Page 11 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 11
5Ell--Grey Ground Level Plaques: 5E10 end Il-t"YM1nued)--Seperate
DEV;I.,T Blsck Groud Plaques:
E~r~riett~ Devine r. 1. p. # Viclasl O'Rare
1660-1515 born Yil~own Ualbap
Taes Devine Co. Clare, Ireland
1851-1926 October 12, 1839
r. 1. p. died et Kidland
YiCb~6l Devine RU~US~ 1931
18rç-1:- wtbv kin~dom cornew
--- ## Ellen Howard
r. 1. p.
5x13--Grey Ground LeVei Plaques: wife of Michsel C'Fiare
GMSE born in Kecfigh Ti~perarg
Rc semary Irelacd, Aug. 8, 1842
~a ther died at Yidland
llothsr June 2, 1905
Ernes t "thy will be donew
J. L. Xelmn ---
and his wife
Rosina Griee 6E2C--Grep Stone :
Alice E. Allard UGlLiGSjJi
wife of Xe ry
Geo. E. Grise and
1BE4-1548 Thomas
Gecr~e E. Grise children of
1882-1854 T. L. Mooaghan
--- and . .
5E10 and 11-- DoubleAGrey Granite: ? (canVt rend)
@'mm - --
Kic3ael CqSere # 6ElE--81ack Storie with Cross:
1839-1931 mmy
his wife Wrequiescent in pacew
Ellen Howard ## James Berry
1842-1905 Dec. 1842, L'ay 1929
their children Mary Ann Alckvoy .
Florence 18812-1889 wife of Jmes Berry
Et*@rd 186I-1907 Jme 1847. Jan. 1906
Patrick 1865-1910 ~&n ~renlis
John 1865-1930 Dec. 1875, Aug. 1940
b!&rgaret 1874-1941 Xargaret E. Eerry
Michael 1871-1955 Oct. 2, 1872
Ellen 1875-1958 Juïy 17, 1946
Eaude 1878-1961
Sbrôh 1876-1968 Grey Ground Pleque:
hK LLh-Iï Kfiry 1.. Berry (1:)
James blullen 187'2-1653
1859 -1923 ---
hjs wife 6E17--Grey end Bleck Stone, Crcsz:
b:ary @'Rare HLh'IS
1867-1956 David Bewis (v)
their daughter borr at Bhrrie
Nellie 1896-1967 -.-
L!av 1852
their son died in h:idland
Howard Feb. 1906
1905-1969 hi8 wife
husband of k!hr~ X. Thornton
Dorothy Quick died AUE. 27, 1932
Dhvid Hewls Jr.
died Cct. 1960
Ka thryn Hewis