Page 111 - index
P. 111

subject to the like local appeal, if any, as judgments of  the
                                     Court in the exercise of its ordinai-y civil  jurisdiction  and
                                     the Court having cognizance of  such  appenl  shall  for the
                                     purpose  there~d posse6.1  al1 tlic  jurisrliction  hy this Act
                                     conferred upon a Colonial Court of Admiralty.
                                       0.  (1) The a.ppeal from  a  judgment  of  any court in  a
                                     Biitish possession  in the en~icist of  the jurisdiction  con-
                                     ferred by this Act, either where there is as of  iight no local
                                     appeal or after a deçiuion or1 local nppeal, Lies to Her Majes-
                                     ty the Queen in Council.
                                       (2.)  Suve as may be  otherwise  specially alloured  in  a
                                     particular case by Her Majesty the Queen in Council, an
                                     appeal under this section shall aot be aiiowed-
                                     (a) from any judgment not having the effect of  a definitive
                                     judgment  unlesfi  the  c11urt  a,ppealed from  has  given
                                     leave for such appeal, iior
                                     (6) from any judgment  unless the petition  of  appeal has
                                     been  lodgcd within  the tiinc prescribed  by  ruli:~, or  if no
                                     timr is prescribed  within six months from the date of  the
                                     judgment  appealed a.gainstl or if leme to appeal has beeo
                                     givcn the11 from the date of  such leave.
                                       (3)   For tbe purpose of  appeals under this act,yer Ma-
                                     jesty  thc Queen in Couucil and thc Judicial  Comniittee of
                                     the Privy Council shall, subject to mles under this section,
                                     hve ail such poweie for making and enforcing judgment?,
                                     whether interlocutoi-y or final, for punishing contempts, for
                                     requiiing the palment  of  money  into  court, or  for any
                                     othcr purpose,  as may he necessary, or as were possessed
                                     by  the High Court of  Delegatcs hefore the passing of the
                                     Act transferri~ig the pon-ers of such court tu Her Majesty in
                                     Council, or  as are for the time bcing poasessedhytlie High
                                     Court in England or by the court. appealed from in rclntion
                                     to tlie like matters as those forming the subject of appeals
                                     under this Act.
                                       (4)  Al1 Ordem of the Queen in Council  or the Judicial
                                     Cornmittee  of  the  Privy  Council for  the  purposes afore-
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