Page 83 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 83

CLASSIFICATION OF THE POPULATION                         57

                                      CLASSIFICATION OF THE POPULATION DY AGE-PERIODS.
                               The second volume of the 6th Census of Canada classifies the popu-
                           lation according ta age. It is impossible to make any assertion as ta
                           the accuracy of the age of individuals as enumerators admit that a
                           great number of persans do not know their exact age, others, deliberately,
                           will not decJareit, while, in many cases, the information is given by third
                           parties only approximatively.

                                26'-Cln ification of the 'opnhltion of the Province of Quebec, ac(~ording to age.

                                    ACg·I'EltIOnS               1891              1IJ11    1921
                             T,,~" tlun .
                              •~I- !J ......
                              (l-l~ ..
                             :':11 ~,
                             3:, -:3u
                             foQ H
                             (,.,j :l!'!
                             00-  .
                             6.j- r:ÇJ  .
                             70 iwd OYf~r..
                                .Am:: Hxo·~~··...-To1.\.L.
                                Aw': t:INI'U'tOWN.-ToTAl.
                                TOTAL PO(l'UL.ATLO.~.
                               The foJlowing tables show that the popuLation of the Eastern part
                           of the Country is somewhat younger than that of the ·Western part.
                           Thus out of 1,000 persans, 483 are included in the group of 0-19 years
                           in this Province and 460 belong ta the saille category in Kew Brunswick,
                           whereas the proportion of persons under 20 years of age is weil under
                           400 in the Prairies and British Columbia. In opposition, the group of
                           20-44 years includes more individuals in the West than in the Eastern
                           part of the Dominion.

                                2I-Clussilkation of the Population of Canada, according to Age-Periods, in 1921.

                                                       0-9    10-19                70 yeo.r.  1  Age
                                                             .Y  t!"  Ili:ld o"\~er  lIDknoWll
                             -Pr-ine-e-E-d-w-<tr-d-J-~-.-Dd------I--IO-.;-I02---ls-,w5"I--- -,ô-r-'"t-:I:--,-s-,o-,,-Q-I---fj,-a-:lS-I--H
                             1\" tJ\":.J. Scotio.  .  J2't~,:":61, 124  17~1 ,B~3  Oû.B15  2" /iü7  4Zi
                             1\cw Brun.",c"            ~&,fl33  ~,77S  12G,~liJU  lioll,9-1O  14,943  H3
                             Qll..b~c..               (>23,~ïB  517.709  7' l;lf~l  3.;",409  63,949  9,05Z
                             0","                     fl)~,J'.J~  !I~9,983  I.1~1i',.  .%lI,3'"  lU2.286'  '1,559
                             M'Lf]Il"b,,- . . .       ! 51\,013  I~O,459  ~:~1 ,n'I  &S.9H9  lO,2~.'\  503
                             foi.,kntl'llcwan.        2l!1,~~5  114,435  2YO,IH~  11:1.797  !!.~~~  7~8
                             Alb.on»  ...  . ..       1i>4,:lS  107 ,010  Z~5,f>J 1  . '1,076  (\,~l'I~  5b5
                             1Jri.:<11 ColumbIa. . ..  Hl ,03l  82.923  ')'·27ll·"  l  ,331  9,[,')~  010
                             Yu"ou N. W. Territorie..  1,71'ol  1.46'd  ··2:85i  2,031  GU   3,8:~t
                                   C.\N.\nA (1)..    ;1,106,411  l,n4,967  3,210,145  1,488,S80  247,103  21,2n
                                                                   l      ,
                                 (1) The for (J,r).fladl., by 1\"  perîoùtllnclude l.he membera of U1F' CanadiaJl Na..·y.
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88