Page 92 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 92
The following tables refer to the language spoken by the population
of ten years and over, in the Canadian Provinces, at the last census.
There may be inaccuracies due to the fact that erroneous declaratlons
were made to the enumerators, but these do not materially affect the
general result. The information supplied in tables 63 to 66 shows the
numerical importance of the French and English speaking elements.
63-Numericlll distribution of the Population of Canada, according to Lllnguage spoken,
in 1921.
tH:m Mother ~ Dt T Mothcr
PROVINCES I of 10 French 1 French Jo:n~lish tODI!;UC ton~un ton~r. Mother
1 veO,T8 Rnd nnd FTt"r",n "nd tongue
and O\'er only Englisb only 1 FreDch and i English only
---1---1---' -- ~------
Princ. EdI",ard IBland.... . 69,223 ~08 9,1)31 "!),026.. {} 240 9
NovaSootia _ , . .. 40a/ iï6 5/170 40,9r O 3"lR,773"" 49' 662 Btr·kO r,n2
Ne-vBrun.wick.............. 2H2,043 30,li~ 6(},~~~ lU7/0f, 1 36 3'0 3,373 1"'<;
Q,,,,hec 1.ï:l7,323 809;20~ ~ïl,2:"1 207,:29 3.4üR n,70R 3.10"1;0 8, 99
Onlnrio 2,;J2·1.,1I14 22,917 J1H,-8131.910,414 221 6,610 W~,.V..j 21,1:lR
1\1,'.1Iitobn 4:>2.10:, 3,\136 :«.3;2 27fi,On7' ::83 3,8-1(1 1011,2.'"0 27.-1·17
Sa~l\atche\l\nn. 5:~~7,S8t 3,On:? 32,67,0 31·;.l·:-9 :~::W 3,8~2 1.~.:'/(j2 27, :·l.;
Alberts ".... 4:J4.0fiO 2,000 211,900 2"7,373 313 3.091 9fi,74 1 17,1\42
BritisbColumbia 420,!ir~1~ :lO,I-:l'1."~~~__4_2_ 1,98.; 62,217 2'1,418-
CAN A DA (1). . .. .. 6,682,072 !l17.514 1,070.752 3,916,303 4,838 43.97D 634,502 134.""'
64-Numerical distribution oC the Population oC Canada, of British birth, according to
Language spoken, in 1921.
LA..N{;II "o~ S'PO KEN
tion Mother Mother Moll",r
PROVINCES of 10 Fteneb Fr••eb Engli8h toogue 1OD~ue tonQ:ue Mo~her
years and Ilnct French unll lonpue
and ovar ooly EngliBh only FreDcb and Enll,li9h only
--_._-----,-- -~---------- _.~----"-~--- 68,2,,8 306 9•.;é.9 .j8,109........ 2 1 187 5
Nov~Scotis ". 3Q?,939 5,:l\l0 ~~.4811 343,~·~O 2 12~ 2,64~ 54
Ne" BrunswIck.,.... 282,61.· 29,44H 08,834 192,. RI 14 10" I •.-Rtl 49
(Jueh..e.................... 1,643,687 79U.3S" 624.R42 196.n7 1,121 Il, ';,9 9,36B 3,727
Ontario ...........•......... 2,Ié,I,994 22.3\)0 186,1)04,1.8-",7IV' 46 2.18" 7R.3l4 6.4'0
Msoitoba.. . .. 3.j",91>7 2.702 29,:07 261,329 80 1.-'].1 40,416 10,.'09
Ba.k•.lche"'ao. . .. . . . • . . . . . .. 34 G,OII 2.]!;9 2,-,.241 263/~lO 201 1,441 H ,279 9,](iO
Alhcr~"....... . 26R,'64 1';,30 20,SI!' 2I A .O·IR 195 1.099 22,802 6,9S5
Eriti.hColumbia 32,1,059 131 17,1:16 281,557 10 419 17,1;'2 7,3->4
CIoN A"A (!) s.m,sn 863,485 1.'012.555 3,670,291~ 15.7&6 216,'9uTsi,1'9
65-Numericul distribution of the Population of Canada, oC Foreign birth, according to
Language apoken, in 1921.
L,o\.l';GUAOl: 9POlt.EN
POPI'Ia- l~--~-----_·_-----_·-----.-----.-
tian ~10ther ~1othcr1Moth,'r
PROVINCES ,,1 10 French Frcnch Enghsh tongue lon~uc tonll,lle Mother
,'iCarB aud 1 Qod French nnd t"ngue
and Qver only Englieh only Fren(;h and EJllJ;!l.:::ih on~y
EngliAh' .
-----------'I------i- ---------·1---1---
Prince EdIVD.rd lala d......... r..~ 2 .2 827 7 ~ 4
l\OVa.SOOt.lIL................. 12, H6 180 1,409 5.fl:~3 47 :'}:11 4,3:lS ii:l8
New Brunswick.............. 0,128 7.29 l,rj;ïl 4,DS;j 22 2·1~ 1.7"7 106
Queh..o , " ..•.... 9:J,f>36 9,70 2..·.,412 10.792 2,347 105,149 2\194 4,872
, Ontario....... . ......•.... 172,470 611 !S,20\l ,,1,709 175 4.121 90,(H1 14,6RB
Ilitoba IOfi,llS I,:!.U ·1 ,Sol,,'; 14.7G8 303 2,:126 6,.834 J6,R;JS
S k"l"he"'''n............... IDI,S74 9 7.418;'1,629 125 2,2·1) 1I1.m 18.275
lhflrül.. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . l6~i.rlO~ 47ü (j,O~;) 72.~~2.~ 118 1,H~2 n.lI 10,6>'7
Dr'itisb C"lum],is ..... ..... 06,-192 ü7 3,008 ~. ,600 32 1,1if,6 4,';, 6 17,ÜM
1---1--- ----I---l---I~--
CANADA (1).. ... llSO,249 14,015 5Q.197. 24~,006 3,169 28,204 417,590 83,054
(1) Inclu;linlllhe Yukon, Nort.b West Ternlari•• snd tbe ClUladLlln Navy.
Census 01 Cam,ds, 1921, Vol. JI.