Page 25 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 25

31                   BOUCHERVILLE—BRADFORD.
      Brown, Thomas, smith and waggonmaker, King  Martin, Phillip, tailor, King st.
                                          Manchester,  , tailor,  King st.
      Brown, Thomas, tailor, King st.     Mitchell, Z., temperance inn, King st.
      Bowling, Rev. G., Primitive Methodist.  Mitchell, William,  surveyor  and landing waiter
      Buckler, Aaron, watchmaker,  King st.  of customs, King st.
      Clark, Hugh G., watchmaker,  King st.  Muirs, James, baker,  King st.
      Climie, Rev. J.  C,  Congregationalist.  Montreal Telegraph  office, T. C. Patrick,  opera-
      Coate, Dr. D., King st.              tor, King st.
      Drewery, Mrs., innkeeper,  King st.  Newsom, S. F», carpenter and builder, Church st-
      Eynon, Rev. John, Bible Christian.  Pethick, William, tailor, King st.
      Fee,  John, carpenter, &c, King st.  Pirie, William, tailor, King st.
      Forsyth, George, shoemaker, King st.  Porter, William, iron founder,  King st.
      Garnet, Rev. J., Primitive  Methodist.  Ratcliiie, William, temperance inn, King st.
      Gifford,  G., tanner and leather store,  Clinton st.  Reed & Wherry, shoestore, King st.
      Haines, George, carriagemaker,  King st.  Schofield,  William, general store, King st.
      Hay, David D., dry goods, King st.  Shaw, Thomas, innkeeper,  King st.
      Harries, J., shoemaker,  King st.   Slater, Rev. J. C, Wesleyan.
      Hunt, Thomas W., general store, King st.  Squair, Robert, grist and oat mills, Clinton st,
      Jenkins, William, tailor, King st.  Stephens, James & John, saddlers, King st.
      Kennedy, Rev. Thomas, Church of England.  Vancamp, J. & J., general store, King st.
      Kennedy, Rev. Alexander, United Presbyterian.  Williams, D. D., cloth factory,  Clinton st.
      Keys, W., tailor,  King st.         Wilson, John,  pottery,  Scugog st.
      Low, Dr. G. H., King st.            Wilson, Nathaniel, general store, King st.
      McTavish, E. & D., carriagemakers, King st.  Wright, George, cabinetmaker,  Church st.
      McFeters, James, general store, King st.
      A  VILLAGE  situated in the Seigniory  of Boucherville,  County  of Chambly,  C. E,—distant  from Mon-
      treal, 9 miles—steamboat fare, lOd.

                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST 01? PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  fte.
      LACOSTE, LOUIS,  notary public.
     NORMANDIN, Louis, notary  public.
     Aubertin, Toussaint, shoemaker.      Latour, Dr. Thfiophile H.
      Berthiaume, Joseph, wheelwright.    Marchessault,  Le"on, blacksmith.
     Birtz, J. B., wheelwright.           Monarque, Pierre, storekeeper.
     Bourdon, Joseph, shoemaker.          Pepin, Rev. Thomas, Roman Catholic-
     Bouvier,  Solomon, wheelwright.      Riendeau, Jean B., sen., storekeeper.
     Carriere, Adolphe, blacksmith.       Riendeau, J. B., jun., storekeeper.
     Dagenais, Rev. Thomas E., Roman Catholic.  R.obert, Antoine, shoemaker.
     Guimond, Charles, blacksmith.        Roy, Eusebe, blacksmith.
     Favreau, Henry,  wheelwright.        Roy, Maurice, wheelwright.
     Lefebvre,  Charles, shoemaker.       S6necaJ, Pierre, shoemaker.
     Lefebvre, Hypolite, shoemaker.       Weilbrenner, Dr. Remi C.
     Loiseau, Magloire, shoemaker.        Weilbrenner, Joseph, land surveyor.
     A  VILLAGE  situated  in the Township of West Gwillimbury,  County of  Simcoe, C. W.—distant  from
     Toronto, 37 miles—usual stage fare, 5s.—usual steamboat fare to Barrie, 2s. 6d.  Population  about 600.
      CAMERON, D., wholesale  and  retail  dealer in dry goods,  groceries, teas,  liquors,  hard-
         ware,  crockery,  patent  medicines,  &c, &c.
     DOUGLAS,  GEORGE,  postmaster.
     M'CONKEY,  T.,  &  BROTHER,  wholesale  and  retail  dealers  in  dry  goods,  groceries,
         hardware, &c, &c, and agents for the  Colonial Life,  and Provincial  Mutual  Fire
         Assurance Companies.
     Aljeo, Robert, innkeeper.            Burnie, Newton, M. D.
     Armson, Hugh, painter and glazier.   Cooke & Co., builders and carpenters.
     Armson, William, township reeve.     Davidson & Mosier, cabinetmakers.
     Barry, J. W., general store.         Driffel,  Thomas, blacksmith  and waggonmaker.
     Barry, James  W., tanner  and  shoe  and leather  Ferguson, T. E., school teacher.
      • store.                            Gardner, David, baker.
     Bingham, Joseph, tanner.             Goodfellow & Lundy, carpenters and builders.
     Brown, Robert,  carpenter.           Hill, Rev. A., Church  of England.
     Brown, Archibald, waggonmaker.       Hill, John, butcher.
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