Page 20 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 20

      Breakanridge, J.  andW., barristers and attorneys  Madden, W.  H., watchmaker,  Front  st.
        at law, Front  st.               McVean, Mrs., milliner, Front  st.
      Bullen, Roach, boot store, Front  st.  Munro, Samuel, wharfinger,  Pretty's  Wharf.
      Brown,  G & J.,  foundry,  Mill st.  Nixon, James, innkeeper, Pretty's  Wharf.
      Bruce, Thomas, baker, Front  st.   Newton,  Thomas, general store, Front  st.
      Clarke, Franklin,  hatter,  Front  st.  O'Brien,  Stephen, innkeeper,  Front  st.
      Coleman, W.  H.,  lumber merchant,  Coleman  st.  O'Hara,  John, barrister  and attorney, Front st.
      Coleman,  Charles L.,  attorney  at law, Front  st.  Pashley,  Benjamin,  temperance inn, Front st.
      Connor, William, boatmaker,  Front  st.  Phippan, John, tallow  chandler,  Front  st.
      Copeland, John,  carpenter, &c,  Church  st.  Proctor,  Amos, axe factory,  Front  st.
      Corby, Thomas, baker, Front st.    Powers, Dr. James, Hotel st.
      Corby, Henry, flour mill, Pretty's  Wharf.  Read, Robert, tanner and distiller, Front  st,
      Crysdall, Daniel, innkeeper, Pinnacle  st.  Reed, David, shoemaker,  Front  st.
      Davy  & Brownell, carpenters, &c,  John  st.  Reed, J.  IL, hair dresser,  Bridge st.
      Donoghue, John,  shoe store, Front  st.  Robins, Charles A., blacksmith,  Front  st.
      Dougall,  Benjamin,  attorney  at law, Front  st.  Ross, John, tannery,  Church  st.
      Easton  & Judd,  general store, Front  st.  Russell, E. P., chairmaker,  Front  st.
      Fairman,  William J.,  grocer, Front  st.  Rutherford,  William,  carpenter, &c,  Front st.
      Fanning, Isaac, innkeeper, Front  st.  Ridley, Dr. George N., Front  st.
      Fry, A., tinsmith, Front  st.      Ridley, Dr.  Charles, Front  st.
      Furnival, J.  W.,  saddler, Bridge st.  Ross, E. P. ,penitentiary boot and shoe store, Front
      Galliglee, B., tailor, Front  st.    st.
      Gardener,  , grocer, Front  st.    Shanks, Thomas, variety  store, Front st.
      Garness, Charles, grocer, Front  st.  Sierichs, Hermann, baker, Front  st.
      Greer, Rev. John,  Church  of England.  Smith, Dr. Henry,  Church  st.
      Greig, Rev.  William, Free  Church.  Smith,  S. B., tinware  and stoves, Front  st.
      Hamley, Phillip, baker, Front  st.  Smith, Joseph,  shoe store,  Front  st.
      Harper,  Charles, innkeeper,  Front  st.  Stapley, Miss, milliner, Front  st.
      Horan  & Fay,  foundry,  Dundas st.  Taylor, Nicol, grocer, Front  st.
      Hunt, Burleigh, carpenter,  &c,  Grove st.  Thompson,  William,  brewer  and  innkeeper,
      Jackson, Thomas, butcher  and grocer, Front  st.  Bridge  st.
      Johns, John, saddler, Front  St.   Templeton, William, tailor, Front  st.
      Jones, Rev.  Richard,  Wesleyan.   Tossell, William, hair  dresser, Front st.
      Jones, Nathan, general store, Front  st.  Tossell, Mrs., milliner, Front  st.
      Jones, R.  H., carriagemaker,  Front  st.  Telegraph  office,  John  Phippan, superintendent,
      Kahoe, Patrick,  carriagemaker,  Bridge st.  Bridge st.
      Keith, James  & Joseph, carriagemakers, Mill  st.  Walker, James,  grocer  and tailor,  Front  st.
      Kerr, John, bootmaker, Front  st.  Wallbridge, Henry,  attorney  at law,  Front  st.
      Lauder, Andrew, watchmaker,  Front  st.  Walton, Dr.  Benjamin,  Church st.
      Langshaw,  Hugh, dry  goods &c, Front  st.  Warton, John, tailor, Front st.
      Lister, Dr. James, Front  st.      Walsh, Mrs., milliner, Front  st.
      Lyons, Henry K.,  tinsmith, Front st.  Watt, William, grocer, Front  st.
      McCorrnick, Arthur,  grocer,  Front  st.  Weese, John, innkeeper, Front  st.
      McEwen, Rev. James, Church  of Scotland.  Ward  & Lafontaine,  axe factory,  Mill st.
      McMaster,  William, grocer, Front  st.  Wallis, William, carpenter, &c, Pinnacle  st.
      Mullett, John H., leather store, Front  st.  Willard, Mrs., innkeeper,  Front  st.
      Mills, Parker, shoemaker, Front  st.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on  the River Richelieu, in the  Seigniory  of  Belceil, County of Verchfires,  C. E.,
      —distant  from  Montreal,  24 miles—Railroad  fare, 2s. 6d., steamboat fare, 5s.
      AUard, Dr. J.  B.                  Ladoux, Edward,  blacksmith.
      Blanchard,  Christopher,  blacksmith.  Lahaise, Louis,  shoemaker.
      Brosseau, Dr. J.  B.               Lamoureux, Olivier,  blacksmith.
      Bernard, Baptiste, general store.  Landreville, Joseph,  cooper.
      Brunell, Baptiste,  wheelwright.   Larg6, Joseph,  carpenter.
      Brunell, Louis,  wheelwright.      Malo, Prudent, general store.
      Busguet, Frangois, tailor.         Pepin,  Celestin,  tanner.
      Davignon, Simeon, notary.          PrSfontaine,  Godfroi,  general store.
      Depatie, Francois,  shoemaker.     Pr6fontaine,  Joseph, general store.
      Durocher, Rev. Eusebe, Roman  Catholic.  Pet6, Henri,  carpenter.
      Duhamel, Joseph,  blacksmith.      Soignor, Charles, shoemaker.
      Godette, Christopher,  shoemaker.  Thibault, Charles,  shoemaker.
      Godette, Hubert,  shoemaker.
      The VILLAGE  of Berlin is situated in the Township of Waterloo, and county of the same name, C. W.
      distant from  Hamilton,  35 miles—usual stage fare, 4s. 4d.  Population  about 750.
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