Page 26 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 26

BKAMPTON—BRANTFOHD.                         35
      Holmes, John, smith and waggonmaker.  Rogers, Joel, innkeeper.
     Kilkenny, T., cabinetmaker.         Ross, Rev. Alexander,  Church of Scotland.
      McConkey, Thomas, clerk of division court, and  Ross, Benjamin,  carpenter.
       commissioner  of queen's  bench.  Ross, James,  carpenter.
      McDonald, John,  tailor.           Sachs, George, tinsmith.
      McKay, J., & Co., general store.   Sutherland, H., blacksmith.
      McLachlan, Rev. John, Free  Church.  Swallow, John, builder and carpenter.
      Murray, G., & Co., general store.  Thompson, John E., barrister at law.
      Oats & Cockerloin, grist mill.     Todd, James, butcher and innkeeper.
      Palmer, William, blacksmith.       Trott,  William, tailor.
     Parkhill, Thomas, tailor.           Trott, S., & Son, upholsterers and cabinetmakers.
      Paton, James, M. D.                Turner,  George, bootmaker.
     Phillips, G., carpenter, &c.        Walker, James, tailor.
     Purkiss, William,  baker.           WalKs, T. G., saddler.
      Rice, Rev. L. O., Wesleyan.        Wardman, Ralph,  shoemaker.
      A VILLAGE  situated  in the Township  of  Chinguacousy,  County of York, C. W.—distant  from To-,
     ronto, 26 miles—usual stage fare, 3s. 9d.  Population  about 600.
     Boyce, Rev. W., Primitive  Methodist.  Macdonald, D., school  teacher.
     Brain, J., brewery.                 Murdoch, Dr. W.,
     Forster, W., general store.         Martin, Mrs., female  school.
     Gilchrist, D., innkeeper.           Pringle, Rev. James, United  Presbyterian.
     Haggart & Brothers, iron  founders.  Ross, J., general  store.
     Harvey, Dr. A.                      Trueman, D., chemist and druggist.
     Holmes, Rev. A., Presbyterian.      Stewart, A., innkeeper.
     Holmes, J., tannery.                Weir, J., innkeeper.
     Howland, P., postmaster and general store.  Whitehead, T., general store.
     Jackson, S., general store.         Wright, G., general store, miller, and distiller.
     Lynch, D. L., general store,  and clerk and trea-  Wright, G., reeve.
       surer  of township.
       The Village  also  contains  3 blacksmiths,  2 cabinetmakers,  1 cooper, 3 carpenters, 1 fanning-mill
     maker, 3 tailors, 3 saddlers, 3 shoemakers, 2 tinsmiths, 1 watchmaker, 2 waggonmakers.
     A TOWN in  the County of  Wentworth, and Township of  Brantford,  C. W,, is situated  on the Grand
     River, which is  navigable to  within  2£ miles of the Town,  for which distance a Canal has been con-
     structed, so that Brantford, during the season of navigation, has now an uninterrupted water communica-
     tion with Lake Erie.  Brantford is distant from Toronto, 73 miles, from Hamilton, 24 miles—usual stage
     fare,  5s. From  London, 65 miles—usual  stage  fare,  153.  During the summer and fall there is steam-
     boat communication direct with Bufl'alo, three times each week—usual fare, 10s.  Population about 4000..
     Bank  of British North  America, James  Christie, agent, Colborne  st.
     Bank  of Montreal, Wm.  Muirhead, agent, Colborne  st.
      Brantford Navigation Co., D. Thorburn, president; John Cameron, secretary, Colborne st.
      Brantford  Building  Society,  Colborne  st.
      Brant Mechanics'Building Society, J. K.Buchanan, secretary and treasurer, Colborne  st.
     Canada  Life  Assurance  Company, W.  Muirhead,  agent, Colborne st.
     Colonial Life  Assurance  Company, Daniel Brooke, agent, Colborne  st.
     Gore  District  Mutual  Fire  Assurance  Company,  A.  Cook,  president;  Allen  Good,
         secretary and treasurer;  Thomas  Rich, general agent, Colborne  st.
     Merchants' Mutual Fire Insurance  Company of Buffalo, John Kerby, agent, Colborne  St..
     National Loan Fund Life, and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies, A.  Bunnell, agent,
         Colborne  st.
     Provincial Mutual Fire  Assurance Company, Alexander Kirkland,  agent, Colborne  st.
     BACON  & CIIAVE,  cabinet, chair and furniture  factory,  Colborne  st.
     BOWIE, JAMES, M.  D. medical hall, Colborne  st.
     BRANTFORD  COURIER, weekly paper, Henry  Lemmon, proprietor,  Colborne  st.
     BRANTFORD  HERALD, weekly paper,  W .  Johnston, proprietor, Colborne  st.
     BRETHOUR, JOHN, importer  of staple and fancy  dry  goods and groceries, Colborne et.
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