Page 27 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 27

36                           BHANTFORD.

      BRITISH AMERICAN  HOTEL, Job Tripp, corner  of Colborne  and King  sts.—travellers will
          find every  accommodation  and  attention,  and first rate livery.
      BROOKE,  DANIEL,  attorney  at law,  solicitor  in  chancery,  notary  and  conveyancer,  Col-
          borne st.
      BROWN, J.  G.,  surgical  and  mechanical  dentist,  and  daguerrean  artist,  Wilkes'  brick
          block, Colborne st.
      BROWN,  MICHAEL,  auctioneer, bookseller, binder  and  stationer, Colborne  st.
      BUCHANAN,  JAMES  KINCAID, land  agent, notary, conveyancer, &c,  Colborne  st.
      BUNNELL,  ALEXANDER,  forwarder,  produce  and  commission  merchant,  Colborne  st.—
          consignments  of all kinds, and orders  for wheat  and flour attended to.
      BURLEY,  LUTHER,  Brantford  saloon, Colborne  st.—New  York  oysters,  lobsters  and  sar-
          dines, and  cigars  of the best  quality, always on  hand.
      BURWELL,  ALEXANDER,  surveyor  and draftsman,  Darling  st.—attends  promptly  to  con-
          veyancing and land agency  business, upon  moderate  terms.
      CAMERON,  JOHN,  secretary  Brantford  Navigation  Company,  Colborne  st.
      CAMERON  & HUBIDGE, barristers  and  attorneys at law,  Colborne  st.
       CHEESEMAN  & STUBBS,  dealers in groceries, wines, liquors, crockery, &c,  Colborne  st.
          tallow, soap  grease and  allies taken in  exchange.
      CHRISTIE,  JAMES,  agent  Bank  of British  North  America,  Colborne  st.
      CLEGHORN,  ALLEN,  importer  of  and  wholesale  and  retail  dealer  in  every  description  of
          shelf and heavy  hardware, Colborne  st.
       CLEMENT,  JOSEPH  B., postmaster,  office,  Market  st.
       CLIFFORD,  DANIEL,  cabinetmaker,  Colborne  st.—every  description  of  furniture  con-
          stantly  on  hand  or made  to order  in the  best  manner,  and. on  reasonable terms.
      COCKSHUTT,  IGNATIUS, importer  of  dry  goods,  groceries, hardware, crockery, &c, &c.,
          Colborne  st.
       COLE,  S., sash,  blind,  and  agricultural  factory,  west  end  of  Brantford  bridge—'manufac-
          tures  Eddington's patent  Glasgow  ploughs,  chain  pumps,  fanning  mills  and  straw
      COLMER,  WILLIAM,  saddler,  harness  and trunk  maker,  Colborne  st.—a  choice  assort-
          ment  of bits, bridles, spurs, whips, &c,  and  an  extensive  stock  of  saddlery  always
          on  hand.
      COMERFORD,  JOHN,  dealer  in  groceries,  wines,  liquors,  provisions,  &c,  Checkered
          store, Colborne  st.
      COWHERD, THOMAS, manufacturer  of  plain and japanned  tinware, Colborne  st.—jobbing
          done  to order  with  punctuality, and  upon  moderate  terms.
      CRAIG,  JOSEPH,  dealer  in  groceries, provisions, china, glass, &c,  Colborne  st.
      CREYK,.  JAMES,  watchmaker  and  jeweller,  Colborne  st.—particular  attention  paid  to
          cleaning  and  repairing watches and  clocks.  Gold  and  silver watches  for  sale, at
          very  low prices.
      DALRYMPLE,  ROBERT  & WILLIAM,  cabinet, chair  and  sofa factory,  Colborne  st.—^manu-
          facture  every  article  in  their  line  of business, upon  very  reasonable  terms.
      DIGBY,  ALFRED, M.  D.,  Wellington  st.
      DUNCAN,  CORNELIUS,  tailor and clothier, Colborne  st., opposite the  Bank  of  B. N.  A.—
          gentlemen's  clothing, and  ladies' riding habits, furnished  to order, with  neatness  and
      ELLIOTT, J.  & W.,  sculptors, marble masons, &c,  Colborne  st.—a  large stock  of  foreign
          and American  marble, grave stones, tomb tables, &c,  constantly  on  hand.
       EVANS,  THOMAS,  bookseller  and  stationer,  Colborne  st.—a  good  stock  of  periodicals
          always on hand—Sunday  school libraries  furnished  at New  York prices.
       EVANS, MRS.,  milliner and  straw bonnet  maker,  Colborne  st.
       GARDHAM,  JOHN,  tailor  and  clothier,  Colborne  st.—every  description  of  clothing  fur-
          nished, at reasonable  prices.
       GARDHAM, MRS., milliner, Colborne  st.—keeps always on hand a select stock  of  fashion-
           able  millinery.
       GILKTSON,  ARCHIBALD,  barrister and  attorney  at law, Colborne  st.
       GOOD, ALLEN,  secretary  Gore  District  Mutual  Insurance  Company,  Colborne  st.
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