Page 90 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 90
31-Degree of Education of the Population of Canada, of 10 years and over, by Provinces,
in 1921.
P;:incc~F.uward l.5lRDd. "1 i;g,:!2~ blj,L~.) 9·11. ~,IN V.; .,,7 1.3fo 3.07
:-<0'" f;"otia.. .. ..... . . 403",76 37ë,I)~r. 4,0~'-, ~O,li~fo 93.;J1) l.OU 5.11
New 13rulIOwi"k........ 202,043 2G7,fol4 2,212 ~2,217 9l.U:l .76 7.61
Quebcc ,. 1,737,323 l,(ôl6,2:39 13,418 107,foll6 93.03 .77 6.20
Ontario 2,324,4tH 2,2-14,203 11,323 6X,\)38 96 ..~.' .49 2.96
M:lTJilobfL......... 4!;2,I03 4,17,123 2,92:; :l2,0"." 02.. 26 .65 7.09
S"8k3tcb~wRn..... ,~H, ;;02,770 3,2Ui\ 31,817 93.47 .61 5.n
Alb rt.Il... 4:34, 409,365 2,2)4 22,487' 94.:J 1 . ôl 6.18
BrillSh Columbia. 4~O,Ml 3\)2,410 1,979 2<1,102 03.:l2 .47 0.21
yukon........... .... 3,613 2,6:J7 7 UG!! 72.~~ .10 26.S2
North ~-,,"tTerritorico .. __~_738_. 7_1_7__~. __6_,._0_17_I! __I_O .......JIII ._O_6_1 __8_0_._3~
CANADA... 6,682,072 6,298,704 42,349' 341,019 94.26 .~4 5.10
32-Degl'ee of Education- of the Population barn in Canada, of 10 years and over, by
Province, in 1921,
. .- 1 POl'U.i.lA'L'10S 1 PltOl.lO'kTION
Population ---- .... -------
PROVINCES of ICI p':<r' Able 1 j\ble ,Unl1hle Able 1 Ahl~ 1 (jl"obl~
nnd oY~r (.0 re:!,.ll :J.ILU to rf'ad to ~d oi' to n::~? n.nd to n'~ltl to T('f~d Ilod
WrJt~ nrJly wnt.(~ ~~..ntc ()1il~Y wnto
Pl·ill~J!lrIW~T(ll"land.. '1 01,~18 .04,279 UII 1 :;,0~2 \li" .li3 1.36 3.iH
),'O'lJo~oot;"............ 362,U'19 3'11,084 3,Ol6 '1 18,2'IU 9a.9.7 1.00 5.08
Neew Brur18wick.. .. 272,308 2·19,065 2,081 21,222 01 45 .76 7.79
Qu lec....... 1.55ü,899 1,441;. 25 12,182 98.892 92.87 .78 6.35 1,707,1<'(1 I,Gr.6,R03 7,2:l7' 43,O~6 97.0.') .4:, 2.52
MUlIiloba.. ... 23ü.n.~8 ;;-;.l~,t;ol 902 9,400 95.fo1 .J8 4.01
8,"kateh"waD. 2'18,280 ~37,9G8 78ti 9,5~ 9~.84 .3~ 3.84
A!l."rt'I....... ..... 172.2'10 102,772 181 8,U a 9·Loo .28 5.22
Brrti.hCoh""l:ia.... . 167,58·1 15f;,~17 461 1\,8 ~ 92.68 .2S 7.04
yukon.... . ... ...... ~,07;l 1,[20 51 918 ô4..0,~ .24 45.73
North We.t T"rl'llllr"'" . O,.HZ 515 4 6,013 7.88 .06 9Z,()0
CmADA. -4;i99i70 4:540,48&- ~i -230,208/ ~4.60 .60 4 80
33-Degree of Education of the Population of British birth, of 10 years and over, by
Provinces, in 1921-
PROVINCES \~~~~l~a,~~~~j Ab: IPor':~~:OI u allie \ ALJh- I~RO::;:IOI Un"ble
and f1\'l:r to C'l!lIlfl Il t..l to 1"f'IHt tu r~d or to TCO~ :Iucl to rC~td ta T(o>:~d und
\ITlte ünJv wnte wnte ordy wnl.e
P!illc0,1~:I:mfd Island. 1,0·10 9·\, 24 75 90.48 2 3) 1 7.21
:\oVld3"olla.... .. 27,9S1 20,500 281 ),200 94.71 1.00 1 4.29
New Hrcu\.~wick. . . .. . 10,247 10,03.4 ,16 157 97.92 .55 l.53
Q'Id",e.. . . ... 86,788 8ii,453 30n 966 98.46 .43 1.11
Ont•.rio.. . . H-I,SS8 4:l(l,OG? 1,566 3,3.°,:; 98,~9 .35 .76
l\l:.lIliicIJa...... ....... 10H,8D!! 109,06,. 2~!l [,96 99. U .22 .54
~"skat"h.wan...... 01,726 97'-198 1 7 341 00.46 .19 .3.,
Alberl>l. .. ' 96,3.15 V.;,003 180 2:l2 90.57 .10 .24
Bnli,hColumbin... 1 166,17" 1;j5;27~ 310 8801 99.23 .20 .ô7
Yukon . 1 56'9 566 1 .2 00.-17 .18 .Sô
NUlt~:e:~~~r;ito;ie•. , i 032,4:~ l,on,4: 1,222'" '7',~~ l~~~ :'.11 ,76
34-Degree of Education of the Population of Foreign birth, of 10 years and over, by
Provinces, in 1921.
' e""1JLA'1'I0~ 1 1'TWPU:<'J:j ~'<
1 Population :--------------
l'ROVINCES 0110"""1'0 1 Ahle 1 Able 1 lIartble .'\010 1 Able 1 UnBbl~
und 'I)ver jto r . Il "nd t.o t iw' t.o r nd or to rC'lld a.ucl la rend ta r d nnd
\ "'rh, onl\" 'ITil.. "'rite 1 only 'Hite
PrlJlCl.; ll;dw3rd h·lalld 9651 ~3!> 1 3 1 27 /. \lG.89 .31 2c.80
~avaR.colja.. , , . 12,6~6 Il,~'I! I~~ 1,177 89.68 !'91 0.31
New HruJl:-:.wirk . Il,.128 8,,,1.) <il 83S 00.32 . Il) 8.89
Quebcc . 9:;.6:;5 8'I,UGI 8117 7.808 00.73 .03 8.31
Ontario , .. , .. , . 172,470 147,4:!.1 2".20· 22",17 S[,.48 1.46 13.06
Manitoba . IOt',H8 82.,J09 1,784 21,095 77.60 1.68 20.72
8asbtebew6n . 191,H7'1 JU7,I'Dt 2,3231 ~I,947 87.3." 1.21 11.44
Alberta . 10:,,[,02 lliO,OUO 1,5;":; la,2og Ol.W, .94 8.01
Briti.h Columbia . QG,'1!l2 81,~81 ),199 13,412 84.Bù 1.24 13.90
Yukon. " ." '" 071 n,il 1 1 19 07.94 . lO 1.90
NorLh West Territorics .. 8S0,:~: 736,~~~ ... ;~,~._~~,-~:: ~::
CANADA..... ,23