Page 88 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 88
The classification of the population according to education shO\vs
the progress of public instruction in the Canadian provinces during the
bst twenty years. There may possibly be certain inaccuracies due to
false statements made to the Government enumerators, specially
amongst the adult population, very often ashamed to admit ignorance.
Moreover, it is possible that in certain parts of the country, the enumer-
ators have taken for granted that people of Canadian and British birth
could read and write without questioning them on the subject.
The classification of the populatioIl, by age periods, according to
degree of education sets forth the progress made between each decade.
The illiterates born in Canada and residing in the Province of Quebec,
in 1921, were distributed as follows: from 10 to 14 years, 1.72 p.c.; from
15 to 20 years, 2.61 p.c.; from 21 to 34 years, 3.50 p.c.; from 35 to 64
year, 9.66 p.c.; from 65 yeaTs and over 23.83 p.C. Individuals of foreign
birth for the same age periods were represented as follows: 2 p.c.; 2.80
p.c.; 6.70 p.c.; 11.80 p.c. and 16.73 p.c.
2&-Degree of Educalion of the Population of the Province of Quebec, according 10
Place of BirLh, br Age Periods. in 1921.