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P. 108

                                              SE  OF  ADMIRALTY  JURISDICTION  IN  HER
                                                MAJESTY'S  DOMINIONS AND ELSEWHERE
                                                      OUT OF UNITED KINCDOM"
                                                             (2SIh Jwly 1890)
                                                 THE  LAW  REPORTS, IMPEIIIAL  GTATWTES
                                                          VOL.  XXYIL  PACE  204

                                                            (CHAPTER  27.)

                                           Be it enacted by  the Queen's  niost  Excellent  ILIajcsty,
                                         by and with the adrice and consent of  the Lords Spiritual
                                         and Tcrnpornl, and Coninions, in this  present, Parlianient
                                         assembled, and by the authority of  the sanie, as follows :
                                           1.  This Art  Insy be citcd  as  The Colonial Courta
                                         of  Adrniralty Act, 1890.
                                           2.-(1.   Evciy  court  of  law  in  a  British  possession,
                                         which is for the time lieing declared in purnunncr of  this
                                         Act ta be a court of Admiralty: or whicli, if  no such declara-
                                         tion is in force in the possession,has theiein  uri@inal unli-
                                         mitedci~*iljurisdicti~~~, be a Court of Admiralty, with
                                         the jurisdiction  in  this Act mentioned,  and may for  the
                                         purpose  of  that juridiction  exercise al1 the powers which
                                         it possesses for the purpose of  its other civil jurisdiction,
                                         and such court in reference to the jurisdiction conferred by
                                         this Act  is in this Act referred to as a "Colonial  Court  of
                                         Admiralty".  Where  in  a  British  possession  the Gover-
                                         nor is the sole judicial authoiity, the expression "court  of
                                         lsw"  for the purposes of  this section includes such Gover-
                                           (2)   The  jurisdiction of a Colonial  Court  of  Admiralty
                                         sliaii, subjecl Lo  the provisions of this Act, be over the like
                                         places, persons, matteis, and things, as the Admiralty ju-
                                         risdiction  of  the High Court in England, whether existing
                                         by  virtue  of  any  statute  or  otheiwise,  and  the  CuluniaE
                                         Court of  Admiralty  rnay  ezerrise mch @riadiction  in like
                                         nannm and lu as  jull  an exlent  as  the  High  Court  in
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