Page 19 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 19

14f 13 an?  21--Foot  Stones:                     15B36 and  s?--Grey  Stîne  with Cr3s.s:
                 LCC:Ii3T                                         DIrn'N3
                 Uother                             -              in melcory  of
                             ---                                   beloved  vite  of
                 Fe ther                    - -                   Mary  Kozell
                 14El?--Relsed  Grey  Stsne Plaqua:               Peter L.  Dlttmar
                 Dm3                                               1877-1542
                 in  rromory  of                                  Peter  L.  Ditt~ar
                 Rspclecn  Dube                                    1877-1952
                 bprn  Jan.  27,  1892                             Father     ---        Uother
                            ---                                    15334  and  JI--Relsad.G?ey  Plsque:
                 died  Jan.  22,  1947

                 14ElF--Grey  Stone:                               ARSCL%
                 Q,VEIE>.ZLLE                 . -                 Alfred  Arbour
                 in msmury  cf                    - .              1872-1642  .
                 Ki tchell  Quesenelle                             hie wife
                            ---                                    1875-1953
                 1882-1547                                         Della  Thanasse

                 14x14--  Reised  Grey  Stone Plaque:  their  deu.  Iawraae
                 PX.4IZMD                                          1905-1956
                 Laüde  Gendron                                              .---  .      ..
                 3667-1945                                         15E30,  31,  32  end  33--heiseC  Granite
                 belovad  wife  of                                                                          Pleque:
                 Edgar  Farizeau                                   COh'TOIS
                 their  son                                        Telesphore   onto ois#
                 LsonfirZ Parizeau                                 1887-1942
                            ---                                   ïhry A.  Perreuït  ##
                 191 7-1933                                        hi6  beloved  wife
                 14?12--White  Stone:                              1890-1968
                Kn-KEDY                       - -                  their  son  Herby        ###      -
                Jcsesh  Kennedy                                    1913-1942                 -.
                            - --                                  #?elesphore  "Tedm
                 le7E-1948                                         also Foot  Stones:              . ..
                l4Tll--Granite  Stone:               ..            Contois
                sIït~;c~                                          1887-1942
                 in roemory  of                                   #ij, ther                           .~
                 Elizabeth  Leduc                                 $f#Herby  Con toi8
                1853-19û4                         .. -                 1913-1942
                beloved  wife  of
                Ed-asrd  D.  Spencer                               15x25--Grey  Ground  Plaque:
                1880-                                              r.  1.  p.
                14Ell--Red  Stone:                                Alexander  DIDIAUCH
                VAmY                                                          ---                     . .
                Joseph  Verdy                                      15E23--'APhite  h!arble  with  Cross:
                1883-1'929                                         SThh?iIShY                         -
                beioved  husband  of                 -             in  lovlng aemorg  of..
                Jane  Cerriere                                    k'ary  Gardy                     . ,.
                            ---                                   Nicholes  Stewnisky
                18E.9-1974                           ..           wlfe  of
                15E42  and  43--~alsed Ked  Stone                  1892-1943
                                                 Plaque:          Klcholas  Sthwnisky
                in loving memory  of                               desr parents  of
                John  James  Fitzpetriok                          Rose  and  Pe ter                   -
                Sept.'.S,  1871-Kov.  18,  1941
                beloved  husband  of
                Kathfirine Fi tzpa trick             -
                                            - .. ,
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