Page 15 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 15
-A* -
Arth~rs (contlnued) - Dcrac (continued) (and emell grec stone
ir memory of husband of Sylins Dorer
Asanda Laura k. Levigne born
beloved wife of 1BE3-154@ Mhr. 23, 1912
Edwerd Arthurs died agc 7
died tiov. 13, 1911 6E12--Grey Stone:
eged MI%CiSEY
21 yrs. 3 mos. 25 d~ys in lovlng mêmcry of
"msy her sou1 rest ifi .pe6cew Msggie !:acksey
--- Jar. 18, 18BC-Feb. 8, 1604
BEll--Grey Stone: M6ry Mhgre ti8
JUNEAU Feb. 8, 1904-Oct. 8, lSlO
Cle~ent Juneau Jacob Y. Mbcksey
born June 27, 1871 - died Oot. 22, 1852-July 16, 18.M
Jan. 16, 1952 beloved husbhnd of
his beloved wife E6r~ Arin Yscksey -
Parmelia Csrvais "rest ln peacew
born June 9, 1875 - died
Mar. 1, 1656 9E10--Grey Stone
their sons LkCnCIZ
Desiel Juneau Florestice Boucher
bcrn kyril 27, 1893 - died 1905-1972
Oct. 28, 1918 beloved wife of
trtbur Juneeu Walter Lacroix
born Feb. 10, 1908, died 1963-1973
- -- h'oo. 12, 1918 lOE2C--Br6ss Ground Plaque with Cross:
QElO--Grey Stone with .lamb: L4b'hhcm
PiSNTICE Derese marche
. . 18a - 1946 .
mon of ---
Jaces B. & Bose . 1GE2O--Griy Stone wlth Cross; Foot
Pren tice - BGtTKFtIE Stoces:
died Oct. 23, 1906 Oliver Bourrie
aged 5 nos. 1913-1962 -
--- Belen -
k 10 days ' fa ther
9~le--i316ck stcne with Cross: Appolinaire
DAIJL'X Bourrie
Ferdinand Dault died Aug. 20, 1916
died Kov. 21, 1909 sged 43 years
aged 32 yrs. Philomena Helen
- - - died Oot. 26. 1912
"0 Lord, hear mg pr.6gerw Bourrie
QZlE--Grey Stone: e~ed months
U MMiD - 10E20--Raised Grey Stone Plaque:
Larfiand CCIiTiELLY
Fabien Joseph L. Connelly
died April 26. 1854-1865
1508 .. . - beloved husbbnd of
ege 65 yrs. - h!ery Donnelly
"mat in pe6cew
9E15--Grey Stone:
in nemory of
John Doran .. -
1873-1926 . . -