Page 14 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 14

                    Moore  (continuedl                               Jolinstoce  (co~tlnuedl
                    Bernedette  Fi.  Shiels                          Mary  F.  Lesome
                    1896-1966                                        wifs  of
                    belove6  wife  of                                Joqerh
                    Richard  C.  Moore                               - --.-  ---
                    1897-1971                                        died  Sept.  29,  1P17
                    7El2--Separate  Raised  Pleue:                   aged  S2  yrs.
                    B&?raLIZS                                        also   hi^  wife
                                                                      --  -   .-
                    Henry  F.  Bhrthehes                             Edne
                               ---                                   1892-1972
                    1876-1960                                        Dusorne
                    7ElC--Bleck  Stone  with  Cross:                             ---
                    SEFJ.?i                                           BEl5--Grey  Stone  rith Cross:
                    *rest  In  peace"                                KcDtiIiWD
                    Ja~es Sheehan                                     John  YcDonald                              0:)
                    died  Sept.  12,  1906,  aged  57                 died  Dec.  22,  1501,  aged  63 gearr
                                                      years          Matilda  Boucher
               '    his  aire,  Mary                                  beloveC  wife  of  the  hb0ve
                    died  Karch  15,  1924                            bcrr  Dec.  21,  1845,  died  June  6,
                    son  Jos.  Sheehan                                                                        19.27
                    died  Apr.  30,  1933                             Andrew  P.  diea  Feb.  26,  1881,
                    Mary  Ann                                                                      aged  11  yeers
                    died  Julg  27,  1907,  aged  23                  Hattie  died  Kov.  23,  1508,
                               ---                    years                                       aged  24  yrs.
                   .BElC!--Raised  Grey  Ground  Plaque:              Archie                                       (y
                    LXlrnX                                            NOV.  18,  1513-
                   William Arthur             Sarah  Smith            aged  40  yehrs       -
                    1853-1907                 his rire                Daniel McDonald                              (SI
                                              1859-19%                1877-1952
                    8E19--Grey  Grouna  Level  Plaque:                Maria  J.  wife  of  WIZ.     Cor
                    in  loving memory  of  .            -             died  Sept.  20,  1512,  eged  27  grs.
                    Crace  Secord                                     R.  Jemes - husband  or
                    died  July  1, 1952                               Lillian  Fiogers
                               ---                                    116ry.  wife  of  A.  Byslop
                    "et  restw                                        1885-1957
                    BEle--Grey  Stone  Cross:           -             hpril  1875-Juoe  1'345
                    JOrnS'TOh'E                                       John  A.                                     (El
                    John  Palmer                           (N)        died  Dec.  12,  1512
                    Johnstone                                         eged  41 yehrs
                    of  &:idland                        -             Jemes  A.  Brosd
                    died Kov.  19.  1898                              1886-lG40
                    aged  64  years                                   his wife
                    his wife
                                                                                             (w:  th foot  stores)
                    Francis  Walles
                    died  Sept.  5,  1887                             8El2--Grey  Stone  wlth  Cross,
                    aged  19 yrs.                                     Individual  Cround  Plaques:
                    Alex  Le0                                         ARTHUE
                    drowned  Oct.  31,  1891                          Leo  J.  Lrthurs
                    eged  13 years                                    1902-1947
                    children  of  above                               dlve L.  Prentice
                    "Test  ln keace*                                   1507-1934
                    Joseph                             -  (W)         wife  of
                    Johns ton                                         Leo  J.  Arthurs
                    1885  -1 958                                      John  'J. Arthurs
                                                                      Liary  E.  Canavan
                                                                      wife  or
                                                                       -.  -  .  A.
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