Page 18 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 18

                     1SElO--Grey  Stone :            - -              14E4C  and  43--Grey  Stone:
                     U&.ZkSZ                                          GhLTYIEF.
                    h'icholes                                         in nem~ry of
                     Barabasz                                         Alma  K.  Robinson
                    born  Feb.  13, 1896                              1906-1946
                    died  Oct.  24,  1046                             wife  of  Eerman  Geuthier
                     ntrsveller,  remember                                        ---
                     the  eod  of  >hy                                14E4S--Grey  Grswid  Level  'Pltique :
                     journeyw                                         Micheel  Copelnik
                    13~16--~rey' Stooe   round. plaque:               1888-1949
                    ïerko  S7EBL'RYSE;I        - - -                              ---
                                ---                                   YIC~?uIf                         .  .
                    1863-1946                        - -              14E41  end  15~41--Bleck Stone;
                    13El0--Reiaed  Grey  Stone pieque:                Leon  Micheluk'
                    QLESKELLE                                 I       1893-1549
                    ~ilbert J.          Erneatine                      ranit te:         .             .  .
                                ---                     -             beloved  wife  or
                    190s-1965           1914-JE61                     Magda  Michaluk            .~ .
                    13E15  and  14El5--Grey  Stone:                   Leon  h'ichaluk
                    LEGRES                                            1895-1946
                    Joseph  Legree
                    1805-1963       ,                                 14ElG--Raised  Grey  Stone Plaque:
                    wife                                              in memorg  of
                    Della  St.  George                                VOJTEEi  NAXLkDAL
                    1876-1577                                         1911-1953                          -
                                                                                  - --
                    LEGm                                              erected  by  his rriends
                    in  loving  memorg
                                ---                                   Fe ther
                    18~e-~ercy-1928                     -             14E39--Raised  Grey  Stone Plaque:
                    l3El3  end  14E13--Grey  Gran1 tu:                Peul WAZCHIJIZ.                . .  -
                    TO BEX                     -                      1882-1953                  -
                    in  loring memory
                    Jams T.  Tobey                                    14335 and  36--~iaised Red  ~tone
                    beloved  husbbnd  or  .                           L . ESPEW CE                      Plsque:
                    Sophie Mcreau                                     1:  memorg  of
                    1894-                                             Msnley  J.  L  Esperance
                    end  or  their  remily  .                         1923-1953
                                ---                     -             beloved  husband  or

                    1312--Grey  Stone:                                Ella Kse  Chbrleboie
                    LWAY                                                                                ~. .
                    Mary  Philomene                                   14~28 end  29--Grey  ~tone:
                    died  Mbrch  15,  1940                            UVIGXE
                                                                       ln memory  or
                    13Ell--Grey  Granite:                             Charles  Lavigne                .  -
                    MO REAU                                           1ô81-1950
                    Joseph  Moreau                                    hushand  or                       -
                    1857-1938                                         Eff le Hubert
                    his beloved  vire                                             ---
                    Jene  Mbrtin
                    1862-1921                                         14E27--Eaised  Grey  Ground  Plaque:
                    their  son  Chsrles  Ernedt                       Jcseph M.  PATLThUDE
                    1892-1953                  .-.                    1886-1950                            -
                    their  dau.  Catherine
                                -- -                                   LALO NDE
                    1898-                                             14E22  and  23--Grey  Stone:
                                                                       in memory  or
                                                                      Joseph  blonde
                                                                      v,. +L
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