Page 110 - index
P. 110

he froni time to time confei~cd on such court hy Order in
                                          (1) Where a  Court  in  a  British possession  exercises in
                                        respect  of matters arising outside the body of a county or
                                        othcr  like  part  of  a  British  possession  any  jurisdiction
                                        exercisable  under  this  Act,  that  jiirisdiction  shall  he
                                        dcenicd to be exercised under this Act and not otherwise.

                                          3.  The Legislature ofa British possessionrnuy by
                                        an?/ Coloriial law  (a)  decla~e un2  coi~~l unlirniled civil
                                        j'~izlrisdic1ion ~~hethrr oriqinnl or appellate, in  that possession
                                        to be a Colonial Court  of  Adrniralty and provide  for
                                        the exercise by ~uch Coui~tofitsjurisdictionunder this Act,
                                        and limit tei~itoridly, or otherwise, the extent of  such ju-
                                        risdiction; and
                                        (b)  confer upon  any inferior or subordinate court in  that
                                        possession  such  partial  or  liniited  Admiraity  jurisdiction
                                        under such regulations and with such appeal (if any)as may
                                        seem fit :
                                          PROVIDED that anysuchColoniallaw shall notconfer any
                                        jurisdiction  which is not hy this Act conferred upon a Co-
                                        lonial Court of  Admiialty.
                                          4.  Every  Colonial lan which  is made  in  pursuance  of
                                        this Act, or affects the jurisdiction  of or practice or proce-
                                        dure in any court of  such possession in respect  of  the ju-
                                        iisdiction  conferred hy this Act, or nlters  any such Colo-
                                        nial  la~v ns  above in  this section nicntioned,  which has
                                        been previously  passed,  shall, unless previously  approved
                                        by Her hfajesty through  a Secretary of  State, either be
                                        resemcd  for  the  signification of  Her Majesty's  pleasure
                                        thereon, or contain a suspending clause providing that such
                                        law shall not came into  operation  until  Hcr  Majesty's
                                        pleaare thcreon  has been puhlicly signified  in  the  Bri-
                                        tiah possession in which it has been passed.
                                          5.  Suhject to rules of court under this Act, judgments
                                        of a court in a British possession given or made in the exer-
                                        cise of the jurisdiction  conferred on it by this Act, shall he
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