Page 80 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 80

54                          POPULATION

                               15.-Census of Population llccording lo Origin in the Cilies of the Province of Quebec.
                                          whose population exceeded 20,000 inhabitants, in 1921.
                                        ORlGIN         Montresl  Quebee  Verdun  Hull  Sherbroeke  Tbree
                               British. ........ .... .............  143.630  8.635  14.647  1.830  6.230  1,036
                               French .. .. " ...................  3'JOI, 168  85,350  9,509  21,918  16,685  21.019
                               Austrinn.. ' .. , •..•.•......•.. , ...  1,223  7  37  22
                               Re-lgian... - ....•.. ..............  1.041  71  95  30   22     24.
                               Chinese 1 •••••••••••• .............  1,735  98  34  21   31     4.0
                               German.. ............ ........ ...  1.520  94  107  42    17     ~
                               Greek. ............ .............  1,446  73  67  10      34     11
                               Hebrew. ... ......... .............  42,817  375  149  37  265   38
                               Itnlioo .......... , , .... , ....• ....  13.1)22  156  48  76  50  8
                               Negro •.....•...•.. , ....... , .....  802  14  36  1
                               Polieh...... " ........ .. .........  2.427  7  16  17     4.
                               RownnniaD .•..•.... ,_ .......•...  1,026  1  5    6
                               RuaS)3.Q ", ...•.. _ •.•.••••••...•••.  2,067  5  27  11   7      1
                               Syrian... _......._......•..•......  1,409  64  7  30     68     69
                               Ukronian........................  1,051     6      7       4      6
                               Not epecified ., . , .•... _.... , ..... ,  2,34.1  138  2  30  31  3b
                               Sundry origÏo9 ....... , •.......... ,  3,831  105  220  30  67  66
                                         Totols ........... ,  618.506  S5.193  25,001  24,U7  23,515  22,367
                                  More than fifty pel' cent of the strangers belonging to the groups
                             of Austrians, Belgians, Czechs, Danes, Hungarians, Icelanders, Nor-
                             wegians, Poles, Roumanians, Russians, Swedes and Ukranians had
                             their domicile in the Prairie Provinces in 1921. The persons of British
                             origin represent the greatest number in aH parts of the country except
                             in the Province of Quebec where the group of French origin exceeds
                             an the other races and nationalties.

                                  16-0rigil1 of the Population at the Census of 1921, in the DO'mi,nion, by Provinces.
                                        oRrom          Cllnada.  British  Prairie  Ontario  Quebec  Maritime
                                                         (l)  Columbia  Pro"inces           Provinces
                               - ---~---------l--- .._-- "---.- ----·I----I--~-I----
                               BRITIl'.H. ,_ .•.• , •.•••..•••..•.•... 4,868,S03  187,513  1,103,228  2.282,015  31>1.295  736.247
                                  J~;n~lish.. , ............•... ,..  2.541;,496  221,]01·)  557,236  1,211.060  196,082  3[,7,083
                                  II'l:<h......  .  ..  1,lOVH7  iÏ·~.20g  224,44&  590.493  94.917  143.125
                                  Scotcn      "     '"  1.17~.S24  ID-!.965  305.774  465,400  64.102  232,74.•
                                  Olhor         ,    .   4l.(),,:1  7,105  1;:;,172  14.452  1,204  3,294
                               II·r~ncb.....•...•.•....••......  2,452,782  11.246  1p,703  218,493  1.889,000  189.701
                               Austrian   '          .  107.671  ~.OO.3  90.203  11.790  1:.901  704
                               lJl'l.gifLD .....••.....••....•...•...  20,231  1.3~i  11.3.'17  3, liS  3,284  1,055
                               Cbine       ,      , ,  .  39,.•87  23.533  7.579  5,625  2,3:.;5  514
                                                                        6, 1~9
                               g~~~~i{.: ','..:::: :::::: :: :::::::::  21.124  1,040  14,4&8  1,336  595  1.345
                               Dutch                 .  117, ,,06  3,306  46.857  50,512  1,413  15,383
                               FintliFoh. , ...•• ," ....•.•... ,_'  .  21.4(){  3,112  5,&69  12.835  76  81
                               Gentlrl,.o.  l  ' •••••••• __  •••••  _ ••••••  294.6:16  7,273  122.979  130.54.•  4.608  29,004
                               Groek, .. ,  ,  ,  ,   .   5,740   703    970    2,078  l.i80   207
                               Hebl'ow .............•....•..... ' .  12ü.l06  1,696  2,),201  47,708  47.977  3,425
                                                         13.181   313   ~O.819  l.737    89    186
                               HUDJ!:arJan .••..•.••.....• _ o ••••••
                               1celandic         '  , .•.  15,876  f>i5  15,143  137     Il     1'0
                                Indir.n  , .....•..•..............  lig:~~~  2~:m  4U18  ~g:g~  U.566  3,614
                               ltnlian,  , ..•......•... , ..... , .                  16,141  2,013
                                Jopn.n  .......................•.  15,.'168  Hi.OO6  635  161  32  6
                                Ne!7o,     , ...•...........  lR,29[  076  1.935  7.220  1,046  7,408
                                NOJli\'r tan.. , ..••... "  o ••••••••••  6~,8!i6  6.570  56.964  3,416  705  1.080
                                p,,' 11••••••...••••.•••....• ,••..  ;';1,403  1.361  31,927  13,787  3.251  1,045
                                                         '13.470  276   8,581   3.120  1.371   122
                               .~oU)f:~:.i.o.~..~::::::::::~:::~::::: :  100.064  7,373  80.564  S,60S  2,802  700
                                Bi!ri>o-Croatian, ..  ,  ,  .  3.906  695  1.740  1,249  67     U8
                                S:w~di..,h......•..... " .. , ......•.•.  61.503  9,666  4.3.030  6,713  90S  1,074
                                ~;~i~~~~:.'~:":..:'.:'..::::::::~ :~:::  12.837  900  U88  5,014  2,570  1,817
                                UkraniRn    o •••••••• ,  , •••  105,721  793  96.053  8.307  1,176  3112
                                Not epecified         .  21.2.49  1,454  4,932  1.636  6.066  1.091
                                Snodry origio.s '"  " . o·  •••  12,111  1,706  1,414  3.408  3.I:a:I  807
                                        Totale. ,. .. .. .. .. ...  8,788.483  524,582  1.~56,082  2,Sll.662  2,3&1.1~9  1.000.328
                                    (1) The tota.] (or Conada imlu(k. Yukon and u," Nort.h West T~rrilory,
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85