Page 82 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 82

56                          POPULATION

                                         CLASSIFICATION OF POPULATION ACCORDING TO SEX

                                 The census reports show a numerical difference between the sexes
                             in Canada,   From the ea,rly dnyt; of the colony, the male popula,tion \Vas
                             more numerous than the femalc.    The phenomenon 1S especially notice-
                             able in the Prairie Provinces and British Columbia owing to a large
                             immigration of workmen.       In thc;-,c 1'c'gions the male pro :Iortion
                             per 1,000 persons had nlrcn,dy rea·ched 642 in    1~91,  The difference
                             in proportion is less in Olt' En::d  n part of the Country where the immi-
                             grfLtion movement i~; more rcstrict d.

                                 The following two tables give an accurate distribution of men and
                             women in the ProviTI('t:s of Canadf\, since 1891.   The figures of 1921
                             show 4,529,945 men and 4,258,53~, \Vomen, being ,an excess of 271,407
                             men, equa.l to 3% of the total population.

                                        18-Number of ]VIen according 10 census in Canada, br Provinces.

                                       PROVINCES         1~71   1881 1  1891   1901   1911    1921
                               Prin". I~"mrd l'J<lod  ,.,'  47.121  54,7:<9  ;,l,BRI  r.l,9.~.9  47,069  -t--l,887
                               Novu "'cot,i~... , ,. , '.'  193,79a  220,:,38  227.0n:l  2:13,M2  251,Olll  2tJ<1.472
                               New fJru""'T·~k. "  ".".,.  146,,"·  1l'A ,119  16:J,739  16R,ô:l9  179,B1!!7  H)7,Ml
                               Qu,,["'"......           ij!)6,O'll  678,]/5  744,141  81H.4S4  1,012, III  1,lS0,028
                               On(.nrio  "  ,.,'"       828,Lg[l  97,Br>!  1,069.487  1,0  ,r~  1,301,27  lAH1,8no
                               r"l!Init.oI1a. '  , , , ' , ,. , ,  ' , .. ' . ,  1:J,tiG  35,133  84,342  1~/  252,054  320,5G7
                               8,. katrl,\' ·"n..... .. ..    ..     '         49,4:H  291,nO  413,700
                               AlbùH                                ..         41,019  22<.,7"2  3N,208
                               Bl'ili,h C"h;mbia,        20,694  29,503  63,003  111.160  251,619  293 ..100
                                Y"Ir"m rcrrllolY..................             2:'I,ORl  6,508  2819
                               Nvrth Vi ,.tOrIl Terrilory  24,,21.  28,n:J  53,785  10,176  :'1,3.'>0  J,I~9
                                Royal CU'!1udiu" Navy , ..... , . ' , . 'f-i'_'_.._._._+  ...,__,_._''_''_'_'1_'_'·_·__.1  1__.~_4Bl>._
                                     CANA.o •. , , , , '"  .. , •. " "! 1,869,264  2.188,854  2,460.471  2,751,708  3,821,995  4,5.25,945

                                       19-Number of Women atcording 10 census, in Canada, br Provinces,

                                       PROVINC ,8        1871           h91    JDUI   1911    1921

                                P:'inc«Elh~  cl h:l:.lIId.....•.... : .                       '1~,72R
                                Nova tj.~()lJO•... ' ............• , ..                       2!)7,::lf"'d
                                1\e\', ] rnm,wick  .                                          90"')~"
                                (~.ur:hec ........•...• ,  .                                 l,18J, 71
                                Ollt:nio ..... _  ~  .                                       114~J,77~
                                Manitoba"""  ,  ,.' ., .. ,.                                  ;,jN9,~·)1
                                &ui.kntcbowan   .                                             3n, 10
                                Atb r  ..     .     ..',"                                     2B1,2·,jô
                                BritlJlIl Colum  .' , , .. , ,  , .  1~,r.~3  1  :J;,i70      23l,ln
                                YuhlJn Tcrritmi  .. :..............  .. _. ~ '1                I,:l:l~
                                Norlh WI'~t Te • \br,e, ... , "., .,,'  23,7~G  :~,)~16~.      3,'Vir.l
                                                       ---- ---1--'-- ..------ ---- --- -
                                    CANADA.       • •••  , 1 1,819,993  2,139,9 6  2,372,76B î 2.619,607  3,3B~,6C8  4,258,538
                                  Caoada Ycar Book, 192&,
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87