Page 86 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 86

60                          POPULATION


                                Thevarious expressions u'ied in this chapter refer to the matrimonial
                            status of persons at the time of the consus. There may be errors con-
                            cerning the civil status of certain persons due to faiRe declarations
                            made to the Government enUlllerators. Errors. are unavoidable in such
                            an important work of compilation but they have no appreciable effect
                            on the general result.

                              25-Classification according to Civil Status l' d Age (f Men enumerated in (he Census of
                                           (he Pro~'ince of Queb·ec. compated 10 100 Women in 1921.
                                                Bn b~JOJij    !\l.a.rri~d                Divoreed
                                            II                             Widow fil
                                                l~:;>l  1911  192  1911   1921   1911  1921  1911
                              Under ~l ( 1).. , . , ....  100.8  lOI. 0  14.3  17.0  ];j .8  25,0  16.7  ~ ......
                              21 and over (1) ......  108.3  116.6  1  104.4  105,0  m,o  55.8  80.~  7i.  9
                              ],j and over (1) .... , . ,  106.0  II:J.4  101.8  102.5  56.9  55.8  79.5  78,  8
                              15-19.... , ..........  102.4  106.1  8.7  10.3  21.1  28.0  12.5 .....
                              20-~4.. ..... ... . . ...  12~6  130.9  47.0  50.7  41.8  69.3  3~.0  30  3 .
                              25-29 ..............  119.1  135.6  83.3  86.1  {il).7  82.5  36.5  65,r. ~
                              3O-~1.. .............  107.6  121.4  97.9  101.0  69.~  1  80.7  61.5  46.  3
                              35-~9...... .........  102.3  ](11.5  100.6  107.2  69.8  69.7  68.8  72. 9
                              40-+1. ......... .....  87.6  S9.4  111,7  110.1  67.7  64.7  76.7  106.  2
                              45-49...............  86.4  R2.8  115.1  111. 3  63.7  59.1  86.7  73.  3
                              5CHi-l.. .............  75.5  75.6  120.0  116.2  57.0  54.0  110.0  74.  7
                              5.'Hi0........ , ..... '  71.0  68.0  110.9  124.2  51.1  46.8  113.6  102.  2
                              6Q.-O'I." ............  61.8  ua .6  128.6  134.1  40.1  47 ..5  111.4  113.  7
                              6:; nnd ov(~r.........•  ':;5.1  .!!lA.  IG2.,ï  163.9  5.; .3  54.8  126.3  8'1. 6
                              Unkno\\'D ...........  121.2  152.8  1\0.8  200.7  10.0  6.'3.7  100.0  275. o
                                   (1) Proportion b•.•cd UPOll "JulOwn ~~.B".
                                 The number of persons of unknown statns at the census of 1921,
                            was distributed as folLows: Prince Edwa.rd Island, 31; Nova. Scotia, 332;
                            New Brunswick, 419; Quebec, 6,tSOO;, 3,802; Manitoba, 516;
                            Saskatchewan, 531; Alberta, 508; British Columbia, 671; Yukon, 200;
                            Korth West Territories, 3,287; CanfLdu, 17,098.

                                 26--Numerical classification of the Population according 10 Civil Stalus, in 1921.
                                                 S;t1~J~      !'o-larried  \\-ïdowed    DivOfced
                                 PROVINCES                                          1-
                                                                         :\Iule  POl oJe  MBle  Female
                               t'rince' wllr<lIJilIlDd.  21, 3·1  ' 717  H,f!"  J,'"fi fi  1,54.0  3.3M  24  18
                               ]\o"a ,:<~ü"j ...  1611,ll-':l.i  1+Ù.t>9  4,8  93,:llH  8:140  1 175-2  217  210
                               New BrUlla~Y1ck...  121,42S  lnO,lJ70'  fl9,f>74  n.a. -il)  5,918  11,(;76  12:1  106
                               Q',ebe.c. . ..  . ...  7:l6.114  7l?O,30Z  41)(i,':'10  m.l"?l  32,912  67,  603  758
                               Onl~d(j .     111';,538  1~, 01  G07,IIifi  0S'II,5111  42,~.'4  99,~9  1,135  1,309
                               :\O!nIl:iLO  ..  InO,On  1,2,!l2g  117,4  Il' ,7Ua  O,'lï2  12,~40  246  260
                               !!l:J~~t..l".w"n. .  263,1 n  1 li.4.9!J  142,4 1  l:lfl,27fl  7,4.5U  10,.>07  337  2:13
                               ,\lb 1'1.........  199,74.1  H3,On8  117.1 1  .IlU,IHCl  6,1\67  flJi07  413  2 ....9
                               1\";1." Columbia. .  15g,U2~  J,14,l!l~  125,0&6  1O:';,4.3:J  7,118  12., [(j  547  4~3
                               Yukon... ...    l~ ~)R  5M.2  7. Ct  076    1.")2  7:>    22     4
                               N. W. Terrilor;""  .  1,~!;O  l'lG91  9a;;  lH8  66  221   1     1
                                   CANAI)A.. ..  . 2,698,754 [2.378,844 1,698.395 ;1.631,76;1 U9,708  236,522  3,670  J,ni
                                CCtl"'(S o[ 1921; Vol. lI.
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91