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England,  and  shall have the same regard as  that  Court
                                    to international law  and the  comity  nf  nations.
                                      (3)  Subject to the provisions of  this Act any enactment
                                    referring to a Vice-Admirnlty Court, which is contained in
                                    an Act  of  the  Iniperial Parliament  or in  a  Colonial Iaw,
                                    shall apply to a Colonial Court of  Admira,lty, and  he read
                                    as if  the expression  "Colonial  Court  of  Admirnlty"  were
                                    therein substituted forl'Vice-Adniiralty Court"or  for other
                                    expressions  respectively  referring to such  Vice-Adniiralty
                                    Courts  or  the  judge  thereof,  and  the  Colonial  Court  of
                                    Admiraltg shall have jurisdiction  accordingly.
                                      PRO~IDED follows :
                                    (a) Any enactment in an Act  of  the  Imperial  Parliament
                                    referring  to  the Admiralty jurisdiction  of  the High Court
                                    in England , when applied to a Colonial Court of  Admiral-
                                    ty in a British  possession,  shall be rend  as if  the name of
                                    that possession were  therein  suhstituted  for England  and
                                    RTales; and
                                    (b)  A C'oloninl Court  of  Admiralty  shall have iinder the
                                    Naval  Prize Act,  1864, and  under  the  Slave  Srade Act,
                                    1873, and any enactnient relating to prize or the slave trade,
                                    the  jurisdiction  thereby  conferred on a Vice-Admiralty
                                    Court and not the jurisdiction  therehy conferred exclusive-
                                    ly on  the  High  Court of  Admiralty  or the High Courtof
                                    Justice ; but,  unlesa  for  the  time  heing  duly  authorised,
                                    shal! not hy virtue ofthis Act exercise my jurisdictionunder
                                    the Nnvnl Prize Act,  1SG4, or  otherwise in relation to pri-
                                    ze; and
                                    (c)  A  Colonial  Court  of  Admiralty  shall  not  have  ju-
                                    risdiction under  this Act to try or punish  a  person for an
                                    offence  mhich  according  to  the  law  of  England  is
                                    punishahle on indictment; nnd
                                    (d) A Colonial Court of  Admiralty shall not have any grea-
                                    ter jiirisdiction  in rela,tion to the laws and regulations reln-
                                    ting to Her  Majesty's Navy at sea  or  under any Act pro-
                                    viding for the discipline of  Her  hlnjesty's Navy, that may
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