Page 21 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 21

30                    BERLIN—BESTITIER,  en haut.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       DAVIDSON, WILLIAM,  postmaster.
       DAVIDSON, G.  & W.,  general  merchants.
       Ahrens,  C. H., general  store.     Howard  & Hillborn, vinegar  factory.
       Alendorf, Baltzer,  weaver.         Jautz,  George,  cabinetmaker.
       Bendler,  Herman,  shoemaker.       Kidder,  Charles, hatter  and  furrier,
       Benton,  William,  waggonmaker.     Knetchell, P. W.,  cabinetmaker.
       Bindeman,  Rev. F. W.,  Luthern.    Lehmen, John J.,  tinsmith.
       Bond, Edwin,  tailor.               McMahon,  William,  bailiff.
       Bowman,  Gabriel, cabinetmaker.     Marshall  & Webb,  brickyard.
       Bowman, Jacob  W.,  cabinetmaker.   Miller, F.  G.,  general  store.
       Bowman,  Joseph  S.,  brushmaker.   Moore, W.  K.,  general  store.
       Bowman,  II.  B., iron founder.     Narghang,  C.  JK., tailor.
       Brown,  William,  painter.          Octzel, John,  saddler.
       Clark,  D. D,,  cabinetmaker.       Repscher,  Peter,  brewer and  innkeeper,
       Coleman, John,  grocer.             Roat, John  S.,  saddler.
       Correl, Michael,  cabinetmaker.     Rochter,  Samuel,  shoemaker.
       Ebey,  Rev.  Benjamin,  Menonist    Rotherwool, Henry,  cabinetmaker.
       Ebey,  George, veterinary  surgeon.  Scott, John, medical doctor and  coroner.
       Ebey,  Henry,  printer.             Scipe, George,  cooper.
       Ebey, Lemuel,  tailor.              Shafer,  Henry,  butcher.
       Ebey, John  W.,  druggist and general  store.  Smith, Henry,  chemist  and  druggist.
       Enslin,  Christian,  bookseller, stationer and notary  Sparrow, Thos., clerk  of the division  court.
        public.                            Thoman,  William,  carpenter.
       Fildner,  Valentine,  blacksmith.   Trout,  Samuel,  blacksmith.
       Fuchs, Augusto,  watchmaker.        Wagner,  Anselm,  potter.
       Gankel,  Frederick,  innkeeper.     Warner, Justus,  waggonmaker.
       Gankel, Levi,& Co., butchers.       Walden, William,  bailiff.
       German  Canadian,  The,  weekly  paper,  Henry  Washburn,  Stephen,  cabinetmaker.
        Eby,  publisher.                   Weaver, Rev.  Solomon, German  Methodist*
       Gilbert,  Frederick,  weaver.       Whiting, Jas. A., medical  doctor.
       Harbin,  Rov. John, New Jerusalem  Church.  Winger, John,  pumpmaker.
       Heilcr, Jacob,  wheelwright.        Zeigler,  Enoch, smith  and  carriagemaker.
       Heistand,  Isaac,  nurseryman.      Zeigler, Noah,  cabinetmaker.
       Heller, John,  watchmaker.          Zeigler, Nicholas, brick  yard.
       Hoffman,  John,  k  Co., cabinet, chair  and  plane-
        makers, and general store.
                                BERTHIER,    en haut.
       The VILLAGE  of Berthieris  situated  on the north shore  of the River  St. Lawrence,  in the seigniory  and
       county  of the same  name, C. E.  There is a steamboat communication with Montreal twice  each week
       in summer,—deck  fare, Is. 3d, cabin  fare  3s 9d.—stage  fare  in winter,  12s.  6d.

      ARMSTRONG. DAVID M.,M.P.P., agent  for  National  Loan Fund  Life  and  Equitable Fire
          Assurance  Companies.
      CHALTJT, LIEUT.  COL.  JEAN  B., notary  public  and registrar  of the  county.
      DIGNAN,  JAMKS, provincial land  surveyor.
       OLIVIER,  LOUIS  AUGUSTS, advocate.
      LAFOND,  FRANCOIS  XAVIER,  practising  notary public.
      TKANCHKMONTAGNE,  FKAKCOIS REMI, general  store  and  commissioner  of  the  court for
          small causes.
      Bondy, A.  D.,  advocate.           Fafard,  George, general store.
      Bourret,  Henri,  advocate,  clerk  of  the  circuit  Faries, Lieut.  Col.  Hugh.
        court.                            Forneret,  Alexander  C.
      Bourguignon,  Mrs., dry  goods store.  Gauthier,  Narcisse, general store.
      Contu,  Gilbert, postmaster  and  notary.  Gagnon, Rev. Jean F., Roman  Catholic.
      Curtis,  Gates,  foundry.           Guerout,  Rev. N., Swiss  Protestant.
      Doucet,  Norbert,  notary  and  commisioner  for  Gagnon, Francois, stage house and boarding ho
        small  causes,                    Giroux, Joseph, boarding house.
      Desrosiers, Leopold,  notary  and commissioner  for  Kerrigan,  Patrick,  boarding house.
        small  causes.                    Kittson,  Alexander,  general  store.
      Dixon, James, general store.        Laferrier,  Remi, clerk  commissioners'  court.
      Dorouin, Joseph,  general store.    Lavallee, Captain  Pierre.
      Emond, Charles, general store.      Lavall6e, Captain  Flavien, mill  owner.
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