Page 87 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 87
27-Civil Sl.atus of the Population of the Province of Quebec, br counties, in 1921.
COUNTIES Toini Single Married Widowed 1 Di\'orced Unknown
ArKl!nLenil. 17,165 lU,705 5,772 076 6 6
Artha.bRsk:.l. 24,848 16,126 7,890 810 <) 7
B~got .. 18,035 11,238 6.099 691 7
Be.A.nce.. 10,308 28,5U6 12,604 1,174 14 10
Beouh:\rnoiM. 19,888 12,318 6,630 860 25 4U
Beller,baP1"t.l. 21,813 14,173 5,965 652 1 J. 12
Bertbier. , . ZO,:;on 12,6(H 7,068 751 12 74
Doouventure.. 29,002 18,600 9,376 1,104 4 2
Drooo 13,3~1 7,275 5,395 700 10 1
ChnJ1llhly. 2\,924 12,913 8,109 890 5 7
ClI3Jnplain 54,191 34,;'17 17,967 1,675 14 18
harlevoix. 20,708 13,.1.')1 6,451\ 712 1 8-5
C1Huea,usuay 13,557 S,171 4,780 ,'>97 1 8
ChicouLimi 37J.78 24,339 12,300 922 5 12
Comp(.on.. 2:1,02:1 13,903 8,268 820 10 22
Two :\Iuuntajn~ 14,309 8,917 4,806 ,)78 4 4
Dorchf' ~ 2R,788 17,745 8,208 768 8 59
DrUDIOJol1d. 19,97'; 12,592 G,712 667 3 1
Fronl.euLLC.. 2~,OOU 15,840 7,632 589 10 13
Gaf:P'l'- ~O,375 25,761 13,090 1,371 3 144
Hull. 55,U26 33,949 18,00.) 2,U92 24 56
Hunl.Tllgdun 13,114 7,592 4,883 693 4
{berville 9,299 5,717 3,200 372 4
JoUeLte. Z;1.!JL3 \6,215 8,779 905 13 1
I\"a:[Il)ufasko.. . ..•....•...... 22,014 14,297 6,826 765 7 119
Tûl>elle 46,292 29,7S1 15,131 1,44.7 14 49
Leke St..)ohn ... 35,539 23,403 11,287 840 2 7
L ..tpnJ.irie 12,071 7,461 '1,019 5- :.1 3 2
L'A!ol"omptioo ... 14,331 8,870 4,809 6lt} 5 7
Le ....,s 33,323 21.5;')7 10,444 1,288 6 28
L'hie( 17,859 Il,618 :',:;32 n73 9 127
Lut..biJliere. 21,837 13,975 6,874 8fl.5 5 118
~..raskiuonge. 16,2',:1 JO,360 :,,207 677 8 \
:\ht,,,ne. 30,3U3 24,036 Il,:1.•0 007 9 1
:\·1ej.l,:,t.lll.ic... 33,033 21,295 11,238 1,004 17 79
;\-HFj~j~Quoi.. 17,709 10,286 6,:;02 895 21 5
i\lont.culrn .. L3,987 8,779 4,Ii(il 523 4 20
1\'loul.m;lg1l,Y 21,997 14,197 7,01l 740 18 31
l\'lont.nlClreney. 14,008 O,OB6 4,403 530 'l 4
Mon tre"lnnd Ile JbUB. . . .• .. .. 738,2\0 231,874 269,846 32.898 734 2,858
NâpiervJ1Je. 7,nn4 4,996 2,700 200 2
Nicolet. 29Ji!/;, 18,837 9,571 1,171 7 L09
Poot.ha. " 19,097 12,37.; 6,794 8H 3 1
PorLoellr. 32,OUO 21,215 JO,51S 1,203 12 12
Quebec 124,627 79,548 30,503 S':JI6 59 20\
H.lehelieu. IO/AS Il ,923 6,613 787 4 221
Ricbmond. 23,74 .• 14,3Wl 8,292 837 8 28
Rimouaki. 27,r,0 18,499 8,2;)7 732 10 22
Rouville..... 13,ti.')U 8,277 4,786 581 7 .)
j nJ"lIftnllY \7,'11\2 0,600 ,),.301 594 2 1,646
81",ffo,,1. 2:;,734 15,471 9,288 040 19 4
Shel'btt..~oke. 31 t:~.~,6 18,087 U,394 \,205 30 40
Soula.)jJ!.·t 10,005 6,~04 3,:lii3 333 3 172
St~nf'l d 23,380 13,37 - 8,1>13 1,1l5 26 31
8t l!yaelnthe 23,098 14,139 7,787 1,1I2 18 42
H.. John 14,219 8,651 4,9'19 G03 7 9
8L. l\r~.\lrif'(,. 50,&15 31,82l) 17,218 1,576 il 114
T'(IIIl.Î9cllmi ngue. 26,204 17,062 8,479 616 7 40
'f't:"mi? 44.310 29,472 13,604 1,219 4 11
Terrbbonne 33,1\08 21,30\ 11,3'4 I,L81 34 8
Va.udreuil. 11,555 7,208 3,898 413 8 28
Vercberœ 12,719 8,079 4,05n 57\ 4 6
Wolfe, 18,181 11,724 5,942 502 8 .)
Yamo.r;kll... . ......• 18,056 \1,348 5,971 733 4
PRON1NCE OF' QlJEDEC.. 1,361,199 1,456,506 SOS,SU 90,721 1,361 6,SOO