Page 115 - index
P. 115

(4)'  If Her Maje-  st any time I>y cummission' under
                                     tlie Cireat Scal so direïls, LIie  Admiralty shall hy writing
                                    under their liands and the seal of the oficc  of  Admiralty
                                     ul~oliah a Vicc-Adniirnliy Court estrihlish~d in ans; Britirh
                                     possession iinder this secti»n,and itpon r;iich ahillition  tlie
                                    iurisdictirin ni any "(:olonial  Court of  Admiralty"  in  that
                                     1iossession u.hieh wae prrviously riispended shall he rcvi~ ed.
                                       10. Nothing in this .4ct shall affect any ponrcr of appoint-
                                     ing  a vice-amiwl  in and for any Hritiah posqession or  ariy
                                     place therein; ancl whencvrr there is not a foimally appoin-
                                     ted vice-admiral in a British ~iubüessioii or any plnïc thcrein,
                                     the Governor of  the posspesion siiall hc  "cx-officio-"  viee-
                                     a<irniral thereof.
                                      11.  (1)  Thc provisions of  this Act with rcapect t« Col*
                                     nia1 Caiirts of  A<lrniralty sh:ill  not  ir~ply tii thc Chanricl
                                       (2.)  It shall be lawfulfor t,he Qiicen in <>niincil hy Order
                                     ta declarc, uith respect to any Aritiah pohscsrjion which has
                                     not a reprewiita.tivr legislature.  that  the jurisdiction  coti-
                                     ferrcd by this Act on Colonial Courts  of Ailrnirally  laIl
                                     nat be vested in any court of  such  po~session, nr shall be
                                     vested only to tlic p:arI,ial or.lirnited cïtrnt sprcificd  in the
                                       12.  IL  sliall be  lawfiil for  Hcr  hinjeai.y thc Qiicrn  in
                                     Conc'l hy Order to riircct that this Act shall,sut~jrct t,o the
                                     conditions,excrpti»n.; nnrl <~iialifications (if any) eont,ained
                                     in the Order! apply to an? Coiirt estnhlished by Her Majes-
                                     ty for thc enercise of jurisdiction  in aiiy place oiit of  Hcr
                                    Her Majesty's  dominions which  is nnnird in the Order as
                                     if t,ht Coiirt wprc  a Colonial Court of  Adniiralt,y, and to
                                     provide for canying into  cffcct ~iich applic~tio~i,
                                       13.  It shall bc  lawful  for Her  l\lajcst,y thc Queen  in
                                    Cauncil by Order to iuake rules ar tu  11ie pw<:tieerind pro-
                                     codure (inrluding fees and costs) to lie ohsewed iii and the
                                     rrt,urns to be made from Colonial Caurts of  Admiraltg and
                                     Vice-Admualty Courts in the cxer<:ise of  their  jurisdiction
                                     in mntters  relating  to the slave  tradc, 2nd in  and  froiq
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