Page 23 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 23
Bull, C. S., flour mill. Ringer, William, shoemaker.
Clark, Philip, postmaster and general store. Simpson, Benjamin, waggonmaker.
Clark, Selleck, shoemaker. Southard, William, carpenter.
Cooper & Burlingham, flour mill. Sanders, George W., carpenter.
Cooper, James, tanner and shoemaker. Stinson, John, blacksmith.
Cooper, Obediah, blacksmith. Striker, Jonathan, blacksmith.
Coultis, H., match factory. White, W., shoemaker.
Duggan, D. A., tailor. Wiggins, C. A., innkeeper.
Lear, George, carpenter. Workman, William, carriagemaker.
Morgan, Richard, flour mill. Young, Thomas, blacksmith.
Noxon, Samuel, saw mill.
A small VILLAGE situated in the Township of Cavan, County of Durham, C. W.—distant from Port
Hope, 14 miles—usual stage fare, 3s. 9d.—distant from Peterborough, 16 miles—usual stage fare, 3s. 9d.
Population about 100.
Bee, John, shoemaker. Kidd, George, blacksmith.
Clemshaw, John, postmaster and grocer. Purdy, James, waggonmaker.
Dyall, Doctor R. Philips, J., general mechanic.
Fitzgerald, John, storekeeper. Ward, James, shoemaker.
Graham, Joseph, innkeeper. Wood, Robert, shoemaker.
Henderson, John, tailor. Wright, John, threshing machine shop.
A VILLAGK situated in the Township of Albion, County of York, C. W,—distant from Toronto, 28
miles—usual stage fare, 3s. 9d. Population about 400.
WALFORD, SAMUEL & SON, soap and candle factory.
Adams, Dr. W. Jones, Griffith, bootmaker.
Ansted, William, brickmaker. Laurence, George, general store.
Banks, Stephen, carriagemaker. Lundy, Tindal, blacksmith.
Barons, William, carpenter. McDonald, Francis, cooper.
Bell, John, bootmaker. Mills, Thomas, tailor.
Bolton, James, miller. Postill, William, waggonmaker.
Bolton, William, saw mill. Prosser, T. C , land surveyor.
Bolton, Charles, general store. Reeves, John, baker.
Bolton, Samuel, carpenter. Rutherford, Adam, bootmaker.
Botham, Moses, tailor. Shields, William, general store.
Brownlee, John, cooper. Smith, Thomas, carpenter.
Burnett, George, mason. Tindall, John, butcher.
Burrowes, Nicholas, pumpmaker. Toy, Frederick, baker.
Carless, William, innkeeper. Walford, Samuel, postmaster.
Clark, John, boatmaker. Warbrick, Dr. John C , coroner.
Evans, George, innkeeper. Warbrick, Joseph, tanner.
Harper, John, saddler. Wood, James, blacksmith.
Hughes, W. C., cabinetmaker. Woolfe, James, blacksmith.
Johnson, James, innkeeper.
A VILLAGE situated in the Townships of West Gwillimbury and Tecumseth, County of Simcoe, C. W.
—distant from Toronto, 44 miles.
Boddy, John, innkeeper. Orr, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Fraser, Rev. M., Secession Church. Parker, William, blacksmith.
Hamen, J., school teacher. Rogers, S., tannery.
Jones, H., innkeeper. Rogers, J. B., steam sawmill.
Lynd, James, general store. St. Clair, A., general store.
Lewis, G., blacksmith. Switzer, R., carpenter.
M'Cracken, Robert, carpenter. Watson, George, waggonmaker.
Neilson, William, waggonmaker. Watson, J., blacksmith.
Osier, Rev. F. M. 7 Church of England.