Page 10 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 10

                      4El2--Grey  Stone  with  Croee:                  5~17-- Herble  &se  with Cross:
                      U. 1 G?;E                                        O ' CONOSCE
                       in memorg  of                                   Job.  Franci~
                      Marie  Valida                                (N)CtDonohoe
                      d6u.  of                                         died  Dec.  21,  1904
                      Jcseph  &  Philomene                             aged  20  geare
                      Lavigne                                          BZuerd  Augustine
                      died                                             O ' Donohos
                      Dec.  23,  1902                                  died  Mar.  11,  1905
                      Joseph  B.                                   (Slaged  23  yeers
                                                                                  -- -
                      Levi gne                                         "rest  in peace"
                      his rire                                         5El6--Polished  Grhni te Stone :
                      Philomene                                        BUUCW
                      Maheu                                            Joseph  Beeuchaffip
                                  ---                                  hie  beloved  wife
                      1857-1943                                        1878-1951
                      4El2--Grey  Stone :  .                           Delena  Contois
                      ML~W..'L"I                                       i~e5-1951
                       in memory  of                                   e  8on--krmos
                      William  J.                                      1916-1946
                      1904-1959                            -                       ---
                      bsloved  husbhnd  of                             5E15--Gres  Ground  Level Fleques:
                      Mary  L.  McCormick                              PIIZCE61cUlr .-             PI? ZCEE3L.D
                                  ---                                  Fi tzgerald                 Fi tzgereld
                      "r.  1.  p."                                     Cerald                      Bridge t
                      4Ell- -Grey  Stone :           -                 1869-1931                    1864-1944
                      McCOFXICI;                                       r.  1. p.   ---              r.  1.  p.
                      Cathhrine  b!cCormick
                      1850-1929                                        5E14--Polished  Erown  Stone with  Cross
                      Richard  McCornick                               C0UKTB:ANCHE
                                  ---                                  d ied
                      1854-1934                                        Carrie                                        (r:
                      4ElO--Grey  Stone:                               Oct.  26,  1904
                      6ENSGN                               -           eeed  25  geers
                      wrequiescent in  pacew                           Alite
                      Chsrlotte  A.  Benson                            d ied
                      1900-1966                            -           Aug.  14,  1905
                      Elizabeth  Fitzgereld                            eged  20  geare
                      wife  of                                         Alphonse                                        (',i7
                      John  W.  Benson                                 Courtercenche
                      1864 -1949                                       1853-1941
                      John  W.  Benson                                 Elemire  Kathone
                                  ---             -  -                 A.  Courtemcnche
                      1864 -1940                                       wife  of
                      5ElSand  20--17'x1O9  Veult                      died  Sept.  29,  1908-
                      POTVIN                                           aged  50  grs.
                                                                       Capt.  Clarencz  Courtem6nche                   (E
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