Page 20 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 20

                     15E22-+hite  Marble  rith Cross:                15El2--Grey  Stone  Pleque:
                     LYSAK                                            Peter  YEYhTk
                     in loving memory  of                             1890-1946
                     Joeeph  T.  Lysak                                            ---
                     18P9-1944                 . ,                   15~11--White Xsrble  with  Cross:
                     belcved  huaband  of                            DZTBàIE:
                    Mary  Çmith                                      in  loving memory  of
                     185.4-1964                                      Catherine  Uerrick
                     end  father  of                   -             rire  of
                    Peter,  Peul,  Stella                            Alexander  Dubbin
                                ---       . -                               -~ --
                     and  Josephine                                  188C-1946
                                                                     Wexender  Dubbin
                     15E21--Grey  Stone:                             1892-1963
                     in  loving memory  of             -             15-10--Bleck  Stone:
                    Donat  E.  Gamelin
                     beloved  husbend  of                            in memory  of
                    Aileen  Lhndra                     -             Lillian  G.  Gendron
                    Jan.  18,  1912-June  20,  1944                  1919-1947
                    Aileen  Landra                                   beloved  wife  of
                               _ - --                                            ---
                    Aug.  3  1912-Sept.  12,  1947                   Cecil Xerkley
                     1SE16--Grey  Stone:                             16324--  Grey  Ground  Pieque:
                    ucnon                                            GING'US
                     in memory  of                                   Eenry  J.  Gingres
                    Andrea  Lacroix                                  1918-1952
                    1877-1953                                        beloved  hueband  of
                    hie  beloved  wife                               Florence  Brabant
                    Mergsret  filen                                                                    - -
                                ---                                  16E.24--Reised  Grey  Plaque :
                     1876-1945                                                   ---
                     15ElS--Raised  Grey  Stone                      KRCS~0                      -        .
                                                Plaque :             Elizebeth  aurte                  - -
                    McrnGS                                           1917-1953
                    Terence  D.  UrHugh                 -            beloved  wlfe  of
                    1873-1945                                        Stephen  Kroshko
                    hie  belovecl  wife
                    K6ry  Bertles  &:adden         -                 16E23--Duel  Eed  Stone:
                                ---                                  in mbmory  of             in meinory  of
                    189C-1960                  -. .                  COLLINS  (NI                    Mumm  (SI

                    15E14--Grey  Stone:                              Peter  T.  Colline  Francis  X.  h:urphy
                    UBHE                                             1879-1951                 kpril  30, 1523-
                    John  J.  Lbbrie                    -            his  beloved  wife           Aug.  15,  1568
                    1874-1945                                        Mery  L.  EOSS            beloved  hcsbtnà  of
                    Eleanor  Moreau                                  1878-1962                 Anne  M.  Collins
                                -  -                                 1925-1942
                    1873-1547                                        Freddie  Collins          Larch  17,  1906-
                    15B13--Reised  Crey:Stone  Plaque                Simon  T.  Collins
                              on  Cement  Bse:                       1912-1951
                    J.  Wilfred  Plouffe                -            l6E22--Four  Grey  Ground  Plaques:
                    1886-1946                                        BRODhrn
                    beloved  husbsnd  Of                .            Rachel  Perrault
                    Ca tharine  Emond                                wife  of      .
                    1894-1976                                        l::<er  BroJe~r            Le0  A.
                    elso  beloved  wife  of-                         welter 3.  -                 1902-1936
                    Fyfe  Elrick                                                                  Irene
                                ---                                              ---
                    IHS                                              1873-1944                    1901-1971
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