Page 29 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 29

38                     BRANTFORD—BRIGHTON.

       STROBRIDGE  & BOTHAM, importers of  staple  and  fancy  dry goods, groceries,  and  hard-
           ware, Colborne  st.
       VANBROCKLIN, P.  C,  & Co., iron  and  brass founders,  machinists, tin and  coppersmiths,
           produce agents, and lumber merchants, Colborne  st.
       WADE, HENRY,  dealer  in dry  goods, groceries, hardware, glass, crockery, &c,  Colborne
           St., Market  square.
       WALKINSHAW,  JAS.,  tailor  and  clothier,  Colborne  st.—every  kind  of  clothing,  riding
           habits,  &c,  made to  order  in the  best  style, and  on reasonable terms.
       WALLACE,  JAMES,  distiller,  grocery,  wine,  liquor,  and  provision  merchant,  Col-
           borne  st.
       WATTS,  CHARLES, distillery, &c, corner  of Colborne  and  Dumfries  sts.
       WEYMS,  UOBERT, grocer  and innkeeper,  Colborne  st.—cash  paid  for hides.
       WXIITHAM,  WILLIAM,  portrait,  sign  and ornamental  painter, and picture  frame  maker,
           Market  st.—glass for picture frames  constantly  on  hand.
       WILKES,  GEO.  S., produce  and  forwarding  merchant,  Colborne  st.
       WILSON,  ANDREW,  manufacturer  of  boots, shoes, and leather, Colborne  st.—cash  paid
           for hides.
       WOODYATT, JAMES, tailor  and  clothier, Colborne  st.—executes  all  orders  in  his line  of
           business upon  reasonable  terms, and with  neatness  and  despatch.
       Babcock, Geo., stage owner, Hale's hotel.  Loney, Wm.,  grocer,  Colborne  st.
       Baker, Rev. Thomas,  Congregationalist.  McCartney,  Wm.,  grocer,  Colborne st.
       Bailey, R.,  gunsmith, King  st.    McKerlie, D., barrister,  Colborne st.
       Ballantine, Wm.,  shoestore, Colborne st.  McMichael, Jas., saddler,  Colborne  st.
       Barrett, J.,  waggonmaker.          McTurk, Ales., cabinetmaker,  Dumfries  st.
       Brown,  Chas., cabinetmaker,  Colborne st.  Marter, Peter, M. D., King  st.
       Byrne, Rev.  C ,  Wesleyan.         Matthews, Wm.,  boots and  shoes, Colborne  st.
       Cartan  & Dee, dry goods, Colborne st.  Norton,  G.,  pumpmaker, Hale's hotel.
       Christie, Edmund, grocer,  Colborne st.  O'Dwyer,  Rev. Patrick, Roman  Catholic.
       Cocker, John, tailor,  Colborne st.  Park,  Robert,  boots  and shoes, Colborne  st.
       Culver, J.  M.,  carriagemaker,  West  Brantford.  Quinlan,  James,  grocer,  Colborne st.
       Daly, Thos., grocer,  Colborne  st.  Rackham,  John,  carriagemaker,  King  st.
       Delany,  Michael, grocer, Colborne st.  Recht, Joseph, watchmaker,  Colborne  st.
       Donovan, Michael,  dry goods, Colborne  st.  Robson, Thomas, grocer,  Colborne st.
       Dove & Holmes, plasterers,  Colborne  st.  Ryan,  Michael, cabinetmaker,  Colborne  st.
       Drummond, Rev. Alex., Free  Church.  Simpson, Wm.,  dry goods, Colborne  st.
       Dunbar, J.,  cabinetmaker, West  Brantlbrd.  Scott, J.,  grocer,  West  Brantford.
       Duncan,  Miss, milliner,  Colborne  st.  Sproule, Robert,  dry  goods, Colborne  st.
       Dunne, J.,  grocer,  Colborne st.   Stapleton, John, boots and shoes, Colborne  st.
       Dunham,  Geo., baker, Colborne  st.  Start, Wm., attorney,  Colborne  st.
       Elliott, Samuel, grocer, Colborne st.  Stowe, Joseph, general  store, Colborne  st.
       Farrell, J.,  innkeeper, West  Brantford.  Stratford,  W. II., chemist & druggist, Colborne st.
       Fennessy, M., grocer,  Colborne st.  Smith, Mrs. M., grocer,  Colborne  st.
       Fletcher,  William, carriage painter,  West Brant-  Spencer, Wm., brewer,  Colborne st.
        ford.                              Taylor,  Thomas, baker,  Colborne  st.
       Fiorance, Wm.,  grocer, Colborne st.  Thompson,  G.,  grocer, West  Brantford.
       Ford,  A.  B., tinsmith,  Colborne  st.  Tupper, John  M., carriagemaker,  King  st.
       Gardener, Thomas, innkeeper,  Queen  st.  Usher, Rev. James  C ,  Church  of England.
       Glass, A., baker,  Colborne st.     Vanderlip, Frederick,  innkeeper,  Colborne  st.
      Glen, T., tailor, Colborne st.       Wade, Miss, milliner, Market  st.
       Heaton, John, grocer, &c,  Colborne  st.  Wilkes, John  A., mill  owner, Colborne  st.
       Heaney, Thomas, carriagemaker,  Dalhousie  st.  Westlake,  Geo., lumber merchant,  Colborne  st.
       Hen wood, Dr.,  Wellington  st.    Westfall,  J.,  lumber  merchant,  Hale's  hotel.
       Holwell, Thomas, tailor,  Colborne  st.  Weyms, James, boots and shoes, Colborne  st.
      Hurst, Wm.  B., grocer,  Colborne st.  Whitham, Matthew, baker, &c,  Colborne  st.
      Jones, Rev. P.,  Wesleyan.          Wright, Joseph,  boots and shoes, Colborne st.
      Kerby, Jas., merchant,  Colborne st.  Wrinn, John, grocer,  Colborne  st.
      Lightbody, Rev. Thomas,  Congregationalist.  Winterbotham,  Rev. J.,  Baptist.
      Long, Wm., boots and shoes, Colborne st.  Yardington, Henry, innkeeper, Darling  st.
       Long, Wm. jun., saddler, Colborne  st.
      A VILLAGE  situated  on  Presque Isle Harbour,  a Bay of  Lake  Ontario,  in the Townships  of  Cramahae
      and Murray,  County  of  Northumberland,  C.  W  distant  from  Belleville,  22 miles—stage  fare, 5s.—
      distant  from  Coburg,  24 miles—stage fare,  7s. 6d.  Population  about  700,
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