Page 85 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 85

CLASSIFICATION OF THE POPULATION                            59

                                POPULATION ENUMERATED ACCORDING TO' PLACE OF BlliTH.

                              In 1871, 97,22 pel' cent of the population of Canada were born in
                         British territory, viz: 82.98 pel' cent i.n the Donùnion and 14.24 pel'
                         cent in other parts of the British Empire. According to the last census,
                         taken in 1921, this proportion was reduced to 89.87 pel' cent, distributed
                         as fol1ows: Canadian born 77.75 pel' cent, other British subjects, 12.12
                         pel' cent.

                             The table at the bottom of this page shows the foreign element is
                         proportionately greater in the Western than in the Eastern Provinces.
                         The fol1mving summary shows the percentage of inhabitants born in
                         Canada, by provinces, in 1921.

                             Prince Edward Island .... 97.3       Saskatchewan       . 60.4
                             Nova Scotia        .       91. 6     Alberta            . 53.5
                             New Brunswick       _     . 94.4     British Columbia ..   50.3
                             Quebec                    . 92.0     Yukon.      ..      . 62.5
                             Ontario               ,   . 78.1     N. W. Territories  . 97.4
                             Manitoba                  . 63.5     Canadian N avy .     10.1

                             The percentage for the whole of the Province was 77.7 in 1921,
                         instead of 77.9 in 1911. The number of individuals of foreign birth was
                         890,282, in 1921. In the Province of Quebec, 92 pel' cent of the popula-
                         tion were of Canadian birth, 3.81 pel' cent of British birth and 4.18 of
                         foreign birth.

                                       24-Poplllalion according 10 Place of Birlh, in 1921.

                                                                        POPUJ-ATlON OF
                                  PROVINCES        populo.l,ion
                                                             Canadian  British  1 Born in the [Born ir, other
                                                              birlh    birt.b  .Unitcd _~~~(.:  COlU'tric.
                           Prince Edwll.rd .....•......  88,015  80.250  1,074  1,215  76
                           Nove. 8ootill..  .  _  .  523,837  480,332  29,519    7,010   0,070
                           New Brunswick. .          387,875  3ûO,418  10,700    8.208   2,481
                           Quebec  "    , ..•.......•.  2,361,109  2.172,023  89,864  42,124  56,588
                           Ontt,Lrio  .             2.033,0(;2  2,291,979  459,577  70,729  111,377
                           ~f'lnij,oba.................•....  010,118  387,71[;  J13, 114.  21,G4.4  87,614
                           S",katchewan.  .      .   757,510  467,833  100,35·5  87,617  111,705
                           Alberta               .   588,454  315,090  00,392   99,870   B,OO:!
                           BTi~i.h Columbia.  .,  .  524,:>82  264,040  100,702  34,926  64,8:'.8
                           Yukon     .                4,157    2,000     37"2     557     428
                           .\(. \Y. Tcnitories  .     7,988    7,781     93       46       68
                                  CAN.UA (I) ..     8,788,483  6,832,747  1,065,45~  374,024  516,258

                               (I) Iacluding U,e Canadinn N,wy.
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90