Page 84 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 84
A dwelling,forcensus pUTposes, is a place in which one or more per-
sans have theil' permanent domicile. It may be a tent, a boat, a railway
coach or any kind of shelter used as a regular lodging. On the other
hand, an entire apartment house, contaiuing many families constitutes
only one dwelling. A ra\\' of hou ses, divided by inner waJJs, from the
celJar to the garret and having its main entrances on the street, is con-
sidered as containing as many dwelJings as there are separate entrances,
whereas a house containing two Bats, one above the other is one· single
dwelling, although ea,ch lodging may have a separate entrance. Those
who had temporary quarters at the time of the census, such as mine
workers or lumbermen were registel'ed at the place where they were
For census purposes, the family is "a group of persons whether
related or not, living together and generally sitting down at the same
table". In this particular sense, one single persan, a clerk lodging in a
store would constitute a family. The boarders and the staff of a hotel
or of a boarding house constitute a single family, as also do the inmates
of a penitentiary or charitable institution. The family circle, which
difiers from the economic family, may comprise servants) boarders or
dependent relatives in addition ta tbe members who are the exclusive
components of the family.
22-Nurnber of Dwellings, in Canada, al various censuses.
PROVIN' ES l!illl 1001 JOll 1921
·--1------1----- -----
l'noce Ed "",,,d l8land .. 17,724 18,:l.!jO 18,530 18,237 18,tl28
NQVà Scol,in.. 74.,15-1 r9,RIlZ 85,313 93,784 102, 07
New Brunswick.. Jl,l(;Ü 54,7ti; 58226 00,9:10 70,428
Quebec.. 2l5,'t~1_ 245,544 291,427 3·10,196 39t>,~:· f
Ont.nia. 359,~Ja 406,W8 445,310 5~9,100 O:l7,i,52
M"niloba. 12,S0:3 30,700 49,784 85,720 H7,541
Sa'l'kaf,d,cwan. 17,645 118.21;3 103,001
... Ib,-,t . J4,842 87,572 135,125
- ------_.- ---~-----
nfiti~11 CoJnmbm... 9,783 20,016 :lU.938 74,077 123,003
741,365 756,607 1,018,015 1,408,689 1,768,129
23-Nurnber Or Farnilies in Canada, al various censuses.
PROV!)lCER 1881 18B1 1901 1011 Hl2]
Prine<> Edwanl Island .. ........... 17,973 Jh,501 18.746 10 ..125 18,801
Kov:l :-:(:oll:t.. 79,b9a 83,ï:3:l 8!l,38G 9S,491 180.723
New nTun~wick.. 56,948 :'; ·..ro2 (;2,095 07,0.';] 76.9·10
Ql.lebec... 2,'H,841 271,!J91 307,304 371,590 442,3.56
Onbl'io ... . . . . . . . ... .. . .. ... . . 3GO,444 414,7!;9 4r,ô,264. 545,229 li!;1,029
:;MDIIit(.b~". . . . . .... . . . 14,169 31,7S0 51,056 Bl,230 12~,984
&eka.teJI(;w:~TL. J9,(~~9 120,761 168,.?55
Albe!ta .... .......... ....... J6,401 90,340 141,190
Bri~i.b Colnmbia. ............. JO,439 20,718 3,s,H5 79,825 13.1,040
CANADA(l). .......... 800,410 900',000 :l,058,!86 1,482,980 1,901,227
(1) Net includipg Yuken and the l\'orth We.t TerTitorir•.
6th Censu. of Cana,h; Xllr B"lIeti'n.