Page 13 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 13

. -9 -
                   7E16--  Eed  Stone:                             OtShea  (continued)
                   WLLIh'                                          ,Teretciah  ~'shea .
                   Bernbde tte H.                                  1825-1892
                  Willette                                         Eleie  C'Shea
                   1920-1971                                       deughter  of
                   beloved  wife  of                               Jere~iah OIShea
                   Austin  T.  Hamelin                             died  1922
                                                                   Mary  Ann O'Shea
                   7318--Grey  Stone:                              dausbter  of
                  mm LIK                                           Zere~iab C1Shes Sr.                 -
                  Stella Mbry                        -             died  1913
                   otu beloved  sister                             John  Ovshea
                   1510-1958                                       eon  of
                  dsughter  of                      - -            Jeremiah  OIShea
                   Woselio  end  Nor6                              died  1929
                  Rame 1 in
                a  "rest  in peacew                                Grey  Stonewith  Cross:
                   7ElE--Ralsed  Grey  Stone  Piepue:              Jereciah  O 'Shea                            (1- )
                  WrnLIh'        '                                 died  Uay  25,  1Ç14
                  Louia  J.  Hamelin                               sged  53  years
                  1883-1955                                        Ellen  V.  Carpenter
                   beloved  husband  of                            wife  of  J.  OIShea
                  Yhry  E.  blonde                                 died  Jan.  4,  l9C7,  aged  36  yecra
                  1885-1869                                        Leo  Bentley
                              ---                                  also  infant  babe
                   wrequieac6nt in pacew                           died  Oct.  29,  1904,  eged  3 mcs.
                   7E13,  14 end  13--Individus1                   Wrest  in peacew
                  Grey  Ground  Plsques:                           Xhlj E.  OIShee                              (A)
                  O'Sm.4                                           18Sl-1954
                  Helena                                           rire of
                  1878-1935                                        Thomas  P.  Dwyer
                  rire of                                          1884-1962
                  Francia  O*Shea                                  J.  DvXrcy                                   (E)
                  Alice  OvShea                      -             O 'Shes
                  Yearsley                                         1e93-1971
                  d  ied  1945
                                                                   7212--Raised  Red  Ground  Plaque:
                                                                   in memory  of
                                                                   Angus  J.  Harrison
                                                    -              1892-1952
                  1875-1964                                        beloved  husband  of
                  James  OIShea                                    Susan NcIionne.11
                  son  of                                          1887-1964
                  Jere~iah OIShea  Sr.              -                          ---
                  died  1940                                       7E12--Grey  Stone:
                                            .  .
                  Privete                                          MOCnE
                  Jcsegh OIShea                                    Thozes  Moore
                  No.  624231,  50  Be tt.                         1667-1923
                  died  Dec.  11,  1936                            hi6  beloved  wife
                  Ann  Durry                                       Mary  Kurphy
                  wlfe  of                                         1866-1922
                  Jeremiah  OvShee Sr.                             their  son - Warren
                  1837-1915                                        1901-1908
                                                                   Marga re t Moore
                                                                   wre~uiescant in  pbcew
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