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anle officer or lierson who but for the passing of Lhis Act
                                         would have beeii cntitled to reccive the same in respect of
                                         like  husincss.  Sn far  as  any  such  rulcs are  inapplica,ble
                                         or do not extend: the rules of  court for the exercise  by  a
                                         court  of  its ordinary nivil  jiiriidiction shaii have effect as
                                         iitlcs for the exeicise by the sanie court of the juriadiction
                                         conferrcd by this Act.
                                           (4.)   At any time after the passing of  this Act any Colo-
                                         nial law may be priwed, sndany Vice-Admiralty Court niay
                                         be rstablished and juriediction  vcsted  in such Court, but
                                         any siich lan, extxblishmrnt, or vcstingshall not conie into
                                         effect untd  the  comnienccnicnt  of thic Act.
                                           17.  On  t,he roriirnenccmcnt of  this  Act  iii aiiy BriLisb
                                         pos~nsion, but subjcct to the provisions  of this Act, every
                                         ViccAdiniralty  Coiirt  in  that  posxmion  shall  be  abo-
                                         lished; suhject a-Y foUou~s.-
                                           (1) Ali judgments of such Vice-Aduiiralt?  Court shdl be
                                            executed and may be appcaled from in like manner  as
                                            if  this Act  had  not  passrd,  and al1 appeals frcm  any
                                            Yice-ridmiralty Court  pcnding at  the conunencement
                                            of  this  Act  shall  be  hesid  and  determined, and the
                                            judgtnent  thercon exccuted as nearly as may be in like
                                            rirs,nner as if tliia Act had not passcd  :
                                            (2)  Al1  procecdinga  pending  in  the  Vice-Admiraltu
                                            Court in any British possesion nt the  conirnencement-
                                            of this Act shall, notivithstanding the repeal of  any enact
                                            ment hy this Act,  be  continucd in a Colonial Court of
                                            Admiralty  of  the  possession  in  nianner  directed  by
                                            riileaof coiil.t.,and,sc fur asno such ride entends,iiilike
                                            riianner,asnearly asiriay be, as if they had ben original-
                                            ly begun in such court  :
                                           (3)  Where  an?  person  holding  s,ii oEcc,  wheher  that
                                         ofijudge:  registrar, or mrirshal, or nny other officc in  nny
                                         sitch Vice-Admiraltg  Court in n. British possession, sufTers
                                         any pecunis,ry loss in consequenne of the abolition of such
                                         court, the Government of the British poss~ssion, on  com-
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