel'ed In the country.
62-Degree of Education of the Urban und Rural populalion of 10 yeBrs and over in the
Province, by Counties, in 1921.
nuit, r.. porrn..\ TION t:'nUAN POPt!LA'PrON
1------ --- ----
COt:NT1ES AbIa 1 Able Aced Abl. 1 Able 1 Un.I,le
10 )'~IH' l' Lo f> Ù 1.0 renJ 10 "~I..H\r!:l t.o n::ld tv rl":"d ta reaJ
Ali 1
and ftIlld only <" and I~nd I,m 1)'" 01'
ovrr ""J! t: w'rjtp U"'~r ,I."r)t wri lt
Ar.:;cnt.epil. 1 9,'04 1 8.;:(;1 hl \ 8921 3,17·1 32!>
Arl,lmbaska, , . , .•. ,' lI,95~ 1 1l,3' \ 881 ~37 .;.G37 :J12
Bn,got" .',., '\ 0,31" 1',834 ,.7 J2'l 3.116 221
B ytc....... ' 21.H8 J9.966 ~fl8 1,27: 6,01;; 202
BIl~ uhûrnoil'i.. . . . 4.4", 4,3'tl 141 14~ JO" ~3 1)4-1
Re1h",tll 'i:"". , 14.-,1 13,Iïil 110Ii': 1.246 ,~:~r, 17
Berlhier, , 12.001 10,779 ~ l, U8 2,928 362
RonlLventllre. 2~:~~f l~:m
Bromf'.... 1 :H7' 1 2,~~~." 'i.Ù.l7 12 Ill3
Chambly", . 6 (l2 " \1 " -- '{1 \' .t. cI"" l ::10 10 '-8 41 234 Il
,.l, ( ;:~
, './
Oh. mpLo in. 19,4:,!) 17.697 308 l, r,4 18,0;12 J~I l,lOS 1 i
Charle ·'OL!'( 10,212 9,091 100 l,(H~ 4,;" 7 Ji, b.-I.J
Cbate~uguny.... 7•.'9.; 6.9~0 fl9 JI ri ~,()72 ,12 1,·8
Cbi(·outimi .. 9.:177 A,71e -lU 613 1,),~M 100 87,Q
Complon., ' 11,167 10,331 7~ 71\1 ,J,.)!t! 4l 300
Deux f\1untngoes . 8,860 8,1:'4 'I~ (j 8 1.S." :J2 173
Dorcboj:.t.t'.r . 18,077 16,6i 21 1,183 ;;
Drummond . lB .Mn 1 ~O. 1~') 1~J 61">4 ~~~.:i.l 2:) 2~
Fronleoae. i~:~~~ ;hA~ l:m 1;- ,- :;'7 li4
C""pe, , ,j:H ~l 201
Hull. .. " "'''''' 17.R.·"71 1... ,~fii2 1_,lô 3,280 31,1 166 l,86l
Buotin!ldun, , .. , , . ù;n,) '.; 1 7 1.eS6 1,42.. 13 120
Il '0
lbervi Ile, , 4,070 2n 160 2.1"(; 10 Il:1
Jo.ietle. 12.003 10,627 l:.l~ I,Z,';4 &,1\99 46 619
K:Hooura.~lm.... , ... 1<l,';O!) 1 13439 IR" 976 .~:J2 ~ 42
J.....').beUe.. :-Z.J!l8 18:083 Z'H 4.01 9,SIS II~ 91n
Lako ~t.. John. 1"",08 16,4.>5 9S l,li".; 5.\H3 ,10 290
Laptnirie.. . _. 7,0,11 6,200 46 7!J~ l' 1,%1 ~ 16:1
L'A omption . 8,IR; 7,6:"'1 73 41Ù 2,6:';!1 .16 178
Leyis .... Il,011 10.-178 A9 4017 ];l,O\Jf> ;.ill .'27
L'I.lel.. " ' 11.\114 1) ,O:.,J L21 740 ;.9~ 3
wtbi,,;o"" , ..• , , . 12,2r 11.MO IZ,I 4611 :J,H~ 3.1 142
MILskinongc •... , .... JO 3' 9,c03 JJ3 1,0 .1 I~ 12 1.3~1
:'>1atane.. , , .•. , ..•.. 17;122 1'.,1'129 121 1.,1721 6. fiL 434
),oleg.."l;C, ' , .... ,.' 12,3':;11 1LS% I?n 840 11,:!-l4 l30 791
M ~~~i"Quoi . 7,56.1) 7,l:,8 ! :14 37:l ...1, 22 329
M"ntmlm , 8,11:, 7,194 ' 66 8.;.', 2,1'.' 16 230
l\1ontwapny . 12/99 lJ,~9lô 1:10 1.~7? 2.917 30 168
1\1ontmorenc.v .. , '. 8,0:>8 7"j 45 .)101 1,'C7 9 79
1\'lon1.r".1 "nd Ile .TP'''. 15,0' 3 1;{"r ~ I\)I 1,280 "'\ll.!l'C. 2,892 J8,686
Napiorville... 4,:18,[ 3,!l!J8 ;,2 3':;4 1,IVr S 114
Nieol6t, 17,298 16.2,,3 182 863 '1,3-17 ~U ~39
PouLine . Il,81:, 9,9'13 $ln 1,776 :1,Of»! IS 2Q5
Portneuf . 1,;'479 11,3.J.l 1 0 " 1,013 S 0"1' .1(\ 252
Quebee, , , , 13,919 1~,8,,9 MI 1,001 SIl:O;;ij 670 ~.481
Ridwlacu .. 5,198 !,)1;.20 0'7 61l :-:::'116 ()4 3G8
Richmond . 8,6' 0 [-;,023 6J ,;24 8.4:i~ 69 474
lUmou.·ki , 12,730 11 ,:,G2 1••:J 1,080 t; 7'\J OS 439
Rouville, .. 6.724 li,.'f)4 Z1 313 ~:427 46 180
Sflgllenny •. J2,300 9,,]35 3,'~ 2,003 :13.> J2
Shefford. , , , ... 10,f,I!'. 9,8':;4 lU 709 8,375 .. h2 4,H
Sherhrool,o, , , ' , . J,!IG4 ,3,647 288 3O,3~14 158 1.017
Solllan,g: .',.,' g~~ ~:~~~ ~~ mj :) L34
Stan.tend., , """ (l,'; 66J
St. Hy;;rintbe, .. ' , . f,:.~37 6,414 Tl 320' II,IU.:I. 71 ;,74
SI John , 4,4,,7 4,174 21 262 fi, • 10 2HZ
SI.. Mauritw. _.. , . 10516 9,387 :,6 1,093 ~~.2fJ:J 1 222 J,cao
T~misearningue . l.'•• 12 1:1,7(;0 H3 1.739 2,W; 8 91
TemiPlcouata. . . .. .' :<2.418 t9,9!17 :l,~.'i é'" )fo(j 7,41)r 70 ~71
1'~rrebonrJe.. 13.007 Il,592 li 1 lJ.G-1 10,98'1 02 Sil\!
Vuudreuil, . ;./.14 r"lli3 3lj 3.,3 3,09< 90 i58
Verchercs, . :),9û3 !l.e~·l 21 2':,S, 3.27-t JO ZIL
Wolie. , , .. 1;.916 8,376 :.!l 4,,1 1 :J,61,'
Yamaslm. 0,906 9.ms3 75,1 3,19B
TOT.\LS ... 733,554 . -6-ô2-'~-OOJ--6-,9-61-JI- 64.193 1,003,769