Page 81 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 81

CLASSIFICATION OF THE POPULATION                         55

                             The following ta.ble classifies the population of the Province, accord-
                        ing to origin, for each electoral district, on the lst June, 1921.

                           17-0rigin of the Population of the Province of Quebec, by Electoral Districts, in 1921.

                              FEDERAL    Popu-                 OlflGlH OP tt'OPULA'I10l\"
                                         Julian                              -------_._.     _
                             DISTRICTS    1~~1  Frnoeh 1 Brili,b 1Gernu".  Hehr"'" IUalinO Ilndian 1llelgian 1 Vuriou.
                           Arllenteuil.  17,16;  9,32)  7,6!l8  20  Il    19          13    77
                           BaJlo~..      18,03,;  17,876  )32  5    4      3           2    I~
                           Beo.ure    I  ••  53,S4.1  !\J,078  6~9  22  7  12          3    70
                           BeHuh::.,rl\Ois...  19,~S8  18,28~  1,484  27  13  5        1    75
                           Dellecha--se  .  21,190  21,1.58  14-  1  3                      1~
                           Bert.hit:L ..  19,8)7  19,523  146  8                 1     7   132
                           Bonaventure  .  21),092  21,2.;6  7,02.\  71    1   680    14    45
                           Brome       .  13,471  6,IG8  7,099  30   1     6           8   1.;9
                           Chambly &. Verchere.  34,643 .  26,751  7,26.;  51  136  53  1  66  320
                   009  '16,084  1,236  19  22  100   268     9   271
                           Chnr!E"vol:ll:- I\-lontmo~  48'  1
                                         28,871  28,3J3  4;iO  9          Il     7    15    42
                           CI~:~e~~),gpay - Hun-
                            tir,gdon ....  26,731  IG,O;,2  9,296  29  55  14  l,In   J7    97
                           Chicouljm)-Sr~guenay  90,&11)  83,6.;7  2,S99  41  23  46  2,405  47  1,791
                                         aZ,2K,  23,084  8,773  56  Ji    70     2    33   250
                           g~~~~~~r·.::::::·:  28,954  27,543  1,285  ?    1                16
                           Drummond & MIna-
                            hn.lJka ...  44,R23  12,9~  1,634  64   27    1,~         31    71
                           GMpe..  .     40,an  31,14f;  8,R36  138  11    4    14     5   221
                           Georlre E. Cartier...  54,800  23,92,;  3,704  72  23,819  9.10  10  207  2,127
                           Hocheh,gs ..  73,.;26  ;>7,620  n,MI  146  287  1,069     296  2,567
                           Hull  ...     43,541  3,/I,")f,  7.533  1-18  66  8d  7    35   313
                           .J11('Q\lce-CR.rtier...  89,297  50,:J~  32,~~6  221  1,2,,7  1,127  63  167  3,442
                           Joliell.e  .  2r,,9:3  2;\ ) fi!)  .,HJO  1  79  40         2    72
                           Ko.,mournt:ika.  22,01'1  21,~79  99  R         8   .2.i .       20
                           L"belle.. ..  . ...  3:'\927  32.020  J ,995  306  61  33  149  433
                           Lo.pndrie &: Napjer-
                            ville. .. ....  .  20,065  17,0,,~  659  20  31  67  2,200  10  25
                           L'As.omplioo. Monl-
                            calm         :?R,318  26,7SO  1,180  2  1      2          17   288
                           r.'"rier-Oulremoot...  72,047  3j,l84  23,887  288  8,48  2,693  160  1,345
                           La"al Two Moun-
                             l;tins  .   28,3J4  26,A50  1,031  18  52    97   436   116   111
                           Led~    .     33323  32,41$  733    3     3    10    81    11    64
                           L'l,lei  .     17:~.!:',O  17,G91  00  1  8           1     1   107
                           J.o t~in. e.  21,(-';3';"  21,0.-,1  623  ·';3                  107
                           \["1,,,,"" uv<  M.OJ3  47.8:26  14,~)0  120   824    11   241  1,331
                           1D.~1f\0I1.~e,.  16,94"  16,8;;7  70  1  .... "8  2         2    13
                           ~·rl\.t.arH: ..  36. j(J3  3:\6.12  .~.00  28               2    83
                           ~'Icg"'lJIti('....  3il,6a3  30,OH  ,~,~~7  J2  2'1  rI'  Il  3  211
                           J\1 iss!.F'tl uoi..  17,709  JI,50S  ;J,,) 9  80  27  [:.11  7  463
                           1\.1ontmnS!.ny .....  ::?1,fHl7  21,792  IO!)  1  6  2  1  21    60
                           ?\il·DI(~t.  ' ..  ZY,(;!);j  29,3!l7  212  1        14-    6    9~
                           Ponti:,r  .   4G,2û  30,037  12,640  626  39   59  2,3';3  64   383
                           Porlnenf.     3i..b~~  32,R63  1,230  27  41   56   127    11    85
                           Quell(~(':, counly ..  31. vU  2\1,098  1,.;;8  10  26  4  369  7  (,6
                           QucbcC' East. ..  3S,3:10  36.'139  1,228  20  312  .08  .';  41  227
                           Queloee 8o".t.h.  27,706  J9,67!>  7,"185  73  t.8  Iofl  i  19  220
                           Q".ber We,I  .  37,9\'3  36,P·):l  8.~1  3  ·1  tj.j       21   lOG
                           Hir,hclleu  .  18,76\  l S,~-l;jO  139  .';  42             9   239
                           Rirhmond & '~olfc .  42,ZIR  : ."nftl}  6,44$  32  18  08  17    !l7
                           n'mousk' ..   27, ~\~tl  ~7,321  118  3   9     ..    9          49
                           SI. Auu.. ..'  .;2,049  16.211  32, h6  J94  6r:l  t\I1:'l  "Jii;  2,0'1I
                           St. An toine ..  3~,3  1O,3n"  18,072  1-57  ~  1,2:U)  29  117  ) ,508
                           S~. Deni..  . ....  7S,!Y..!O  60,219  1J,kr,4  132  2.272  4  362  1,216
                           SI. I-!)''''' _Il.ouville ..  36,754-  3;',995-  602  10  . 17  2,;;6~ 1  1  7  58
                           St. .fo.m(~:'. _  .  42,413  37.491  1,790  7--,  6.;B  1,257  2  274  806
                           ~t,. Jeull & Iberv;lIe.  23,518  21,475  1,673  26  25  27  17   75
                           St. Lawrence·St.
                            George.. ..  36,912" 3"1  20,227  271)  5,700  458   8   U4   2,80:\
                           :Jt. MArY. _  63,975 5.;>00  ",.3/)R  [.9  337  ,,)25  7   90  1,809
                           Sh~fforrl.  .  :l'>,611  21 ,8<;0  3,(;.~1  8  :1'4  1      4    68
                           Sherbrooke. . ..  10,781l  20,.\0  ~,:j~l  19  2~1;  71    57   302
                           Stnn,lea<l.. . . . .  23,~RO  1·1,230  8,ou  ~.::.  :n  2-1     193
                           Temi.couot,. .  44,310  43,~70  600  ID  13     3   150          34
                           Terrebnnne.  .....  33,90R  3t,136  2,0',0  21  ,\27  JL  10    181
                           Three Hivers o.ou St.
                            ilbunce.........  "O,SF.  48,111  1,9'16  45  60  91      58   531
                           VaudreuiJ-SOul.nge.....  21,620  19,212  2,079  23  :;  126  . li>'  Jl  154
                           W".<1 lIIoUDl St. Henry  fj~,!!o9  37,.';4.-1  22,200  2~n  1,331  697  70  66  722
                           Wright.. .. _.. , . . ..  :!J ,8:.0  14,265  6,f~12  761  9  6  766  8  88
                           Yama.ka.......... _  18,;;"0  18,",71  36  6  1  1  222.......    3
                               TO'rALs. ' .. _. 2,361,1991,889,277 357,108  4,668  47,971  16,141  11,566  3,284  31,178
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86