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said or othemim in relation to appeals under this  Act shd
                                       have fuli effect throughout Ber Majesty's  dominions, and
                                       in ail places where Hei Majesty has jurisdiction.
                                         (5)  This section shaii be in addition to and not in deiw
                                       gation of  the authority of  Her Majesty  in  Council or the
                                       Judicial Committee of the Privy Council arisingothemise
                                       than under this Act; and al1 enactnients relating  to appeeds
                                       ta Her Majesty in Council or to the poweraof HerMaje~ty in
                                       in Council or the Judicial Committee of  the Prlvy Council
                                       in relation  to those  appesls,  whether for makingnileand
                                       ordcrs or otherwise, shall extend, save as othern~ise direc-
                                       ted by Her Majesty in Council, to appeals to Hei Majesty
                                       n Council under this a.ct.
                                         7  -    Rules of court for regulating the procedure and
                                       practice  (including feesans costs)  in a  court  in a  Bristish
                                       possession in the exercise of  the juisdiction  conferred by
                                      this Act:  whether  origind or appellate, may bbe  made  by
                                       the sÿriie aulhority and in the same manrier  as  mles  tou-
                                       ching the  practice,  procrdure, fees, and  costs in  the said
                                       court in the exercim of  its oidinary  civil  jusrisdiction res-
                                       pectively  are  niade.
                                        Providcd that the rules under tliis section shnll not, save
                                      as provided by this Act, extend to mattem relating to the
                                      slave trade, and shnll not (save an provided t>y this section)
                                      come into operation until they have been approved by Her
                                       Majesty in Council, but on cominginto operation rhnll have
                                      full effect as if enacted in this Act, any ensctment  incon-
                                      m~tent therewit,h shnll, so far as  it  so  inconsicdent,  be
                                         (2)   It &al1  be  lawful for Her  hlajesty in Council, in
                                       approviiig mles made under this section, to declare  that
                                       the rulr~ so made with respect to any mattcrs which appear
                                       to Ber Majest,y to be matters of  detail or of  local concern
                                       rnay be revohcl, varied. or nddcd to without thc appioval
                                       required by this section.
                                         (3)   Siieh nlles may provide for th0 cxcrcise of  any juri-
                                       diction confel~ed by this Act by the full  court, or by any
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