Page 93 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 93
Tt will be noticèd that the number of individu aIs speaking French
is greater in the Eastern part of the Country than in the Prairie Provinces
and British Columbia. Immigrants coming to Canada, generally speak
either English or French in addition to their mother tong;ue. At the
last census, 30% of the population of British origin, in the Province,
could speak French.
The· proportion of individuaIs able to speak French at the Iast
census, was distri buted as follows:
British Columbia. 5,41% Nova Scotia 11 .70%
Saskatchewan . 7.38 Prince Edw. Island.. 14.37
Alberta , .. , , .. , 7.44 New Brunswick 31.13
Manitoba , . , . 9.40 Quebec , 85.57
Ontario , 9.66 Canada 29.89
In 1921, out of a total of 1,365,284 persons of French origin, in the
Province of Quebec, 561,458 spoke English f1uently, being a proportion
of 42%.
66-Populution of the Province of Quebec clossified according to Origin und Lunguage
spoken, in 1921.
1.,\Nao-:,-UF) 8POift.N
P0f'ul~- -....._- ---.
t.lOn :\-Iutber Mother Mother
OR[GlN of 10 French French Eogli.h tongue t.ongup t.ongt'o Mother
yeats l\.OO and Freoch ~nd ~onl;!:ue
and Qver only Eng)iBh ooly French "oel Envh.b only
----- .._----------_. --- -----
French ............ 1,365,284 80J,102 ;'60,202 1,166 108 4711 43
British ............ 286,310 3,sn6 83,920 108,177 1 182 140 ........
Americo.c. ................. 84 1 3 31 41 3
Austrian .................... 1,2.,4 10 73 ilS 27 222 674 160
Belginn ..................... 2,676 618 847 42 ~60 752 45 12
Bulgarino ....•.............. 57 L 8 2 10 21 6
Chine,c...............•..... 2,Z:lS .. 14 52 25 2-37 1,?83 627
'fcl,eck ..................... 69 J 13 3 21 24 1
Daoe ............•........ 486 5 76 J08 87 208 2
Dutch ...................... 1,16 8 165 718 15 114 ]43 2
Esquimo .. .................. 17 o· n
Fjnn. ........... ........... ,)'1 .. Z 1 4 6 ~I 10
Germ;m... ............... 3,63' 31S 707 88,'; 21 546 l.().~· 26
Grock ............•......... ',:l21' 12 75 54 29 520 :>30 100
Hehrew., .. ................. 36,224 I~ ~88 695 168 10.6.'il 22.08l 2,0i18
Hungarian. ................ 71 .. 0 6 3 20 26 1
lndi!l.n ...... ............. , .. '8.411 264 240 162 3[j2 l,6f,6 2,2fi4 3,'163
Tt3,li~n .................. 10.702 232 623 1 139 1,903 5,087 [,470 1,2:l9 ........ ,.... ". 21 1 4 )9 . ....
Lithunninn .................. ,sn 1 28 .;8 18 22.~ 30{\ 63
Neb'T"o. ............... 8iO 23 wn 614 2 2
N orwegio.n ................. 542 26 88 1 Hl 2 67 213 5
Pole ..... ................... 2,09:" 24 1 J7 n2 3n ~)67 1,Oln n7
n:lmrUlinTl ... ............ s96 8 29 ~4 12 217 523 73
Ru.'3ot::.ian .. ..... - .......... 1,90' 15 78 JOi\ n 340 1.088 2·\J
Serh-Cro3.tifl.D .......•.....•. 5Q 2 3 1 9 14 26 j
S"·edi.b ..................... 711 6 RG 171 4 81 347 17
SllIiJ:.3 .. .. ... 611 47 2,;R 78 20 ]~7 70 1
Syrian ................. -... 1,76~ 31 66 7 2:0 1,117 198 Qô
UMilD1Rc ..............•.•.. 728 1 2[ 2:l 6 107 462 108
Not "ped["d. , . .......... 5,800 41 't 1,f:39 3,B03 10 Il 22
Varioua od~ina....... .>23 32 80 fol 2 30 168 106 25
----~ -- --- -'-- ----- ---
'faTALS 1,7J1 ,323 809,205 650,254 20r,S29 3,4&8 23,70; 1 34,5&0 8,599