Page 113 - index
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judge or judges thereof and subjert to any IUIPS, whcre the
ordinary civil jurisdiction of the court can in any cane be
cxercised by a single jiidge, any jurisdiction conferred by
this Act may in the like case be cxercised by a single
8.- Subject to the provisions of this section no-
thing in this Act shnll dter the a,pplication of sny droits of
Admiralty or droits of or forfeitiires, to the Crown in a
Bristish possession, and such droits and forfeitiiies, when
condemned by s court of a Rril,ish possession in the ewer-
cice of the jurisdiction conferred by this Act, shall, save
as is othcrwise prorided t>y any other Act, be notified,
accountcd for, and dealt aith in such inaniier ûs t,he
Treasury frorri tirne to tinie direct, and the officeis of
every Colonial Cuurt of Admiruity and of evciy othrr
court in a Riitish possession exercising Adiniralty
jurisdjction shall obey siich directions in respect of the
snid droits and foi.feitiires ns niai be froin timc tu tinie
givcn by the Treasury.
(2.) It shall be la,wful for Her Majesty the Qiieen iii
Council by Order to direct that, suhject to any condition',
exceptions, rescrvntions, and regulations rontair~cd in thc
Order, the snid droits and forfeitiir~n condamned hy a court
in a R~itish possession shall forin part of thc revenues of
that pumession cither for cver or for such liniited term or
suhject to such revocation au Inay he specified in the Ordci.
(8) If and so long ss sny of such droits or loifciture by
virtiie of this or an? ot,her Act form part of the revenues of
the said possession the saine shall. subject to the provisions
of uny Inw for the tiinc bcing applicable t,h~rrto, licnotified,
accountcd for, and with iii ninnner directed Ijy the
Governmcnt of the possession, and lhc Treasury s1i;~Il not
have sny powei in relation thereto.
9.-(1) It hall be lawful for Her hlajesty, by commission
under the grent Seal, to eniporver the Admirulty to estu-
blish in a British possession any Vice-Admiralty Court or