Page 76 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 76


                                                   URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION

                                  The Federal census determines as urban population that of the
                              cities, towns and incorporated villages.    The other centres of the
                              Province form the rural population. There is a possibility that the figures
                              of each census do not apply to the same urban Or rural localities as
                              several municipalities formerly recorded in the rural group may now
                              be incorporated into villages or towns. This may be verified by noting
                              the nmnber of villages in the three lnst censm:es; from 136 in 1901 and
                              160 in 1911, the number thereof became 251 in 1921.

                                a-Urban and Rural Population or 'he Province or Qllebec, according 10 each Census.
                                                                                     RA'l'fO PER 100
                                     YEARS OF CENSUS
                                                                   Rural  1  Tot~l  Urban     Rural
                                1921 ...........•.................  1.038.12S  2,361.199  56.0  44.0
                                1911 ......•.............•........  1.03".~)31  2.005.7761  48.2  51.8
                                1901.                 ..            g94.~:;;1  l.1;48.89":  39,7  60.3
                                1891 ......•........•...... ,  .    g,"8,S20  1.488.5;\;;1  33.5  66.4
                                :~î:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1  1.047.92:1  1,359.027  22.8  77 .1
                                     (1) The urb..n populotioo of 970.791 ~ven in the first volume of the Cenoua of 1911, ia reduoed to
                                966.842 by the tran.•rer of the population of ;\1aniW1\.ki, Martioville. Moi3ie, St. Bruno, SL Mo.rtio ..nd St.
                                Viocent. de Paul from tbe urbnn to the rum! oolurnn and bl' reacljuatment of superficies of the villageo of St.
                                Ann and St. Û<loeviève: 0100 bl' the Act of ExtcOilion of Bouodaries. 011912.
                                     (2) Ao ooneeted in 1921.
                                   In 1871, the rural gro\!pings amoullt-ed to 80 pel' cent of the whole
                              population, whereas in 1921 the proportion of persans living outside
                              the cities, t0wns and villages reached only 44 pel' cent of the whole.
                              We are obliged ta conclude that the peopling of the larger centres of
                              the Province of Quebec has been earried on at the expense of the country,
                              the immigration of agriculturists being illsufficient to counterbalance
                              the influx from the country to the towns. There is a notable decrease
                              in the rural population as compared to the urban for the period of 50
                              years ending in 1921.

                                          !J-Disiribution of Urban Popnll1lion of ihe Province of QlIebec.
                                                               URI:Jâ.N POPULATION    RATIO PllI' 100
                                     URBAN LOCALlTŒS                         1901             1911
                                     ......,..................... \):::~             1921
                                 Citi                              612:1,:841  .J.37.319  40.48  31.40
                                 Town... .. . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . .  181,895  207,272  106,319  7,70  10.33
                        (1) . '" . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .  185,854  129.786  10,427  7,  ~  .47
                                          Totals, '" "._ ... , .,.,  1.323,071  966.842  654,065  56,03  48.20
                                     (1) Proviocial Stlltietica ioclmlecl ,~II"ges in the rural s.<lioo witb parisbes, township" and other
                                 rur::d munieiprtiit.ies.

                                   8th Ceoou. 01' Caoada, Bull.tin IX.
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81