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than the Iniperial Parliment or Her Majesty in Council,
competent to mnkn Iaws for such poeaession.
16.1) This Act shall, save as otherwise in this Act
provided,come inlo fmcein every British possession on the
first day of July one thousand eight hundred and
(a) This Act ahal1 not come into force in any of the Bri-
tish possessions named in the First Schedule to this Act
until Her hlajesty so directs hy Order in Council, and uii-
til the named in dhat behalf in such Order; and
(b) If before aiiy day above nieiitioned rules of court for
the Colonial Court of Admiralty in any Briti~h passessi-
oii have been approved by He' Majesty in Coiincil,
this Act may be pruclniined in that possession hy the
Governor thereof, and on such proclamation shall come
into force on the day nanied in the proclairiation.
(2). The dny upon which this Act comes into force in
any British possession shall, as regards that British posses-
sion, be deemed t,o he the commencenient of this 4ct.
(3) If, on the commencemeiit of this Act in any British
possession, rulcs of Courts have not ben approrrd hy Her
Majesty in punuance of this Act, the riiles in force at such
commencement under thevice-Admiralty Courts Oct. 1863
and in India the rules in force nt such cornmencement re-
gulating the respective Vice-Admirnl1.y Courts for Counts
of Admiralty in India: including a.ny riiles made wi h
reference to proceedings instituted on behalf of IIer
hlajesty's ships, shall! so far as applicable, have effect
in the Colonial Court or Courts of Admiralty of such Fosses
sion, and in any Vice-Admiralty Coiirt established under
this Act in that possession, as rules of court undcr this Bct,
and rnay be revoked nnd varied a~:cordingly; and al1 fees
payable under such rules may he taken in such rnanncr as
the Colonial Court mny direct, so, hourcver tho,t the amount
of esch such fee shall so nearly as praticable be paid to the