Page 28 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 28

BEANTFORD.                            37
      GLASSCO,  THOMAS, wholesale  and retail hatter and furrier,  Colborne  st.—cash  paid  for
          all kinds  of fur skins.
      GOOLD, BENNETT  & Co., iron  and  brass  founders, manufacturers  of  stoves  and  stove
          furniture,  mill gearing, steam engine work,  agricultural implements,  &c, Colborne st.
      HALE, JONATHAN, commercial hotel and general stage house, eorner of Colborne and Mar-
          ket sts.'—for  civility, attention  and comfort,  this house  will be found  second  to none.
      HALE  & STAYNER,  livery  stables, King st. and Hale's  hotel—good  horses  and  carriages
          furnished  at the shortest notice and on moderate  terms.
      HAMMILL,  R. & ,T., sculptors, marble  dealers,  &c, Darling st.
      HARDY,  H. A., barrister  at law, and solicitor  in Chancery,  Wilkes'  block, Colborne st,
      HELLIWELL,  C. L. & Co., booksellers, binders and stationers, Colborne St.
      HIGINBOTHAM,  ANDREW, chemist and druggist, corner of Colborne and Kingsts.—paints,
          oils, and dye stuffs in every variety, a choice stock of perfumery,  &c, always on hand.
      HOWELL,  GARRET, jun.,  dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots  and shoes, and
          produce  forwarder,  Colborne st.
      JOHNSTON, W., printing  office,  Colborne st.
      KERBY,  JOHN,  grocery,  wine,  liquor,  and  produce  merchant,  miller,  distiller,  tallow
          chandler, woolcarder, and cloth  dresser,  Colborne st.
       KIRKLAND,  ALEX., dealer  in dry goods, groceries,  & c . wholesale  and retail, Colborne st.
      LEMMON,  HENRY,  printing office,  Colborne st.
      LINES,  WM., wholesale and retail grocery, wine, liquor, and provision dealer, Colborne st.
      MAIR,  JAMES  TORRANCE,  dealer  in groceries, wines and liquors, Colborne st.
      M'KAY,  DUNCAN,  saddler,  harness  and  trunkmaker,  Colborne  st.—keeps  on hand  an
          extensive  assortment  of saddlery, &.c, and a good  stock of shoe and harness  leather
          cheap  for cash.
      M'KERLIE, D., barrister  and attorney  at law, Colborne st.
      MASON,  D R . JOHN  J.,  M.  R.  C.  S.  L.,  Dalhousie  st.
      MELLISH  & RUSSELL,  builders,  carpenters, and contractors,  Colborne  st.—estimates for
          every  description  of architectural  work  furnished.
      MONTEITH,  ROBERT,  Brantford  hotel, Colborne  st.—the  house has  good  accommoda-
          tions, and an excellent  yard and stabling.
      MONTGOMERY,  JOHN,  tailor  and  clothier,  Colborne  st.—a  large  stock  of  ready  made
          clothing  constantly  on hand at very low prices.
      MONTGOMERY,  JOHN  D.,  tailor  and  clothier,  Colborne  st.—keeps  always  on  hand, or
          makes to order, every  description  of clothing, at reasonable  prices.
      MOORE,  JOHN  HENRY,  importer of dry goods, groceries, hardware,  &c, &c, Colborne st.
      MORTON  & Co.,  stoneware  factory  and  pottery, Dalhousie  st.—this  is the only  stone-
          ware  factory  in C. W., and  every  article  will be warranted  equal  to  any made  in
          North  America, and be supplied  upon as good terras.
      MORTON,  •  ,  general hardware  merchant,  Colborne st.
      MUIRHBAD,  WILLIAM,  agent, Bank  of Montreal,  Colborne st.  .
      NORWOOD, J. T., hair  dresser and perfumer,  basement  of Hale's  hotel, Colborne st.
      PRIOR,  HENRY,  bowling saloon, King  st.—oysters, cigars, wines, liquors,  &c, of the best
          quality, always  on hand.
      PRTJYN  &. CLARK,  dealers in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., Colborne st.
      QUINLAN,  JOSEPH,  dealer in groceries, liquors, china, glass,  &c, Colborne st.
      REID,  ALFRED,  dealer  in boots, shoes, leather, and findings, Colborne st.—cash  for hides..
      ROBINSON,  CHARLES, barrister  and attorney at law, Post  Office  buildings, Market st.
      ROY, E., & Co., importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, groceries,  &c,
          &c,  Exchange  buildings, Colborne st.
      SIMPSON,  F., dealer  in boots, shoes, and leather, wholesale and retail, Colborne st.
      SKINNER, JIRA, M.  D., west  end  of Colborne  st.
      START,  JOHN,  barrister  and attorney at law,  Colborne st.
      STEELE,  JOHN,  manufacturer  of pot and pearl  ashes,  saleratus, cloths, and blankets, dis-
          tiller, lumber  merchant,  Sec., Colborne st.
      STEWART,  PETER  S.,  importer  of and wholesale and retail  dealer  in  dry goods, and
          groceries, Colborne st.
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