Page 114 - index
P. 114
(2) Upon the establiatinient of a Vice-Adniiralty Court
in a British possession, the Admiralty, by ariting under
their hands and the seal of theoffice of Admiralty, in such
form as the Admiralty dircct, rnay appoirit a judge, regis-
trar, mamhal, and other officers of the court, and rnay can-
ce1 any such aypointment; and in addition toanyotherju-
risdiction of such court, msy (subject to the lirnits irnposed
by this Act or the said commission frorn Her Majesty)
vcst in such court Lhe whole or any part of the jurisdiction
by or by virtue of this Act conferred upon anp courts of
that British possession, and my Vary or revoke such
venting, and while such vesting ir in force the power of
such last-mentioned courts ta exercise the jurisdiction nn
vested shall bc suspended.
(a) nothing in this section shal2 authorize n Vice-Admiral-
ty court so established in India or in any British posses-
sion having a r~presentative legislnture, to exercise any
jurisdiction, except for some purpose relating to prize, ta
Hel Majest)-'s Navy, ta the dave trade, ta the matters
dealt with by the Foreign Enlistmwt Act, 1870, or the
Pacific Idanders Protection Ac&, 1572 and 1575, or
to rnattcrs in which questions ariw relating ta treaties or
conventions with foreign countries, or ta internntional law;
(b) in the event of a vacaricy in the office of Judge, rrgis-
trar. rnarshal, or other officer of any Vice-Admiralty Court
in a British posses~on, the Governor of that possession rnay
appoint a fit person tn fil1 the vacancy iuitil an appoinc-
ment to the office is rilade by the Admiralty.
(3) The provisioiiti of this Act with respct to appeals
ta Hcr Majesty in Council from courts in Rritish possesions
in the exercise of the jurisdict,ion conferied by this Act
shall apply to appcds from ViceAdiiiiralty Courts, but the
rules and orders made in ielation ta appeals from Vice-
Admiralty Courts may differ from the niles made in rela-
tion to appeals froni the said courts in Britisii possession.