Page 77 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 77

CLASSIFICATION OF THE POPULATION                          51

                                     CENSUS OF POPULATION ACCORDING TO RELIGION.

                             The first volume of the federal census taken, in 1921, classifies
                        the population aceording ta religïous belief in the different provinces.
                        The data for Quebee show that 97.8 pel' cent of the inhabitants belong
                        to five religions, the least important of which, numerieally speaking, has
                        over 40,000 adherents. The number of persans belonging to eaeh of these
                        denominations, in 1921, is as fo11o\vs; Roman Catholies 2,023,993;
                        Anglicans 121,967 ; Presbyterians 73,748;     Jews 47,776 ; Methodists
                        41,884, The remainder of the population 51,841 persans, of whom 6,690
                        made no declaration as to their religious belief, belong to different sects
                        or denominations, having but few adherents in the Province.

                           IG-Classjfiçalion of the Popula(ion of the Province of Quebec, according 10 religious belief.

                                  Il.ELIGIONR       1921   1911    1901  ,  l!lIH  1881  1871
                           Adventi.ts ... . . . . . ..... . .........  1,1356  2,435  3.019  3,364  4,210  3.150
                           ,A.nglicans...........•....••......  121.932  103,812  81,630  75.472  68.797  62,449
                           Selv~tion Arroy...................  658  510  292  297  4.665  5.173
                           Bepusb. .. ...................  0,256  9.258  8.483  i,991  8853  8,686
                           Roman C"tholics.................  2,019.518  1,724,693  1,429,260  1.29l.709  1.170,718  I,O~9,850
                           Congregation.ah,ls.................  4,715  5.197  5~173  4,296  5,244  5,240
                           Jo,,·s...... ......................  47,759  30,268  7,4Y8  2,703  989  M9
                           Lut.heraos, ' .... ..................  2,209  2,619  1,642  1\385  1.003  496
                           J\1ctbodiets... ....................  41,884  42,646  42.014  39,544  39.221  34,100
                           P..sbyl.erians....... ..............  73.445  64,132  58,013  52.673  50,287  46.165
                           Protest...'lDtB .......... ............  18,620  8,634  6.211  2,342  2,432  4,195
                           Othf"T denominatioDB......•.•......  12,857  8,076  4,861  3,913  -  2
                           ReligioIlB not epecified .............  6.690  3497  1,742  2,8'1~  2,668  1,461
                                     TOLals •.. ....... ,.  2,361.199 1 2,005, n6  1,648.898  1,488,535  1,359,027  1,191.516

                             The proportion of adherents to various religious beliefs pel' 1,000
                        inhabitants in the Province of Quebec is shown in the following table.
                        Roman Catholics numbered 857 pel' 1,000 persons, in 1921, as against
                        860, in 1911. Presbyterians bave gradually decreased in relative import-
                        ance sinee 1871; from 39, they have fallen to 36, in 1891, 32 in 1911
                        and 31 in 1921.

                           Il-Ratio of the Principnl Denominations pet thousand of (he total Population a! each
                                  RELIGIONS         1921   1911   1901    18lH           1871
                          Roman Catholice.... . . . . . . . . ... .  !l5i  Mû  86~  868  863  857
                          Anglil':lnB. .......................  52  52  48  51     51      52
                          PrBtlbyterin.os..  ............  31  32    35     36     37      39
                           MetbodiBia, ... ........ -..........  18  21  26  27    29      29
                          Jew5........ ........... - .........  20  15  5    2      1
                          OU,cr religions.  o  ••••••••••  '"  •••••  :.'2  20  18  16  19  23
                                     Tot"!;; .... , ...... ,  1,000  1,000  1.000  1,000  1,000  1,000
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82