Page 19 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 19

28                           BELLEVILLE.

      MURNET,  WELLINGTON, barrister and attorney  at law> Front st.
      MURNEY, EDWARD, barrister and attorney at law, Front st.
      MUNRO, ROYAL, hotel, stage house and livery  stables, corner  of Bridge and Pinnacle sts.
          This  house has been  lately  enlarged and renovated throughout, and is now equal in
          comfort  and convenience to any in C. W.
      NEILSON,  G-EORGE,  civil engineer,  builder and architect, John st.
      NORTHGRAYES,  WILLIAM,  watchmaker  and jeweller,  Front  st.—particular  attention
          to  cleaning, repairing and regulating watches and clocks.
      NULTY,  MICHAEL,  auctioneer  and  commission  merchant,  Front  st.—cash  advances
          made  on consignments, and prompt returns  of  sales rendered.
      ODDIE,  JOHN,  dealer  in  groceries,  wines,  liquors,  provisions  and  country  produce,
          Front st.
      OSTKOM, SYLVESTER,  wool carder  and  cloth  dresser,  Moira  st., West  Belleville—all
          departments  of the business are promptly  attended to upon  reasonable terms.
      PARKER,  THOMAS, inspector  of potashes, Front st.
      PRETTY,  HENRY,  forwarding  and. commission  merchant, at  the wharf—attends  to ship-
          ping and forwarding  merchandize on reasonable terms.
      PRINGLE,  JOHN D.,  carriagemaker,  Pinnacle  St., opposite  the  court-house—all des-
          criptions  of  vehicles manufactured  on as good  terras and equal to any others  made
          in  Canada.
      REEVES, JOSEPH  P.,  saddler  and harness  maker,  Front  st.—a  good  stock  of  every
          thing in the line always on hand  or made to order at low prices.
      RELYEA, G.V. N., surgeon  dentist, corner of Hotel  and Front  sts.—every  operation  is
          performed  upon  the  most  approved  scientific  principles,  and warranted  to  give
      ROBERTSON, P., & Co., importers  of staple and fancy  dry goods  of all kinds, Front st.
      ROBLIN, JOHN J.,  farmer,  3rd concession  of  Sidney, lot No. 30, 4  miles  from  Belle-
      Ross  & BELL,  barristers and attorneys at law, Front st.
      Ross, JAMES, dealer in  dry goods,  groceries,  hardware,  crockery  and  country  produce
          Front st.
      SMART, WILLIAM, judge  of the county court, Hotel st.
      SMITH, A. L., general hardware  and stove warehouse, Front st.
      SMITH,  JOHN,  tailor,  Front  st.'—makes  to  order  every  description  of  clothing in the
          best style, and at reasonable  prices.
      STEVENS,  SAMUEL, tanner,  saddler,  and  boot  and  shoe  manufacturer,  Front  st.—has
          always on hand a good  stock  of all articles in his line, at low prices.
      STEWART,  ALEXANDER,  dealer  in  dry goods, groceries, crockery  and  country  produce,
          corner  of Front and Bridge sts.
      SYMONS, WILLIAM,  tailor  and  clothier,  Front  st.—makes  to  order  clothing  of  every
          kind, in the best  style and on reasonable terms.
      THOMSON & CARSON,  doctors, botanic physicians, Front st.
      TURNBCLL,  JOHN  S., dealer  in dry goods,  groceries,  hardware,  crockery  and  country
          produce, Front st.
      VANDERVOORT, DAVID, Wellington  House and livery  stables,  Front  st.—travellers  will
          find this house comfortable  and charges  moderate.  Horses and carriages  furnished
          when  required.
      WJLLLBRIDGE,  LEWIS, barrister  and  attorney at law, Bridge st.
      WRIGHT,  ARTHUR,  dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery,  &c, Front st.
      WRIGHT,  FREDERICK,  general  merchant, Front st.
      WILKINS,  CHARLES, farmer, 2nd concession  Sidney, P. O. address, Belleville.
      Andrew, John, general store, Front st.  Becket, Paul, saddler, Front st.
      Ashton, Joseph, tailor, Front st.   Bliss & Jordan, foundry,  Pinnacle st.
      Atkins, Henry, bootmaker, Front st.  Bogart, Gilbert, carpenter, &c, Mill st.
      Anthony, J. C., bootmaker, Front st.  Bowes, Charles, grocer, Front st.
      Babbitt, William, tailor, Front st.  Boyd, Turner,  barber, Front st.
      Barnett, Patrick,  bootmaker, Front st.  Bonter, J., steamboat owner, at the wharf.
      Bedford, John, grocer, Front st.    Brennan, Rev. Michael, Roman Catholic.
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