Page 24 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 24

BOWMANVlLXE.                           33

      A VILLAGE  situated  on an excellent harbour of  Lake  Ontario, in the Township of Darlington,  Coun-
      ty of Durham, C. W.—distant  from  Toronto, 42 miles—usual  stage  fare,  12s. 6d.—distant  from  Port
      Hope, 22 miles—usual stage fare, 7s. 6d.—distant  from  Kingston, 134 miles—usual stage fare, 37s. 6d.
      Population  about  1,500.
                     AGENCIES  OF ASSURANCE  COMPANIES,  BANKS, &c.
      Bank of Montreal, J. Simpson, agent,  Sougog st.
      Bank  of Upper  Canada,  H. S. Reid,  agent, King st.
      Montreal  Fire and Marine  Assurance  Company, John  Burk,  agent, King st.
      National  Loan  Fund  Life  Assurance  Company, S.  W . Davidson,  agent, King st.
      Provincial  Mutual  Life  Assurance  Company,  Charles C. Neville, agent, King st.
      ARMOUR,  ROBERT, barrister and attorney at law, solicitor to the Bank of Montreal  agency,
          King st.
      BLEWETT  & HOAR,  general  smiths, King  st.—horseshoeing and general  smith  work  in
          all its branches  attended to; English  steel  plate  shovels always on hand.
      BOWMAHVIIXE  MESSENGER,  weekly  paper,  McMillan  & Begg, publishers, King st.
      CONNOR,  HENRY,  temperance  house  and saloon,  King  st.—travellers  will  find  a com-
          fortable  house and low charges.
      COWELL,  F . Y. & W., dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery  and country
          produce, King st.
      DAVIDSON,  S. W., & Co., chemists  and druggists, King  St.—a  choice  stock  of drugs,
          chemicals, dye stuffs,  paints, perfumery,  & c , at low prices.
      FAIRBAIRN, ROBERT, postmaster, King  st.
      FAIRBAIRN, J. B., bookseller  and stationer,  King  st.—N. B., all the American  periodi-
          cals  furnished  to subscribers at United  States  prices.
      FISHER,  DAVID, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware and country  produce, and nur-
          seryman, King st.
      HALES,  H. B., manufacturer  of saddlery, harness,  & c , of the best  quality, King st.
      HINDS,  ALPHONSO,  Waverly House, hotel and stage house, King  st.—travellers  will  find
          the house  comfortable  and convenient, and charges  reasonable.
      HUTCHESON, ST. JOHN H., barrister  and  attorney  at law, King  st.
      MCMILLAN  &  BEGG, printing  office, King  st.
      MCMURTUT,  WILLIAM,  dealer  in dry goods, groceries,  hardware, crockery and country
          produce, King st.
      MANNING,  RORERT  S., manufacturer  of all kinds of cabinet  furniture,  King st.
      MASON,  SAMUEL,  saddler  and harnessmaker,  King  st.—every  article  in  the line con-
          stantly  on hand or made to order  of the best  quality, and at low prices.
      NEADS, JACOB, hardware merchant, smith, carriagemaker, and dealer in stoves, iron,  &c,
          King st.
      NEVILLE,  CHARLES  C , clerk  of division  court, and insurance  agent, King st.
      REID, H. S., collector  of customs, and  agent for marriage  licenses, and of the Bank of
         Upper  Canada, King st.
      SIMPSON, JOHN,  SC CO., importers of dry goods, groceries, hardware,  & c , millers, distillers,
         and  exporters  of country  produce, King st.
      SIMPSON, JOHN, agent  of Bank  of Montreal,  Scugog st.
      SMITH, D. S., produce,  cloth  and wool  merchant,  King  st.—Cash  paid for wool, pro-
          duce, &c.
      STOTT,  THOMAS, carriagemaker, King  st.—keeps  on hand  every  description  of vehicle*
         used in C. W., which  are warranted  equal to any in the Province, and are sold on
         very  moderate  terms.
      SCTTON,  THOMAS  C , chemist, druggist and wine merchant, King  st.—wines and liquor*
         of superior  quality  constantly on hand.
      Bailey, James, pottery, Clinton st.  j  Bragg, S., tailor, King st.
      Bigelow, John, tinsmith, King st  J  Brooke, L. F., general store, Eanget.
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